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static shadows

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Everything posted by static shadows

  1. No I wasn't. I merely took the opportunity while you were shouting to go and buy some more pipe weed. :phu:


    Richard Ayoade! He is awesome. He wrote and directed Darkplace. I'm his fan boy. :yesey: Did you know he made all the recent Arctic Monkey's videos? :awesome: *jumps up and down in fanboyish manner*


    It's coming! It's coming! You did!? Post me link!


    I wish I had a good memory. :(


    It was sweet. :happy:


    He's a big fan of maple syrup. :yesey:


    I bet that will be a...err... riveting read. :LOL:


    Nope! I'm going home this Sunday to Haddenham!

  2. He knows how to go unseen! :ninja:


    It's just the way he sometimes speaks aand exteeends his worrrrrrds. Did you notice two of them are in the Mighty Boosh? :awesome: I've shown you bits of it before with Noel and Julian guesting in it - "Jesu Christi..."


    :awesome: Still no pictures yet. I'm sure at least three were taken with me in them though. Speaking of drunk, i've discovered a drunk video of me singing in my room which i'd completely forgotten about. It's quite amusing. :chuckle:


    How did it go?


    Naaaaaw! < I actually made that noise reading that! :happy:


    Well that's the last time I cook him pancakes. :phu:

  3. *hides*


    And wet. :awesome:


    Whenever I see (or in this case read) r-r-r-r's being extended it always makes me think of Dr Lucien Sanchez in Darkplace (parody of 80's TV):






    There ARE pictures! I just don't know where they are. There was no rain! Except for the usual everyday sort. Maybe a little something to warm the stockings... To fill you with a little festive glow perhaps... :awesome:


    What are you doing on Thursday then?


    It's meant to be a sitcom, and has some funny bits, but it's just really, really sad. Dylan Moran's character has married this girl then moved from London to the small countryside village she grew up in. There he is bored, isolated, surrounded by her family who take an instant dislike of him, and even his relationship with his wife is fast unravelling. :( I'm on the 4th episode now!


    Weeeeeeeeeeell it's not. :p

  4. I've wanted to be Strider since a youngster, and i'm sure i've told you that before. :phu:


    Hmmmm.... lets see now *licks again.* Yep, were going to need many more licks to establish this *licks some more*


    Your letter must have worked as the party was indeed fun! Lots of mulled wine and dancing. Afterwards I went back with a small group to have some vodka at a girl called Laura's house. Then gradually everybody went, and being so very tired after our vodka drinking, me and Laura had... a little lie down. *cough* :shifty::awesome:


    Are you feeling any better yet?


    I've found a random old drama/sitcom thing on youtube with Dylan Moran set int eh English countryside called 'How Do You Want Me?'. It's really sad. :supersad:


    Not yet, i'll have to listen to it a few more times yet!

  5. Your debauchery sense is very well tuned!



  6. Then I can finally achieve my childhood dream and become Strider a Ranger. :happy:


    *licks your face*


    I don't not like comedy in songs, I just think it rarely works. Flight Of The Conchord's first season is the only consistently brilliant comedy in songs. Bill Bailey has some good but not amazing tracks, The Mighty Boosh are very hit-and-miss at it (as much as I love them more on the 'miss' side)... Tenacious D had about 2 amusing songs in their entire album... aaaand I really can't think of any others. Most youtube things involving songs and comedy I don't find funny. I've probably posted all of the few exceptions there to you over the years!


    Why do I suddenly really want some Baileys? It's bizarre. Out of the blue whilst typing this... anyway...


    Good! I could do with a grand old time!


    I love them roasted to a crisp. Or mashed. Or done in that French way...err... Gratin! NOM! :happy:


    It may help with your cold! If not I could cover you with jam? Dress you up as a kangaroo and give you a stylish felt hat? Or send you more hugs. And hot chicken soup. Whatever it is you need.


    It's awesome! Dylan Moran wrote most of it. It's basically him as a bookshop owner:

    < if you can't see that then just search for 'best of clips' on youtube, as there are some I couldn't watch due to being in the wrong country (i.e. not America)!


    What did I spoil? I was saddened at the end of The Return Of The Jedi as usual though. Why does good always win! :mad:


    I've finally remembered to give The Horrors new album a proper downloading listen! It really is very VERY good. :dance:

  7. Darth Vader just killed the Emperor. Sad times. :'(

  8. "I wish I had a trampoline and that I was in Middle Earth." Made me laugh, then feel sad. Because it's the one place we'd all like to be and can never get to!


    *licks fangs*


    Especially considering they only had a couple of months to write and rehearse the entire thing the songs were all amazing! And this is from someone who generally dislikes comedy in songs (just because it rarely works - especially student written ones). :LOL:


    Your debauchery sense is tingling? :eek: Mmmm... tingling. :happy:


    No, but I laughed when that got into the film. :LOL: You love potatoes! Are you Irish? :eek:


    I don't even know who the last 3 are, but neither do I want to know!


    *puts inside a giant jelly*


    Have you seen his TV show Black Books yet?

  9. So does Depressing Bastard. :phu:


    You MONSTER! :eek::'(


    Love is a Cunt,

    That much is true,

    But you've got to believe,

    That you will pull through,

    Because once, in a while, things will turn out all riiiiiiiiiiiiiight!

    Love is a Cunt,

    Sweet and tiiiiight! :happy:


    I have a drama society Christmas party to go to on Sunday! We have to do Cast dance off's though... :LOL:


    You should do!


    The cream you mean? Hmm... Well at The Green Dragon (where I once worked!) they added the cream and spring onion after the potatoes were mashed, and then just heated the individual portions up slightly via microwave before sending it out with their dishes. So maybe just do it while to potatoes are still warm. You don't want the cream (or milk if you prefer) to curdle though! I used to steal some and eat it during the shifts. Much better than chips. :yesey:


    17.83 GBs, but that doesn't include about half of my CD collection. Although I suppose it also does include some albums I don't own on CD... So it probably balances out. What is typical American College lame-o music?


    Booo! *sends hugs and warm blankets* :(


    "Like some kind of deep sea fish that ate it's own arse..." :LOL:

  10. I kind of had to force myself to rest as I was suffering from an annoying bout of depression (for no apparent reason), but i'm starting to fell better now luckily! :D


    Ohh are you looking forward to going back to sunny Australia, or will you miss England?

  11. I'm quite good thanks! Finally getting back into my uni work after having done pretty much nothing for 3 weeks, and have a couple of Christmas parties coming up!


    How's you?

  12. *sneaks*





















    *runs away* :happy:

  13. Oh noes! That is the saddest tale. :'(


    I shall write a mournful lay in memory of that lost town and the beast that destroyed it so.

  14. It better have had turrets. And a drawbridge! :mad::happy:

  15. That's how I like my soup. If it's not in a tower I don't eat it. :phu:

  16. Their floppy Mantis Mantits of course. :happy:


    Oh really? :eyebrows:

  17. So that's why they're called "Man-tis"! Can they be stretch out to form a floppy pillow? :happy:

  18. Ah. We use the term "Depressing bastard". :yesey:


    *hides face in passing cat*


    It finished on a lovely song too. "Looooove is a cunt..." :happy:


    I don't think I really qualify to have bi-polar, as I don't have any truly manic episodes. Or at least i've decided that the periods of energy and creativity are just me being normal!


    I love those mashed potatoes with cream and spring onion. :happy:


    Ah. I hated moving all my songs to my new laptop. I'm still finding duplicates a year on.

  19. I do not know this Debbie Downer.


    It does? :(


    Cinderotica was amazingly filthy! Really good story too. Essentially Buttons, Cinderalla's best friend, is in love with Cinderella who gets engaged to a rather obnoxious and dim Prince Charming of Wales she met at a student party. Meanwhile the Gair Rhydd (our uni student paper) is led by an evil sorceress who employs the lead journalist to kill Cinderalla on her wedding day, so they can write an article to win the 'Guardian Student Media Award', which is really a horcrux allowing her to unleash evil: "As evil as Voldemort?" "No, far worse. Imagine if Voldemort was a paedophile." So they're trying to make sure the wedding goes ahead so they can kill Cinderella, Buttons with a variety of friends and some disgraced camp fairy mafia-Godfathers is trying to win Cinderella's heart, and the Prince is off on a quest through Panto land with Cinderella's drunk stepmother to find Cinderalla's lost (and it turns out dead) father via a dildo obsessed Red Riding Hood, a lost Aladdin (who they accidentally kill), and a Dick Wittington who is a little too fond of his pussy (cat). Twas fun. :LOL:




    Difficult to say... The major depression lasted a year and a half, but I have small bouts of depression about once every month or two anyway, each time usually lasting 2-4 weeks. Which is why my mental health trainee nurse housemate diagnosed me with possible mild manic depression last term! Whatever it is it's annoying, but I just get on with it now. Or try to at any rate.


    I want the pumpkin pie bit. :happy:

  20. Oh please say you can view this:




    Matt's arms :LOL:!

  21. Not my mantis! If you go near my mantis i'll lock you in a fucking floatation tank and pump it full of raw sewage until you drown. :mad:

  22. Like Death? He's an old buddy. Always cold though poor thing, no skin you see. So I often give him blankets to warm himself up, and you should see him then! Death warmed up is a character, always playing practical jokes, roaring with laughter, quaffing ale... oh you should see that ale pouring through his ribcage. It's a sight that makes your heart glow. :happy:


    Although a hand to guide you in is always most welcome. ...to the cinema that is. Of course. Yes. *cough*


    I am wearing it there. You can see the coat a bit more in the photo in the "myspace thread", but i'll take a proper photo of it (i.e. without my silly face in it) so you can see it properly.


    So do I now. I may have a big stir-fry lunch, with extra chilli. I'm going out with my cast for a meal and to the drama society self-written filthy Panto tonight! Well, I presume it will be as filthy as ever anyway. But as it's called Cinderotica this year I don't think I'll be disappointed there.


    YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG! ...or differently. Ah yes. Differently.


    *folds wall into funnel and drains tea back into cup, then folds you into an armchair and sits on you calmly drinking the tea* :happy:


    Nope. :( Naaaw. Bad times. :( I should have really done that in my second year.


    Not Thanksgiving! :eek: ...err what is Thanksgiving anyway? It sounds like Christmas, what with the eating, the giving, and the thanking, and all that jazz.

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