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static shadows

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Everything posted by static shadows

  1. awww a place for all us moist people to hang out in!
  2. It's my revolutionary side


    (for new democratic socialism though! It's definately not a support for China!)

  3. "Sing for absolution. I will be singing, and falling from your grace, yeah." If you say so. This week i'll campaign for Screenager! Awesome song (esp guitar version) but often overlooked/disliked. Damned if I know why. edit: And Sober, Minimum and Nishe, all awesome
  4. We've got aome new tracks up on http://www.myspace.com/auroraemusic Please let me know what (if anything) you think!
  5. aw thanks! I agree, if i got the chance to do star gazer again i would do it a tad slower, and make the clean guitar a bit more to the fore, maybe mixed with piano doing the same arpeggios. I'm hoping that i'll get the chance to do a bit more to furiffery too. I have a completely different 'chorus' bit that doesn't have the time change but instead epic distortion and an insanely crazy synth (so a bit Stockholm syndrome, but without ripping it off!). Purple wolf was done in one take after a few beers, but i thought it turned out really well too! Cheers! It was all recorded with one of my parents friends who basically has a giant mixing desk in a cuboard and some computer software, which i believe is the most recent cubase, but not certain. And recorded with: Maverick X-1, Boss V Wah, Marshall Echohead
  6. My shameless music plug: [ Aurorae ] The riff for scratched and scorned is awesome! As are the plug in baby feedback sounds in the intro! From one listen Silent Screams, Authority Issues and Chaos Behold 2 were the others that really stood out for me. The intro of silent screams does veer periously close to Hoodoo so well done for beating muse to it (or managing to get inside matt's head whilst he was writing it via a bizarre pyschic out of body experience). It is damn nice all the same.
  7. 'We'll pray that there's no god' End of citizen erased (as so many have wisely chosen) 'ive seeeeeeee eeeeeeeeee eeeeeoooowww what your dooooooo wooooooo mmmwwhaaaaaaaa' Micro Cuts. Classic;)
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