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static shadows

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Everything posted by static shadows

  1. There is nothing I enjoy more than a hard decking in a small hall.


    As long as it helps. :yesey:


    So do I, but my Dad's allergic to cats sadly, and Mouse does have a real owner somewhere. :(

  2. I could always do with my stockings warmed up. :happy:


    Naaw! *hugs*


    Yeah maybe, I don't know what's wrong with me!


    I miss Mouse. :(

  3. It's going to be even colder tomorrow. There may be snow and sleet, and everything. I shall wrap up extra warm!


    Counselling was it? My lecturer has given me the name of a councillor person, but i've no idea what i'd say to them! "Every couple of months I have a couple of weeks were I get depressed, for no apparent reason." "And do you have any idea why this may be?" "No." "Is it about any particular issues?" "No." "Is there anything which is likely to set it off?" "No." "Does it recur at particular predictable times of year?" "No." "Is there anything in particular you do to help you break out of it?" "No." "Was this session useful for you?" "Hmmmm..... No."

  4. 7.30am starts + hours of standing at the garage in 2ºC (35 ºF) weather makes Marks tired. :(


    *goes to sleep on you* :happy:

  5. My internet at home is pretty broken. It keeps signing the computer in and out, and sometimes just doesn't work at all. :(

  6. Well, you'll have to wait until he's dead to do that.


    She found it in a charity shop!


    For some unknown reason I still do. :awesome:


    You don't have Weetabix?! :eek: How do you poor people live.* :(


    She will. Once Nicole and Lucinda have gone too she'll meow outside our kitchen door, and no one will come to let her in. :supersad: I really hope she forgives us and comes back in the new year. Or I may actually cry.


    *behaves* :happy:


    Ahhh... Ok. Yes pub was all right. Mostly surrounded by a group I didn't know though.


    *Disclaimer: I don't eat weetabix either.

  7. Oh yes, and you're seeing Muse! Whey. :dance:

  8. I'll tattoo Dom onto your face in a minute! Then you'll look a bit of a fool.


    It's made with real owl feathers. :D


    But as Matt Damon has all the expression and emotional reactions of a wall anyway, no one noticed that he now looked like a wall too?? :awesome:


    Nevermind. Eat your weetabix, lift some cars, and you'll be ready to beat them next time!


    I have no gigs... sorry, I think the cat has just fallen down the stairs.... Nope, she just managed to make enough noise to sound like she was falling down the stairs, but without leaving the comfort of Lucinda's room. :LOL: I'll miss Mouse. :( I'm going back home to Haddenham tomorrow for Christmas you see! Soon i'll be back working on the petrol forecourt. Joy.


    I'd rather a caress, but a punch is better than nothing. :happy:


    I had mulled red wine, and rum (mostly inside some kind of punch Nicole made). I don't know what either of them are. One sounds Russian, the other Turkish. Am I close? Went to the pub tonight to catch up with John before going home. I was forced to turn down going with Lucinda and Nicole to a Burlesque show for it though. :(



    *dances with* Lucinda said she tried to find me some Noel Fielding-esque clothing for Christmas, but couldn't. But she found me something else instead:







    If it's bad for me, then i'll take it!


    Did you beat them?


    It's the end of the allotted time now though. Which (going by every single year of my life) means that I won't have any more romance for at least a year. Sad times!


    Oh really? :eyebrows:


    Party was more of a picnic. About 15-20 people turned up in the end, and we spent most of it sat in the big room in a circle with loads of party food and alcohol in the middle!

  10. NO.






    Dessert? Samosas aren't dessert! They are filled with meat, vegetables and spices. The lamb ones are my favourite. :happy: Ooooh those sopapillas look tasty too though!


    I'm always up for a good wrestle! :awesome:


    It's not a winter break thing so much as first term thing! I don't know why. It's certainly not for lack of trying during other times! :LOL:


    Well the girls said the male musers were too scared, and they wouldn't post any more until they saw moobs. So it was for two good causes! Honour and boobs. The two things worth defending in life! *strikes heroic pose*


    Drug dealer? Oh dear. :LOL:

  11. And what shall my tattoo be of?


    Surely you just need to play 'Cars' for that though!


    It is. :happy:


    Samosas are awesome. It's as simple as that. http://www.samosa-recipe.com/ When I win the National Lottery it shall happen. :yesey:


    Sorry, I seem to just be in full on debauched mode at the moment. Although my recent... 'adventures'.. are probably proof enough of that! I'll try to tone it down. I even appeared naked in the boob thread earlier! :LOL: Why is it that I always feel like this at this time of year? And in 3 out of 5 uni years have ended up being with two girls between October and Christmas? Then i'm never able to find or attract anyone for the rest of the year (including those 2 out of 5 years where I didn't find anyone at all). FML. :LOL:

  12. Well, the shoulder feels too cliched, and my wrists are a bit small and boney... so I don't know. I'd have to tackle that if the time came!


    Really? I think Gary Numan gets a bit much myself. Good, but still... :LOL:


    Lucinda is a huge fan of it. I usually hate musicals, but it is awesome. :LOL:


    I've bought the spices and everything. :happy: We're eating pigs in blankets. Apparently. Past that I don't know. Nicole and Lucinda will probably be getting that while I buy presents and wine! They'll be little party food type things though. I asked for some samosas.


    I can't help it. :supersad:

  13. If I could think of one I actually wanted then yes.


    *gives 'The Best of Gary Numan' in 50 cassette tapes*


    "A Very Potter Musical"? That's actually pretty amusing. :LOL:


    Yes, but i'll make some mulled wine (:awesome:) and we'll get some food in.


    Oh nooo! Luckily I already seem to have handcuffed myself. To your bed.

  14. Demetrius: "Villain, what hast thou done?"

    Aaron: "That which thou canst not undo."

    Chiron: "Thou hast undone our mother."

    Aaron: "Villain, I have done thy mother."

    - William Shakespeare, Titus Andronicus IV.II., 1593.


    ...it would admittedly be a big tattoo.


    50 what? :eyebrows:


    Well if you do, then at some point watch all 3 parts of this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Ozo85UORCA :LOL:


    We've seen your superheroes with their silly way of putting their pants over their trousers, and decided it just wasn't for us.


    15 (which I think is the minimum who have said yes) will be easier even if the maybes don't come!


    Ok, I promise never to do it again.

  15. OOO! I still have no tattoos.


    But cabbage is vile. :( Unless it's red cabbage. That is awesome. :yesey:


    So did you get a new phone call? Was it just the memory of his voice? Or did you actually, as your stream of letters imply, pee on an elf?


    The best two this series have been with Rhod Gilbert (that Welsh comedian with the mattress and luggage problems!), and Frankie Boyle (the amazingly offensive Scottish one). :happy:


    You're right I don't. It's my jeans I unzip. Pants don't have zips! And in any case I wear boxers. :yesey:


    Ooooooh I hope (but doubt) so! :LOL: Just a small party with 10-30 people - damn Facebook "maybes"!


    I certainly don't! I'm very equal when it comes to Christmas cards.

  16. I like him. :phu: I want a Strider cloak. :( Get me one for Christmas?


    Well at least cabbages can't digest your arm now.


    No, that happened ages ago. I saw the video and everything. :yesey:


    He's been one of the team captains on Nevermind The Buzzcocks this series. :happy:


    Yes, lets... In answer to your question then, I unzip my pants every night before going to bed.


    Ok for some then! I did Nooooooooothing all day. But tomorrow I need to buy Christmas presents and help prepare for the Christmas party in our house tomorrow night.


    Looks like there will be no Christmas for little Mark this year... :supersad:


    Ah well. As per usual i've failed to write or send any Christmas cards. Even to the people who live in my own house. I'm that useless. :LOL:

  17. Nothing can be ruined with Bombadill talk. :phu:


    Did you know that if you eat too much vitamin B you can turn purple? Like a giant radish.


    Maybe some kind of amalgamation?


    Well, I just watched Noel Fielding singing in a cape. :phu:


    What am I unzipping late at night again? My mind became too distracted by those words.

  18. Old Tom Bombadil is a merry fellow; bright blue his jacket is, and his boots are yellow!


    I am. But not that jealous.


    I'm sure I would be freaked out, but still yes.


    I can honestly say I have never been whipped. :LOL:


    I would buy it! :awesome:


    Yes, yes I am kind. :happy:


    Do you? I can imagine I didn't send you all of 'Splinter' actually! Mostly because I personally find the second half pretty dull!

  19. Never toss a dwarf.


    Ha ha!


    Yes. Yes I would. Although i'd also be slightly freaked out.


    Boo! You may be mean, but do you have handcuffs?








    Have a cookie.


    If you do torrents, then something like: http://isohunt.com/torrent_details/28960407/Album+Listings?tab=summary (selecting just the tracks you want - I recommend The Chauffeur cover in the 'unreleased songs' at the bottom too because it's awesome. As you probably already know. I can't imagine I haven't spammed you with either the live or proper studio version at least once.)

  20. Yes, but keep that secret. Keep it safe. Use protection when you use your ring.


    Will do! In fact I may just watch my Darkplace DVD. Because I am awesome.


    He may have a sexy voice, but he does not have a face I can personally view as being sexy!


    Oh really? Bare all Tell me all. :awesome:


    NAAAAAAAW! :happy:


    That's because it was! :awesome:


    Did I never send you the Album 4 demos? Pffft. You'll have to torrent it. Or I could email you them sometime! They are raw lo-fi demos, but some of them are pretty. And 6 of them go on to be IAMX songs!

  21. I am not a conjurer of cheap quotes!




    They definitely should. Simply because Alex's voice sounds far sexier when coming from your face. :yesey:


    What have you got against my face? :( If you have nothing against my face, then quickly press some part of yourself against my face. (Now there's a chat up line! :awesome:)


    What have you found contained therein?


    (O) <<< :O~ <<< :O~ <<< :O~ <<<


    It's was the Sue Denim sung version for the 4th unreleased Sneaker Pimps album. :nerd:

  22. Well, your reason is TREASON.






    I shall look!


    Nah, it's all right. As long as I remember basic construction of sentence I will hunger for what is the opposite of bad.


    It's my own business what I find cute! :phu:


    He's not the type to wear upturned plates on his head. But keep him away from peanuts. He's not allergic to them. But they make him angry.






    I certainly seemed distracted there. I probably either forgot I was singing, or thought the song had finished. :LOL: btw, did you notice it was a girl singing and played on piano?

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