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You Electrify My Life

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Status Updates posted by You Electrify My Life

  1. You will, just don't think about it and the time will fly! :p

    That. Is. So. AWESOME!! :awesome: I love Chris he's like a giant teddy bear :happy: I bet it made your day, being replied to by CHRISTOPHER FREAKING WOLSTENHOLME!!! :dance:

    Ahh, I hope you get good results! :D Did you find it easy?? :)

    I'm okay, I have school today... I really can't be bothered :indiff:

    Have you had a good weekend? :p

  2. Don't laugh.. it's the twuth! :yesey: .................... :LOL:


    9th January :happy: So not too far away!! When is yours? :p


    Yeahhh :$ I'd hate to have more, poor you!! Oh sowweeeeee!! I spell most things wrong, and the keyboard on my laptop is rubbish anyways :( I used to hate textiles, so I didn't take it as an option... :LOL:


    Well that's not too bad then.. It would have sucked if it had hurt for longer :indiff: Goood!!


    Paranormal Activity 2 :p Did you go? If you did, what did you see?? :happy:


    Goood, and yeah thanks! I have school today, unless my mum cant take me :chuckle:

    How was your weekend? :D

  3. Hehehe :chuckle:

    I laughed when al the lights went off and the sofa flew across the room... and loads of people looked at me :$ 17??!!!!?!! :eek: Our film ratings are quite fair, I mean not many people under the age limit try to get in anyway.. but if it's a 15 then you it doesn't matter if there is an adult with you.. :LOL:

    Do I?? I'm blushing!! I love talking to you :happy:

    Oh noes! :( Will you get into trouble?! I still haven't done mine... :chuckle:

    Sounds nice!! :happy: Chilling out is fun! And yes they do :yesey:

    Gooooood! I'm fine thanks :D School today though.... Have you got it too? :indiff:

  4. :eek: Ninja guitar? I would have never guessed :erm:


    Oh it's fine! :LOL: I probably woulnd't have either.. I should have underlined it, sorry :chuckle:


    :D Paranormal Activity 2 :)

    How are you?? :p

  5. Ooohh, I went too!! What did you go as?? :D Everything's been good, thanks :happy:

    How are you?? :)

  6. Yayyyyy!! :dance:


    :LOL: Same with my dad, I don't think he knows that it exists!! :p


    I brought one for my brother once, and it didn't work on his phone.. the wouldn't take it back because they are idiots! You're welcome! Thank you for taking them! :D


    Well I wouldn't recomend it :LOL:

    It would :)... but on the other hand, I wouldn't want my favourite band to see me die :chuckle: And I have a feeling they wouldn't want to watch someone die..


    It was okay thanks, not as good as I expected it to be :indiff:

    Gooood! I'm fine thanks, how's your day been? :p

  7. Helloo :)

    Long time no speak! How have things been? :D

  8. Hellooooo :D

    How are you?? :p


  9. Heyyyyyyyy :D

    We haven't talked on this profile yet :LOL:

  10. Yes, but you will be more powerful! :ninja: And you could shapeshift into a.... guitar? :LOL:


    I love Chwis playng the keys too! He does on the video I gave you the link too :p


    I went to the cinema!!! :awesome:

  11. I feel so loved :happy: Is it up?! :awesome:


    :LOL: My dad makes up songs about me and my brother... :$ I love how we are totally embarassing our dads on here! :chuckle:


    I hate momory cards.. they are a rip off for one and when I buy one, never has enough memory :( At least you found it though! :) I'm actually really jealous! They were lovely :happy:


    Last year I had to have one in my hand to put me to sleep.. not nice :noey:

    Teachers can be so stupid at times.. I don't know how half of them have the quaifications! :LOL: I would get them to play while I was on my death bed, and I could die while listening to them... I tould be awesome. :yesey:


    I did, but it took forever to get to the cinema :facepalm:

    How are you today?? :D

  12. :D :D :D

    Gooooood!!! :happy:

    I didn't think it was that good :indiff: I was expecting it to be a lot better to be honest, but it was okay I guess :) I'm not eve old enough to watch it :LOL: You have to be 15, I'm 14 :chuckle:

    Awwh, it makes me smile that you think that!! :)

    I haven't done mine... Daymnnn I have a lot to do :$

    What did you do?!!!?! :p It was great thanks!!!!

    How are you today?! :awesome:

  13. Awwwh poor you! :( I used to share room with my brother when I was younger.. that was before my older brother left though :LOL: I hope you get your own room soon! :happy:


    Goooood! Did you have fun at your dad's birthday bash (I had no other words :$)??


    I'm good thank you! I had fun today so I'm in a good mood :p

  14. :D


    You're welcome!!! :p And don't get sick eating your sweets :LOL:


    Ahhh you have to tell me about it! :awesome::happy:


    It made me cry a few times aswell :chuckle: It's just.... beautiful :D

    How are you?? :)

  15. I'd walk down halways like >:shifty::ninja: just incase I saw her, then I could run away!


    No... I will try, but maybe for my birthday, then they have reason to get me one! :D Thanks for the advice :happy:


    yeah we do, 5 per day, 5 days a week :LOL: How many do you have? Yeah I do! I already have a good guess at your favourite... kotitalus by any chance? :chuckle:




    Awwwh, poor you! I bet that hurt like hell :indiff: I do love chemistry though! I'm glad it's better! :p


    I went to the cinema today (yesterday but whatever :LOL:) and then just chilled out and nothing tomorrow..

    How are you?? :)

  16. Hellooo! I know right?

    I'm fine thanks, and yourself?? :happy:

    I went to the cinema today, it took ages to get there! :LOL: What about you?? :D

  17. I've never been :( Mine are too! :eek: I have 3 on the same day actually... :eek:!!

    I'm glad you enjoyed! :) My dad delete all mine! :mad: :'( I had Glasto on there... Muse programmes are awesome! Last week I watched Kings of Leon vs. Muse :awesome: And I was gonna watch Radiohead vs. Muse too, but the channel wouldn't work :indiff: Awwh, I hope you have fun! :D

    Not realy, might go to the cineam and watch Let Me In next weekend :p I went to watch Paranormal Activity 2 :happy: What about you??

  18. Yeahh, and then you can say "Hey you crazy kids!" :LOL::awesome:

    Well, good luck! I hope you get to stop :happy:

    Ahh that's good then! Did you enjoy it?? :p

    Goooood! :D

    Really?! :eek: What did you put? And how did he relpy?! :awesome: :awesome:

    How are you?? :)

  19. It's up to you, it wouldn't really make a difference bacause my name is on my profile :D


    My dad acts like a kid all the time :facepalm: He play fights with my bother, and they call each other names.. its funny :LOL:


    That was lucky! What would you have done if you'd have lost it?! :eek: Your seats looked pretty good because the pictures you took were awesome! :p


    It did :noey:

    Yeah we were doing something in science and the teacher was talking about carbon monoxide... and then I got a headache so I seriously thought I was gonna die :chuckle: It is! Apparently it's like falling asleep.. well that's what the teacher told us :LOL: She knows mine by heart too! Awwh that would be nice too.. you know, I might have a huge ceremony and have every Muse song played at some point :rolleyes:


    Going to watch Paranormal Activity 2 :D

    Goooood :) I'm okay thanks, tired though so I'm going off here (it's almost 3 am :eek:) :LOL:

  20. Thank you! :D And that would be amazing!!! :p


    Ahhh dad's are funny sometimes :LOL:


    I would have too, did it run out though?? :eek: Yayyy! I will look :p


    Yeah, hopefully! :) Two years ago we had to have cervical cancer jabs :( one every 3 months...

    Yep.. but I don't want my funeral to be anytime soon, my life will not be fulfilled unless I see Muse! :D I thought about doing that because I thought I inhaled Carbon Monoxide :LOL: My friend knows everything I want...


    Awwh poor you! :( Me either, but tomorrow will be good! :awesome:

    How are you today??

  21. :D

    I absolutely love them. I have no other words :LOL:

    Listen to that.. it is just.. beautiful!!

    I am not! :chuckle: Matthew James Bellamy is a genius! ;)

    Awwhhh, they are cute! Well, I hope you get one :happy:



    :yesey: More like HUUUUUUUUUUGGGEEEEEEE! :LOL:

    Okay, it's a plan :ninja: I really hope they would, it would be the perfect life then! ^.^

    They are old enough to be mine :$ They would have been 18 (19 in Dom's case :chuckle:)

    It would be sooo cute!! I'd need a camera too... if I didn't have one, I'd cry! :LOL:


    That is just awesome!


    :D :D

    I put my iPod on a timer for 1 hour 30 minutes :p And I put slow songs on.. Muse are just maing to fall asleep to! (:


    You are welcomeee!! I'm glad you enjoyed it ^.^

    Nor me!! I'm soooo happy that we get breaks!


    Was I?! Yayyyyy!!

    Sorry again, it's just that when I came to reply to my messges it's late and we send reallyyyyyyyyyyyy long messages so it takes me forever :LOL:


    How are you?!

  22. You're welcome :happy: And I will leave you all my ninja powers in my will :yesey:


    :eek: Really?! I would have wanted slow songs! I love Blackout :p


    Goood :D I'm fine thanks, excited for tomorrow!! :dance:

  23. Ohh :) Thanks for telling me! :D


    Ooooooh, scary! :eek: I hope you have a good time!! :p


    Goooood! Awwwwhhh :happy:

    How are things going with Kit?! :awesome:


    OMG! I can't stop listening to

    It's so amazing! :)
  24. :D


    Okay, I don't know her.. but she's creeping me out :LOL:


    It is really nice :yesey: I hope you get it, and the other ones.. even if you aren't bothered about getting them :LOL:

    No I don't :'( Hopefully I will have soon though :p


    I don't have many good lessons :indiff: 9/25 lessons a week are science! I look forward to art though! :happy:


    They are better now! :D


    Oh noes! :( How did you do that?! :eek: I hope it gets better soon!! and goooood! :p My day was okay, I went to my friends.

    Have you got much planned this weekend? :)

  25. Yeah, but you don't do maths competitons... you have a maths lesson each morning and then get to go to Disney Land! :LOL: Awesome!!! :p And I will :awesome: Oh aren't they? Well, that's a good plan!! :D Ahhhhh! What date is it?? I think my 3 are in two weeks! :eek:


    :p Yeah I did thanks! Awhh did you have fun? :) And that is so cool! :)

    Have you got much planned for the weekend? :p

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