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static shadows

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Everything posted by static shadows

  1. Is that just a really, really good hug? :awesome:


    Am I in? Most definitely!


    Of course not! I run around the asphalt streets of cardiff in them. Speaking of strange clothes, I found and bought an beautiful old vintage military jacket today. :happy:


    Would ya like extra chilli sauce wit tha?


    Pretty much are. There's no difference (that I know of) between Pancakes and French crepes over here!


    *force lightning strikes while making cup of tea* :happy: And now i'll break out my secret weapon. Chai Tea:








    Last time I heard from here was a week ago. Booo. Maybe for the best though. From pretty much nowhere I randomly had a full blown full day depressive panic attack thing yesterday, so it may not be the best time to get too involved with someone who is leaving anyway. (I was feeling much better today though, in case that sounds worrying!)


    Goblet of beer?! Wet willies? Crammed with seven people? Sounds fun. :awesome:

  2. Monkeymonkeymonkeymonkeymonkey :happy:

  3. On the plus side I got free hugs for my sad feat. I must kill mice more often!


    It isn't actually! I've seen a few reviews for it. Two have said it was good, but could have been better and 3 others just said it was rubbish (but 1 said with the exception of Julian Barrett). Hmm...


    I always wear green tights though! :awesome: They do and they are. It's one of nature's many contradictions.


    *gives taco*


    Noooo! You make the pancake then you add some lemon juice and sprinkle sugar on one side, roll it up, and eat it. Same as you'd do with maple syrup, or chocolate, or whatever else you put in them!






    :eek: To the death then! :fear:


    I have done nothing for two days. I have sat around and bought food. Then sat around some more. Then killed a mouse, cuddled a cat. And then sat around some more. I really should do uni work. I've done nothing for 3 weeks now. Three more weeks and i'll be back home for Christmas. And i've got LOADS of play rehearsals coming up. No idea what's happening/not happening with Rhi either.

  4. I have. And it's all down to that haircut. I have Mouse with me now. She's playing with my bedsheets and purring happily to herself. She brought us her first actual mouse today. Poor thing. It was still alive (just), so I had to take it outside and finish it off with a shovel. I gave it a little mousey burial though.


    This month apparently! I haven't heard anything about it at all though. I only stumbled across it by accident yesterday.


    There's one outside my house back at home. Or is it just called my parent's house now? Weird. I don't want to grow up dammit! Ducks are viscous creatures though. Re-produce through gang rape, and mass murder most of the newly born duck chicks each year. :(


    Fine! I'll bite you with my full set of young teeth. *bites* :phu:


    Lemon and sugar! Try it. It is awesome.


    Whoops. I meant TEA. The drink of pure awesomeness.


    Did you go out in the end?

  5. Nooooooo.... *changes picture* :shifty:




    Yes. I'm a superhero. I got bitten by a radioactive duck when I was younger.


    What have you got against the elderly?


    I have indeed had banana pancakes, with hot melted chocolate sauce. NOM! Lemon and sugar is pretty standard over here.


    He has a conker for a head in the first series!




    Naaaaw! I find tead always helps. :yesey:

  6. Would you like to see Julian Barrett milking a dog?

  7. No, but I glow at night. :awesome:


    I'm really a young imposter of an old imposter, both in both cases i'm trying to lure girls into my lair. Or was it hair. I forget. Admittedly the older disguise isn't really working out for me. So far...


    Noooooooooooooo! Major Bee. :'(


    Then I shall hump them three times.


    Well there's a philosophy. :eyebrows:


    No, lemon and sugar, honey, and chocolate ice cream ones. Although obviously not all within the same pancake. That would be wrong. If strangely right. You are obviously just MAD. The video is both still up and works. It is a UK channel though, so maybe it blocks non-uk people. Boo!


    Can you see this:






    That sounds grand. Just grand. I have a high metabolism. :D

  8. I'll make your dreams come true. :eyebrows:


    I'm not old. I'm young and virile. :(


    Naaaw! I want to keep it. Add it to our zoo. :happy:


    Yes. Most of the guest shall have two humps. :yesey:


    We shall see.


    Uni work work. Ah well. I spent this evening qith my cast eating pancakes and watching Father Ted! This is my favourite: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IG3FfFgGNz8 The first ten minutes contain the best innuendo ever. :LOL:

  9. My dreams will then all be complete.


    Ok *bites*


    But I like Bees. They make me honey. :(


    Camels it is!


    I shall look for the dye tomorrow. :yesey:


    :( *hugs* I've pretty much felt ill and slept for the last three days. I really need to get back to work tomorrow.

  10. Maybe I can be a Jedi Dorian Grey. :awesome:




    Can I have a suit made out of elbow patches?!


    Saharan? That would be pretty exclusively camels! :awesome: I think you mean animals of the Serengeti. :p


    I got my hair cut!

  11. But it's still in a swamp. I want to live in gothic Victorian London! :(


    *chews at you like a giant baby*


    Phroaw! Calm down. :eyebrows:


    Yes! Oh I just can't wait to be King. :dance: ...oh wait. That's the Lion King. I just can't wait till my Birthday! :dance:




    Right, as it's 6am, i'm going to bed. Or rather, as I am in bed, I am going to sleep. Goodnight. :kiss:

  12. But Dorian has such pretty orgies and paintings. And paintings of orgies. :happy:


    I am! I've just been impersonating a 23 year old English man on here for years. And now I have you. Mwaha! *nibbles some more*


    No! That make people's mouths tingle, and occasionally make their eyes water. In glee.


    But I like custard. Especially if there's a bouncy castle and nudity involved. :supersad:


    I'll refuse to speak to you for a good 2 days if you do. :phu:

  13. Dorian Grey doesn't need the force. He has everlasting youth and beauty. The two things Yoda could never hang on to. And I don't want to die a lonely mad shrunken bachelor lost in a swamp. :(




    HOT spices.


    Custard. Lots of custard.


    Nooooo! :'(

  14. But... but...


    Well 3 teeth is better than 32! Much less of a bite. :awesome:


    I do really. One minute i'm there, the next i'm out the door and down the shops buying some spices. :yesey:


    Yay! Do I get a party?


    Only one or two inches off. As usual. Ooooh I dunno. It looks good long, but it looks good short/mid length/whatever that shoulder-ish length is on you too. Ask the hairdresser, or see how you feel on the day. I don't think you can really go wrong unless you shave it. Please don't shave it.

  15. :noey: Dorian Grey > Life. :yesey:


    Yay! Then he can sing you to sleep. Or set your house on fire. Or start a toothless rave high on paracetamol.


    Don't slip? I never slip out. :phu:


    Is it my birthday? :awesome:


    I'm getting my hair cut tomorrow!

  16. Pffft! Your my padawan. I'm well on the way to becoming a fully fledged Dorian Grey. :happy:


    Yay! Nightmares! :dance:


    *runs into the wet Cardiff streets at midnight*


    Ok! How about........ wine! Or hugs! I like hugs. They make me happy. See > :happy:


    They did once, and may do so again. In the meantime: http://board.muse.mu/showthread.php?p=6785971#post6785971

  17. Naaw.






    Maybe I am if they can't be bothered to take tea round your house. :phu:


    I don't have the outfit. :(


    But I want to be receptive. :supersad:


    *H5* :awesome:

  18. In the words of Darth:




    I like camping. Just not when there are firestaters, twisted firestarters around.


    Lazy sods. I doubt they would have known their full finalised plans then anyway, so there's no need for self punching!


    Boo! She lives with some strict aunt apparently, so doubt i'd even be allowed in! :LOL:


    Bring it! :eyebrows:


    I'm uploading a video of a sober me singing tear gaarden. :awesome:

  19. I have no moneys. :(


    It's as much as a UK festival. Although not including travel and food/drink. Oh and in the UK you'll have your tent set on fire.


    Have Franz stopped touring?


    I dunno. I'm guessing she just hadn't booked it until late and was changing her mind as to when to book it. I want to see her now. Damn drunken sentimentality. :supersad: I only had 1 pint of ale and 4 rum and cokes.


    Sounds... er... *runs away*

  20. Next year? But I want you here now! :supersad:


    The one with the united States of Eurasia.


    £150 for a gig? :eek: But you could go to an entire festival for that!


    Well, we have some things in common. Just not enough for a proper relationship. Probably. She may come back after Christmas though. Depends on whether she finds a job. She keeps changing the time. It was tomorrow originally, but I think it's Friday or saturday now. I was meant to be seeing her and Alan tonight, but she is ill, so I just had a good drink with Al. And now i'm drunk. And have annoyed both Lucinda and Nicole because they refused to come out either tonight or this weekend. Boo!

  21. I'd have been able to afford it if I hadn't spent £40 on seeing them last week. But that gig + Stadium gig + transport = far too much money than I can afford to spend on Muse! I decided I couldn't even afford the £20 for a t-shirt at Birmingham. Can you afford it? I guess you might have to spend loads on travelling in the US to see them? :(


    Well, sort of. She is going back to the US this week. I think you and her maybe right, but it was both.

  22. No gay Adam didn't try anything this time round! But I told a story involving an ex-girlfriend to hint that i'm straight. :LOL:


    Super sad face because you forgot what we were talking about!


    No, no more Muse for poor Mark. :(


    Love is indeed a Bloodsport - although I was also thinking of the end "My mother never told me that love wasn't logic" bit too :LOL:: http://board.muse.mu/showthread.php?t=62816&page=92 Story is all in there now! Scroll down to my huge post and read the bit i'd already quoted - or read the previous page too!

  23. OOO! Lots of stuff to tell you now. My life is moving too quickly, and too drunkenly to catch up. I will try to do so tomorrow. But it's something like this:



  24. Boring evening was boring. :(

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