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static shadows

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Everything posted by static shadows

  1. I'll let Frankie Boyle make one instead:


    Cardiff is just a magical city! That's why i've been here for over 4 years now! :awesome:


    Yay! I like your disembodied mind too. :happy:


    I'm not giving my bed up for that pussy!


    Whooops. Halloween.


    I am now!

  2. Nope. Any joke I could think of there would just seem a bit creepy.


    It's like multiple small Diagon Alleys in Cardiff!










    My PhD! I'm looking at an old lost genre of popular (rather than aristocratic) literature which has been hardly looked at called the 'King and Subject'. They all involve a King in disguise meeting ordinary people, and go from things like the Robin Hood ballads through to Shakespeare's Henry V. I'm going to be looking at what role they played, whether they were hierarchical/pro-monarch tales designed to win over the populace, or whether they were more subversive or hinted at a more rebellious undercurrent of feeling.


    It looks like she's staying in the living room. I woke her up and moved to my room, but she just curled up on the sofa and went back to sleep!


    There's disappointingly few photos (of me) from the Act One Christmas party. :(


    I do indeed. :$ But I had a distracting cat, so who's really losing? :awesome:

  3. If I get a chance I will. Even if it means I have to wear those horrible braces. :yesey:


    I shall look out for them! In the mean time i'll have to make do with my 200 year old books containing 600 year old stories, and searching a shop I found hidden n the maze-like arcades which is full of masks, costumes, and old military jackets. :happy:


    We thought she wasn't coming back tonight because it's late and is pouring with rain, so Lucinda went to bed. But now she's turned up purring and excited, and i'm not sure what to do with her! I guess i'll have to let her sleep with me tonight.


    I found one thread! :awesome:

  4. Ah! I love that film. :happy:


    I've never come across the pumpkin candles or scent before! I do have a lot of incense though. opium and frankincense are the two of choice at the moment. :yesey:


    Trying to type one handed while a cat is balanced on your lap is surprisingly hard!

  5. We didn't get one! Again. In fact I don't think i've ever had a trick or treater, and have only gone trick or treating once! Alex Delonge? Even Google's drawing a blank!


    Naaaw. At least there was a bonfire though! Did you roast marshmallows over it? You should have done. Last night we ended up getting a Chinese takeaway and eating it on a candle and pumpkin lit table. Oh, and Nicole made pumpkin pie and pumpkin pasties which will last a few days! :happy:


    Yeah, he's joined our play. Lent a hand. :yesey:

  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZITno-8HP9o


    Is your party tonight? :awesome: This is some of my play's cast at our Halloween party:





  7. Trick and treating doesn't really exist in Britain! I doubt we'll do anything tbh. We've celebrated now!


    Ouch! :LOL:

  8. Indeed. :awesome:


    They did a bit! They made Dorian a young model who becomes the face of "Immortal For Men" fragrance, has many orgies and sexy times with men and women, and then crumples under the life of fame. It both entertained me and made me wince repeatedly!


    You'll just have to find someone to snuggle up to. :awesome: What happened last year? :LOL:

  9. I may have bit her neck. :awesome: There should be more pictures from the actual party appearing on facebook at some point!


    I did on occasion. Especially where it didn't seem to make any sense, and some of the cringe worth bits of modernisation. But other bits were very nearly on stage porn! Which is always good!


    hehe! you'll freeze!

  10. :D


    I bought some black gloves, a cane with a skull on top of it, some face paints and fake blood, and a harlequin mask which i've cut up and now smeared with blood and black marks.


    I did have to go. It was interesting... But I don't think i'll be going to another one soon. :LOL:


    No, but one day I will hopefully be able to do that!


    It's about 60F in the day here at the moment and 50 at night. So still fairly warm!

  11. New profile picture for Halloween! :awesome:


    She doesn't like lending things. :LOL: I may ask anyway though. I'm off to look for Halloween stuff in a few minutes!


    Next Wednesday. Possibly.


    Maybe! I may not be going now, if Marianne can find anyone who really wants to go. And no, the magicalness after 2:40 was towards the Undisclosed Desires remix! :LOL:


    I found a new bit of the library this morning, hidden away in the basement filled with loads of old faded, leather bound books. I got brought a 200 year old one out of a locked cupboard with brown crumbling pages. It made me happy! :happy: Speaking of treasure map, I found this interesting today: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/8328878.stm


    I did find that very difficult, as after OOS (10/10 :cool:) the rest are all tied evenly for me somewhere around 7-8/10. :nerd:

  12. OOO! Sounds good! I got a Chinese takeaway tonight because i was feeling lazy. Kung Po beef with egg friend rice. NOM!


    Yes. And a travelling menagerie.


    Maybe I can persuade Nicole to lend me her whip! ...I can't see that happening. :LOL:


    No, not yet. :LOL:


    I don't! Ah well. It'll be interesting at any rate. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jq7tBOmXkAk Interesting. Interesting... Help me. :supersad:


    I'm surrounded by books, and they're all useless! But I found one which had been donated to the "University College of South Wales and Monmouth Library" in 1918. :awesome:


    From 2:40 onwards though it's magical. :happy:



    EDIT: OH! Did I ever show you my Muse graph? CLICKY :cool:

  13. I like a Jalfrezi or Masala myself. Or a Pasanda/Korma if want something less spicy. :yesey: And now I feel hungry. :( But I do have some Ginger Wine! :awesome:


    Ok. we'll just go on cruises up and down the Nile.


    I may just go in a suit and top hat, but then with some gothic messed up facepaint. I'll see what I find tomorrow though.


    We just did a read through of the whole play. Got in a circle with everyone doing one line each, rather than reading our own characters. Then went to the pub!


    I'm seeing Dorian Grey tomorrow at the Cardiff Millennium centre. We got tickets ages ago and I was excited about seeing it as a play. But I found out yesterday that it apparently isn't a play. It's a ballet. Now i'm not really looking forward to it.

  14. :awesome: I do like a good curry. It's the most popular dish in Britain you know. :happy:


    Yes. I will breach my relations with Rome for you.


    What would that look like?!


    I'm a "Master of Arts". I've been out drinking this evening following our first play rehearsal. In fact i'm still slightly drunk now, and am going to bed!

  15. A Sony Ericsson K610i apparently. I'd ask what yours is, but I doubt it would mean anything to me! I know nothing about mobile phones. :LOL:


    Well you said you'd never had Indian to me once. :phu:


    Even after my photos of Wales?


    No. but I will be your Mark Anthony. :awesome: Well, the facebook group says:


    "Think creaking rides, creepy clowns and pervy strong men! Here are a few ideas to get you inspired:

    Tim Burton films

    Freaky fortune tellers

    After hours clowns and circus folk

    Midgets, bearded ladies, 'freak show'


    Animals running riot - clapping monkeys!?

    Creepy Magicians"


    Right on it? I found out my dissertation result today. So I am officially a Master now!

  16. It still works as well as it did (which is not very well) anyway!


    You've never tried Indian, Thai, or Chinese! But that's what I live on. :eek: When you come to England we'll have to find out if you like them. :yesey:


    Why do you need a golden goblet? I'm not sure what abandoned fairground consists of. Well, not past scooby doo at any rate. :LOL:

  17. It's waterproof...ish. Maybe.


    But they're so tasty. :happy:


    It would be interesting to go to America for Halloween. Here it's just an excuse to dress up for one night, but every year it seems like a massive holiday event for you! I may be going to a Halloween party this year with the drama society. They've just announced the theme as 'abandoned fairground', so I need to work out what to wear. I'm not going in drag though! :LOL:

  18. It was driving rain, like bullets at our faces.


    I will when she comes down. Just made myself a nice Chinese. Mmmm... :happy:


    You get some movies which only open at art house theatres, and foreign films generally only open at the big cinemas. Most just go general release though.


    Is it because I like eating hands? :awesome: Speaking of which, are you getting excited about Halloween?


    It was. *cackles*

  19. The wind was so strong on top of those hills that it literally made me stagger sideways at times. :happy:


    She's in Lucinda's room I think. Probably curled up under the bed on top of her sleeping bag and purring.


    I like last post. Then you can pretend it's actually pre-first post.


    Yep, he's the one American in Monty Python. :awesome: I think it's probably because Terry Gilliam makes arty/surreal/clever/indie (un-hollywood!) films so it's difficult to market them to the general public/critics, and therefore difficult to find a financial backer for somewhere as big as the US. But we get a general release here in most cinemas. :p


    It's the same guy who did the Ferrets song. His cartoons amused me much when I somehow stumbled on them a couple of evenings ago! :LOL:



    ^ The John McCain song one is amazingly bizarre too. :LOL:


    I don't know. I'll have to sit in your lap to find out. :awesome:

  20. What is your avatar from? It keeps intriguing me whenever I see it!

  21. She's a she. :happy: She got here this morning and has refused to leave all day! Every now and then we'd thought she'd gone, but she'd then emerge unexpectedly from under a bed or a seemingly empty room. Lucinda's taken Mouse up to her room to sleep with her and we'll try to encourage it to go back home tomorrow morning now. :LOL:


    Indeed. If I can get up in time for first post. It's painfully early is first post. It's noted for it's painfulness. Many a time you see people staggering towards the post boxes first thing in the morning shouting "Oh my god what a painful post." Which is why it may be second post instead.


    Because the director was a member of Monty Python! :awesome:


    I swear those two unicorns remind me of Lucinda and her best friend Joy.





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