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static shadows

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Everything posted by static shadows

  1. We are both made of win. :awesome:


    It may be different on the science side of things. With it being a real subject an all.


    Well, you'd hope. :yesey:




    It would have just been annoying to have it in my pocket with my phone and wallet all gig. I'd have spent the whole time checking to make sure it hadn't fallen out or been pinched. I've only heard Sunburn, Muscle Museum and Showbiz live... :supersad:




    Apocalypse Please X 4

    Hysteria X 7

    New Born X 7

    Sing for Absolution X 2

    Thoughts of a Dying Atheist

    Showbiz X 2

    Citizen Erased X 5

    Take a Bow (instrumental) X 2

    Space Dementia X 2


    Sunburn (piano) X 3

    Butterflies & Hurricanes X 5

    Micro Cuts X 3

    Forced In (instrumental) X 3

    Muscle Museum X 2

    Bliss X 4

    Time Is Running Out X 6

    Plug In Baby X 7

    Blackout X 3

    Stockholm Syndrome X 7

    Dracula Mountain (instrumental)

    The Small Print

    Ruled By Secrecy


    Knights Of Cydonia X 5

    Supermassive Black Hole X 5

    Map Of The Problematique X 5

    Invincible X 4

    Starlight X 5

    Take A Bow X 4

    Assassin (extended)

    Hoodoo X 2

    Feeling Good X 3

    City Of Delusion

    Man Of Mystery (instrumental)

    Soldier's Poem






    United States Of Eurasia

    Guiding Light

    Helsinki Jam

    Undisclosed Desires

    Unnatural Selection

    Exogenesis Symphony Part 1 (Overture)




  2. I'm more of a cat. I stalk them, then pounce on them and purr.


    No idea to be honest. It would definitely make more sense. It's pretty easy in the arts/humanities side. If you have the grades and references and are paying the university money then you're welcomed with open arms! It's a bit more difficult for PhD though, as if 6 months in they decide you aren't good enough, then you're out (although i'm guessing that's quite rare!).


    No. Sprinkles do not count. :phu: Yeah, it was quite a good evening! I'm going back tot the yurt tomorrow to meet a random guy and girl who seem to not only know me but have my phone number. Which is a bit strange as I have really no clue who either of them are! :LOL:


    ... :awesome:


    I didn't take a camera. Most gigs so far have had jazzy Cave or Unintended, but we had MK Ultra instead. :awesome: No Citizen Erased or Bliss. If we'd had one of them instead of Guiding Light i'd have been very happy indeed!

  3. You like sneaking up to people in the night and sucking them? :awesome:


    Ok... the marking goes Fail (less than 40%) > 3rd (40-49%) > 2:2 (50-59%) > 2:1 (60-69%) > 1st (70%+). Yes you need references from 2 uni professors/lecturers. If you want to try for funding you need to submit the application early and with a dissertation proposal, but otherwise you don't need a proposal. I think you needed a personal statement type thing, but I can't remember! They're pretty meaningless anyway!


    We went to the magical heated yurt full of sofas, armchairs, glitter balls and fairy lights, and eccentric music, for steaming hot mugs of cinnamon apple and brandy drinks. Then went to a underground music place that looks like it's been designed by Gaudi and watched/danced to a blues band, and afterwards went to a pub down the road before kissing in the rain.



    You suck dick. :phu:




    Apart from Wembley Stadium, it's the best i've seen them since the Absolution tour. :yesey:


    And the set list (apart from Guiding Light) was awesome: http://www.musewiki.org/Birmingham_National_Indoor_Arena_2009_%28gig%29 :happy:


  4. *bares neck*


    You need at least a 2:1 in your subject at BA level (if you go to a good uni anyway!), then you apply. And get in.


    Damn straight! Speaking of which, I went out with Rhi tonight (the american girl I met on friday). :happy:



    We left at 3.30 and drove to Birmingham. Got there around 6.30-7.00. Got near the front. Muse played and were good. Drove back home through the thickest fog you've ever seen.


    That enough? :awesome:


  5. *gets over*


    He took me for a couple of modules at the end of my BA and during my MA, and was the supervisor for my MA dissertation, so i've known him since my 3rd year here.


    Yes. I'm exploring the mountains and valleys *puts on explorers hat* :happy:


    Ah Stewie. :happy:


    Bed eh? I like where this is going!


    :LOL:! ( < for sneeze. Not page count.)


    *brags about MK Ultra some more*

  6. I'll answer things tomorrow, but before I go to sleep, I heard MK Ultra live! :awesome:

  7. *lip trembles*


    It would be my decision ultimately, but I shall almost certainly follow his advice.


    Really? *explores your torso*




    I only wrote it like that because i've been watching Stewart Lee! Skip to 1.30 on here:




    You've seen the rapppers... :LOL:


    I should be as it's 5am!


    Really? What do you get?

  8. :phu: *lip trembles*


    I'm not sure which i'd prefer! The editing would involve very boring annotations, which would mean spending months of very dull work with a medieval dictionary. My Professor seems unsure too, as the full essay would be better intellectually, but producing a book would be much more academically valuable. I guess I might even get a little bit of money for the book if it did get published! Wouldn't be much though. :LOL: I don't know when i'd know. See how it's shaping itself by next year I guess.


    She strips at the end of this video:






    Where exactly are you pulling my face to?


    No, she just uses me as some kind of heated massaging sofa.


    We shall get there and I shall turn to the others and say, "Hello, i've just found the band known as Muse. They're on those towers up there. Muse with the instruments, on the towers, Muse. With the instruments and the songs. Muse, with the instruments and the songs and the wizard cloaks, on the towers, up there. Muse, in the wizard cloaks and the colourful trousers, Muse. That's them." And my friends shall look upwards towards the towers and say: "Ah, good. The very band we're looking for." And all shall be well.

  9. She even reduces me to croons. And that's not an easy feat!


    No, I had ideas, I was just trying to remember them! Helping it with some last minute extra reading too though! My Professor is now thinking of changing my PhD from writing a 70,000 word essay to collating, editing and producing a book of these ballads with mini essays on each of them and a general introduction of reoccurring themes within them. He's going to at least talk to some of his publisher contacts to see if anyone else is doing one, and if they'd be interested in publishing it if I did do that instead.


    :noey: Because she's wearing a blond wig for the video? She oozes sex. They're like a modern day dirty Blondie raised in gothic burlesque clubs. :yesey:


    *pulls funny face* :awesome:


    No, not past the fan heater and us! I told my lecturer today that the cat was the boss of our house.


    Seeing Muse tomorrow today! :dance: I hope nothing goes wrong. But there's always Tucker's law to remember...



  10. She purrs before she goes to sleep! She is sleeping on me (again) at the moment! Every now and then she let out little sighs or meows. :happy:


    I'm busy duelling with my PhD! I'm finding critical texts and forming some ideas and points to tell my Professor tomorrow morning.


    Neither do I...






    Yay! *puts on hat* :pimp:


    Ooops! Cat's woken up. She's happily playing with my headphone's wire!

  11. She's currently sleeping on me again!


    The lecturer, yes. The arguments about Shakespeare's authorship themselves though are rubbish and silly though.








    But I like your outfit. :(

  12. She used to be frightened of it! But now she always sits in front of it when it's on and closes her eyes in happiness. :happy:


    The lecture was about Shakespeare's cultural use, looking mainly at how the early Shakespeare tourist industry grew up in Britain, emphasising his cultural place for profit, and some American critics in the 1800s questioning Shakespeare's authorship of his own plays to undermine and challenge the "old world's" cultural base, and in the process claim it as their own. So in both cases the exploitation of Shakespeare as a figure removed from his words and reality!


    We'll see! :awesome:


    I don't have the money for a flight to the US for a gig sadly. :LOL:


    I was in the golden circle at Wembley Stadium! But I don't like to be right "at the barrier" front, because you get better sound quality (and less crushed) by standing just a bit further back in the mosh pit territory. Unless it's someone like the Sohodolls performing of course. Then I get as close as possible. :happy:


    You should wear it about town. :yesey:

  13. She's been rolling about on the floor all evening while we watched the TV. She's made great friends with the fan heater too. :happy:


    It was an interesting lecture luckily, so there was no trouble there! I don't know. I spoke to her briefly via text message today, but as she's planning to move to Chicago soon I may not even see her again sadly!


    Older than any building in the USA. :awesome::p


    Hopefully early so we can get a good standing spot. But it depends on Alfie who's driving us there.


    That's ok my Egyptian Queen. :kiss:

  14. She is gorgeous. It's impossible not to fall in love with her. :happy: They're Nicole's bedsheets I think. They're in the spare room.


    Ooh! Last night I went to a public lecture with free wine. Then went to the pub with some PhD students. Then went with one of them to meet up with his friends at a club. One of whom was a girl I got on very well with. :awesome:


    We saw fireworks tonight. They were in Caerphilly and were being shot out of an ancient castle surrounded with fire, smoke drifting through the ruins. :happy:


    Seeing them on Tuesday, so not long at all! :D


    Forum fail. :noey: Or maybe you dreamt writing it? :awesome:

  15. Well, we need to make enough income to buy wine!


    She fell asleep on me last night while I was watching TV. :happy: However she was also sick on the carpet when we fed her yesterday. Which was less than cute.


    I think she was there as part of the idea of an RnB track/video gone wrong - along with all the dangling wires! I think Matt's looking more and more hamster-like in his middle age. For some reason this keeps striking me when I see it, but I've no idea why. :LOL:


    Apart from the inclusion of Guiding Light and the exclusion of MK Ultra I haven't complained! Why? Oh, Nicole's just started playing Uprising in the next room. I'm guessing she's getting ready for 6 days time... :awesome:

  16. But I want to unleash carnage. :supersad:


    I'll try and remember to take one!


    I really liked the raw technological look of the video, but got a bit bored by the end. Tis good though.





  17. We'll add them to the zoo.


    Mouse was a very happy cat this evening, jumping about and rolling around. :pussy:


    America don't have Jaffa Cakes? :eek: Fail. :noey:


    Undisclosed Desires video out toady! And i'm seeing Muse next week. :awesome:

  18. Zombie Wombles. They sound cute. I want one! :happy:


    I'm not a sadistic cat rapist. :LOL:


    *strokes mind*


    They sure are:







  19. Well, as i'm going to bed, i'll leave you with some to enjoy at your leisure.




    Not so magical then! Unless you mean it's full of recycling zombies anyway.


    Are you sure you're not thinking of the tingling, shivering, gasping way?


    But she's all asleep and curled up!


    Not that i've seen so far. :LOL:

  20. He is awesomely offensive.



    It has a desert, that's pretty magical... maybe! Afterwards (if I finish it) I really don't know. I'm doing this to put off thinking about the afterwards!


    *mind strokes* Not in the horrible medical, twitching, drooling way. :happy:


    She's still there bless her. She looks so alone and cold. :supersad:


    There were, I just seem to have avoided all of them!



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