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Everything posted by Anxyous

  1. Four t-shirts, a pair of braces, a wallet and some badges.
  2. I placed an order Wednesday, and the status has been 'being processed' for more than 24 hours now. For how long is it usually like this?
  3. The sound really killed that one off yesterday, it was a real shame...

  4. It was amazing.


    The sound was pretty muddy at times, the setlist was a bit short and slightly boring, and the band seemed, like they just wanted to get it over with, but it was still a fantastic gig. I'm broken, my knees are destroyed and I'm tired as hell, but it was well worth it :p

  5. Cheerio, mate, Andreas here :happy:


    Tired out of my mind (only caught 4,5 hours of sleep after the Muse gig last night).


    What are you up to?

  6. Oi!


    Was just wondering, any particular meaning to the lambda and the wavelength of the red light in your sig? :p

  7. Hey there!


    Mind if I ask, where you the the artwork from The Resistance?


    Cheers :)

  8. Hey there!


    Mind if I ask, where you got that Exogenesis artwork :)

  9. Trying to find something interesting on TV, and thinking about reading a few pages of 1984... Quite a good book :)


    What about you? :)

  10. Lol, thanks! :p I think, I'm starting to get there... Had one too many shots... Or three for that matter :LOL:


    Whereabouts in the world are you? :)

  11. Hey there! Not much at the moment, other than trying to shake the last bit of a hangover off...


    And do I know you? :p

  12. Hi there! Doing pretty good, adjusting to life in secondary school, trying to sort out parties, new movies and CD's, concerts and who knows how much more :p


    How are you? :)

  13. It's very faint, but it's there ;)

  14. Lol!


    In the second verse of the song, the sound of a wagon wheel being hit, is synchronized with the snare drum.


    The band found it, whilst taking a walk during the recording of Absolution :p



  15. Last night, I dreamt I was listening to The Resistance. And for the record, Undisclosed Desires does feature guitar after all Also dreamt about sitting next to some guys talking about Muse, when Matt suddenly walked up to him... they touched his face for some reason.
  16. Had a few weird ones... 1: I was sitting with my family or something in a café or restaurant, when Muse suddenly walked in. I ran up to them, and jumped up into Matt's arms, hugging him 2: I was attending some weird gig at a small resort or something. The stage was quite elevated, and the guys started playing Dead Star, but it didn't really go well. And just a few people were watching and cheering. And all of the sudden, Chris jumped into a pool beneath the scene. The band then disappeared, then reappeared. Dom was soaked, and shook off a lot of water, splashing it on me and a few others, while he was smiling. 3: Just the other night, I dreamt I was attending a gig, sitting on the first row with a buddy (not one I recognized in my dream or in real life). I went away for a few minutes, when Matt started giving out backstage passes to some people on the front row. My buddy got one, but I never did. All of the sudden, I was in a dark alley or something, and I think, I asked my buddy, if I could get a backstage pass. Then I was suddenly falling, and it was pink EVERYWHERE. You couldn't tell up from down. Then, I spotted a plane without wings, and I landed right in the plane (which BTW looked like a bad computer model). I went through a corridor on the plane, then spotted the band, sitting down. I went up to Matt, said I was a huge fan, and then begged for a backstage pass. He asked me, what it was worth to me, and asked, if I would pay 500 Dollars. I lost all respect for the guys, and started walking back the corridor. I heard Matt say: "He's not getting off the plane anyway," and then yelled after me "do you want to buy my pants?" whilst laughing. I found the exit, and it was still all pink outside, but I sarcastically thought "oh no, it's all pink," then jumped out. Fell for a bit, then woke up
  17. Indeed. Though, perhaps they'll bring a smaller orchestra, and do playback for the rest...


    I'd really like it to be played in any case, it sounds like it's gonna be one hell of a closer :)

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