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static shadows

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Everything posted by static shadows

  1. Noises Off < click it! :D


    They told Davie to go to Spain, and me to not do a PhD. :LOL:


    Fine! :mad: ...at some point.





    This made me happy last evening. :happy:


    They do! I can eat anything. :awesome:



    EDIT: Secret Friend Video. :eek: <3

  2. I got a small part in one of the plays. :happy:


    And I got my Tarot cards read and got very drunk. Yay! :dance:

  3. Urgh. Exams.


    I'm going through serious down time at the moment, even though there's no real reason for it. :( I'll be all right though! :D

  4. Peter Cook is awesome. :yesey: You should watch The Life of Brian! DO IT.


    One went well the other only ok. I've got recalls for 'Much Ado About Nothing' and 'Noises Off' tomorrow! Scary.


    Here are some of my hidden talents:





    OMNOMNOM. :happy: (That David Firth thing and talk of food made me think of this guy!)


    I think so! :LOL:


    I haven't got drunk or gone partying in ages. :( This is why I really want to get into one of these plays!

  5. *cuddles*


    England did do inventing comedy well. One of the few things we did do well. Peter Cook was one of Monty Python's biggest influences:






    Have you ever seen the Monty Python films btw?


    It was burgers, kebab substances, chilli sausages, and some kind of couscous I think.


    Much Ado About Nothing went quite well I think. The Trail less well sadly, but i'll see. I have two more tonight too.


    I'm not sure my Indian or Chinese would make it to you through US immigration. They're rather keen I hear. And a big fan of good cooking too I expect.


    I have many hidden talents. :yesey:


    Go into the site then on the bottom left of the menu-column thing click on "Secret Friend"

  6. + I've just seen the pictures from the new IAMX video on http://www.unfall.co.uk/


    Chris in drag. Now that's weird! :LOL:

  7. I'm real mad at you. :phu:



    Not really! :kiss:



    ...or am I? :shifty:






    Monty Python is made of win. I bought the complete series a couple of weeks ago.






    Oooh I can't remember. I'm back in Cardiff now! Just went to two drama society auditions. Scary stuff.


    I just make Chinese stir fries and Indian curries. And when I say "make", I don't make the sauce.


    Well Wales is famous for it's male voice choir, so there's a definite link with whale voice choirs there. *sings at you in whale song*

  8. oh, and in the one you've just posted, in the second paragraph there's a typing mistake "As soon as it goes wrong or qomeone" I must have missed that!

  9. It was mostly a success! :awesome:


    The end just seemed a little... rushed. :LOL:

  10. psssst! "whispers* You forgot your battle of the bands thread. :p

  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6D1YI-41ao


    Mmm... chocolate strawberry wine... I'm at my parent's house at the mo. We just had a big BBQ with lots of wine. :awesome:


    Every meal I make is lazy. :yesey:


    No, the best dream ever was last night! Me Nicole and Lucinda had a giant house in Cardiff with a huuge garden, but then it rained for days and days until the entirety of Cardiff started disappearing under water. Cars started floating through our garden, and then the garden seemed to be moving, and our house floated out into sea. :happy:

  12. ...first bottle....... *faints*

  13. :awesome:


    Or just say "my hoovercraft is full of eels."


    Mmmm... chocolate wine. :happy:


    No. If I want to eat noodles then i'll boil some without a load of salt. :yesey:


    I did! :eek:

  14. *snuggles screen*


    Rat! Your name vill also go on zee list. Makes me think of the first 4 mins of: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofklBlY0QAI :happy:


    Tis an awesome film. :yesey:


    Doooo it!


    Oh! Pot Noodles. Urgh. It was carrot and coriander. Btw have you seen THIS?


    right, i'm off to bed. Night! :kiss:

  15. I haven't done any snuggling in... longer than i'd like to admit to! :(


    It is! Expensive(ish) but well worth it. :yesey:


    :supersad: I want a gerbil. Or a hamster. Or one of these (if you can see it)


    Have you seen that film yet?


    Drink it! :awesome:


    I don't know what ramen is. It sounds Jewish. And tasty. Mine was in a plastic tub!

  16. *falls asleep* :happy:


    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Captain_Morgan <3


    I NEED a couple of months of sun a year. Or I go mad. Hence the gerbil I am wearing as a hat.


    And he loves you:




    Wine! :dance:


    Nah. Cheap soup for a broke student. :(

  17. *falls on*


    I made spiced wine before? :awesome: I'm not an expert! I just keep buying Morgans rum/Morgans spiced rum because it's made by welsh pirates. And pirates are win. But any double spiced rum with coke should melt you. :yesey:


    Usually mid 70's to low 80s at the hottest. *takes your sun*


    I just like Irish accents. :$


    :eek: *runs off to find a Clurichaun*


    I should really get up. I managed to get dressed and eat soup. And now it's 5pm. Fail. EDIT: But at least I DID NOT post this on my own wall. :shifty:





  18. .... *tickles more*


    I've never tried to make it!


    The sun can torture me any time. :yesey: But I do like Autumn too. I just prefer it after having had an actual summer.


    I now really want to watch The Wind That Shakes The Barley. But I don't have it. :(


    I got excited by the new images from the Chris directed Secret Friend video on their myspace. :$


    YES! Sounds exciting. :happy:

  19. *tickles some more*


    Ohhhh yes. Especially the spiced stuff.


    I do! But I like sun better.


    I'll taste your rainbow!




    I've failed today to do anything.

  20. *tickles*


    Rum is good for ANY time of year. :yesey:


    The sun has disappeared again here. :'(


    I'll get your lucky charms! :awesome:


    I haven't licked them. Why? Did you give them flavour?


    It isn't. But if she likes them there will be enough for another compilation!

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