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Everything posted by kueller

  1. I wouldn't mind breaks and filler in the right place. Even without the fillers the average setlist is a mess of highs and lows scattered without coherence. Conjectures, but maybe if they had Munich and Minimum around the heavy songs (which they should really play more of), Nishe and Monty around lighter songs, and IS where it is as a transitional, it wouldn't seem as jarring.
  2. (Here I go) My issues with the phrase, and the whole attention on "privilege" apply here too, hence the joke. I'm sure Euro fans can acknowledge this privilege. They've followed the sets, seen the footage, heard the countless complaints. But focusing solely on acknowledgement is useless by itself without follow up call to action. What is it that you want them to do about this? European fans aren't making the band favor them. Their major social media campaign hasn't even been succesfull (yet). Should they stop enjoying themselves? Should they campaign for Muse to play less variation? Obviously no, those are exaggerations, but then what? They're not the band's managers, they're not the band's promoters. They're not responsible for any of this. Pulling everyone else down isn't going to help. Reminding them they're favored isn't going to help. Maniac's comment was directed mostly at other Europeans, since these 2 nights were both European. It was not patronizing to American audiences. And he was defending a setlist that, considering his background, should have been mostly a repeat of other concerts. If anything that would give more of a reason to complain, not less, since that prior point has been a common source of complaint for others. Also, if we're really gonna go down the route of history, you've seen Muse on the US Absolution and Black Holes tours. Your list is probably enough to rival many of the Europeans on this board. It's certainly more than anything I've seen and can probably ever hope to see unless I leave the country. That doesn't somehow invalidate or lessen your criticisms. What's happening in the US is very widely structured by Muse. The hardcore fans have been attending gigs, spreading the songs that really represent the band, being loyal to their releases. That Muse would promote something might lighter than what they are, and then get the resulting crowds, is a fault on their shoulders, even if the fans get hurt resultingly too. As futile as many attempts to get the band to realize this in some way have been it's certainly better than sitting around being negative about it. I've been as critical as the rest but I've also not seen many solutions, or even attempts at such, offered to all of this.
  3. Big Weekend was pretty standard. But I'm not saying they're bad sets, just that they're not the special treat sets. The Absolution Tour festivals were mostly safe and standard even in the UK but they're still highly acclaimed, for good reason.
  4. Download was an exceptional case. The point is that festivals are usually the place where you want something "crowd-pleasing" and even if it's usually a nice quick and powerful set (see ACL last year) it's typically not a deep cut fan show. Also festivals are for many bands, and a lot of them might be great live too. It's a waste to go for exclusively one band.
  5. Anyways I thought it used to happen when the 2nd night would go on sale first, something that doesn't really happen this time. These were still very sparse. New Born was regular until Download where it was dropped. It's a very loose criteria of "sticking around". It was still a slight preview of the 2010 style selectiveness that's been common now. There was also the plan to debut The Handler at Download at the expense of the several previous festivals they played while the song was out.
  6. Festival sets were frustrating to many. For one coming from the Psycho Tour it was the first sign that most of those songs were not going to stick around as the fanbase had previously hoped. Then there's the fact that Download and Werchter got exceptional concerts (setlist and performance) and the rest got the standard, kinda saying "we can play these heavy fan pleasing sets that actually show us off as the rock band we advertise ourselves as, but we won't". They were mostly good setlists, it was just the context.
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