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static shadows

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Everything posted by static shadows

  1. I have one chapter left to write. Preferably all today, but that being very likely impossible, by tomorrow. And I need to write an introduction. And edit. And get it bound. And cry. And drink wine. And sleep.


    Tiring? Sounds like an ideal day. :happy:


    They do write a lot of their own stuff, but I think they have writers too!


    Boo! Send it soon.


    I love Family Guy. :happy:

  2. Too much work. Cannot think.


    Wine does make me hyper. And then sexual. And then sleepy.


    You should try it! :awesome:




    (^James Bond!)




    I do when i'm reading, but not so much whilst trying to write! I end up just listening to the music and ignoring my laptop!

  3. Just felt a bit down! My dissertation is due in on Friday (11th). :(


    It just gets me too hyper and distracted!


    I do! First thing every morning. :awesome:





    ^ I hadn't seen the first one before! Dark. :stunned::LOL:


    Yeah, but running out of time. Grr!



  4. I swear no one actually likes champagne.

  5. Today was very bad for insanity. But I think i'm on the mend now! Hopefully i'll have my first early night in a month now and re-start work tomorrow. Only 9 days left!


    Wine cures everything. Unless you need to work. That it hinders.





    Free wine? :awesome:


    I shouldn't have any days off. But i've taken 4 days off now. Which is bad. :(


    Well that's something to look forward to at any rate! :LOL:

  6. I have already gone insane. It's too late for me.




    If I get bored then I end up absent mindedly wandering off halfway through...


    :happy: <3


    I've only ever been to one wedding, and got bored about 30 seconds in.


    Groggy. :(


    My Cardiff one? Nope! I'm now at 76 manor street, but the rest is the same.

  7. Thank you. :happy:


    I'm from England rather than the Iberian Peninsula though! :LOL:

  8. No time for a break sadly! :LOL::'(


    I definitely like doing it every which way. :yesey:


    Some wine will sort that out!




    The Wedding S.... S.....? How many ceremonies do you people have?! Last evening I should have been writing my dissertation, but instead felt ill so slept for 11 hours. :(

  9. Thanks. :happy:


    The weirder atmospheric one is the Static Ghost stuff, and the raw noisy riffy (but still strange!) stuff is in Neither Goat Nor Cow.

  10. I'm not so sure about that myself! :LOL: I haven't done anything past a few bits of editing today. :(


    Yes. Yes you do. :eyebrows:


    Oh good. Are you hurt?


    Same degree, same time, same first year student halls, same love of wine, same love of muse. We're going to see them in Birmingham in November. :happy:


    Yay! bounce.gif

  11. Around 60-70 pages I guess as that's a third... And no time to write it. I may be screwed.


    Oooh the reverse lick!


    :supersad: *takes panda away from you and nurses it*


    She is! And doing a Phd afterwards. We get one well. :happy:


    I wish I could go somewhere hot. :( And have Chinese. :( And fill someone's body with scary fun. :supersad:

  12. 22 pages of double spaced. I'm just about to edit it then start on the next chapter (medieval Robin Hood and the State). I should probably write an introduction at some point to!




    I just like finding and posting random videos for some reason! :LOL:








    :( Me and Nicole celebrated finishing chapters with a bottle of wine last night. :happy:

  13. I've finished my first dissertation chapter! :D 6,000 words on the medieval Robin Hood and religion, involving heresy, magic, madmen, and demons. :awesome:




    And on the religious theme:







    I'm guessing mods are unable to count.


    What did I miss you sending me? :supersad:

  14. I have not time. Soo much dissertation to do. :'(




    I love the second one too. I loved Captain Pugwash when I was young. :happy:


    I don't know! It says 0 points, so i'm guessing at least a couple more times!


    Lightsaber fights are always good. :yesey:

  15. Pffft! I haven't the time for magazine buying! I am quite tempted to get the Q one though...






    I posted the video of the "making of Uprising" (from youtube), in a discussion saying I thought it sounded better with the end riff. I was quite surprised when my post was deleted and an official waning was sent to me! :LOL: Apparently we aren't allowed to acknowledge, or link in any way, the free downloads we pre-order people get each week!


    I tell ya, the only good thing about weddings is being able put on a suit and act like i'm in a noir movie kid. *lights cigarette*

  16. :phu:


    No, i'm not good at weddings! They make me turn violent and throw twiglets at people.


    EDIT: Teddy bears for the Uprising video http://board.muse.mu/showthread.php?t=64386 ? :awesome:

  17. I don't know. I just seem to be permanently exhausted. :(

  18. Not really. I still seem to lack motivation. :(

  19. I want reviews dammit!


    *licks knee*


    It'll get on with the polar bear. Everyone gets on with them. They're big softies really. :happy:





    :LOL: <3


    EDIT: I have an official "Infraction"! :awesome:

  20. Soooo....



    Uprising - Heavy bass + cool guitar riff + Dr Who synth = Like a lot!


    The Resistance - Very catchy, yet so Queen/cheesy it makes me wince. So I'm very undecided! Could go either way.


    Undisclosed Desires - Makes me think of Daft Punk-esque futuristic pop with some nice Depeche Mode overtones. I think I may end up really liking it.


    United States of Eurasia - Love the Arabic/East European bit, and the rest makes me laugh. But in a good way. For now anyway.


    Guiding Light - From the tiny clip it sounds like a horrendous 80's power ballad, complete with painfully clichéd solo. I'm definitely very worried about this one. Bass is nicely distorted when played loud though!


    Unnatural Selection - Can't really tell. Chorus is all right, but not particularly amazing. The reviews spoke of it having a huge riff in though, so i'm hoping I will love it!


    MK Ultra - Awesome! Sounds like it has the potential to be edgy and futuristic. Like old school computer game music transformed into full on rock.


    I Belong To You - Can't really tell again. Doesn't sound particularly amazing, but still good in a Showbiz meets Glorious (ish) way! From the title I wasn't expecting to like it, but I think it now has potential!


    Exogenesis 1 - Sounds awesome! Micro Cuts meets Megalomania and a full on orchestra.

    Exogenesis 2 - Can't really tell, but it's sounding nicely epic at least!

    Exogenesis 3 - Again can't really tell. It could sound too cheesy, or it might sound awesome, like the end of Citizen Erased.


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