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static shadows

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Everything posted by static shadows

  1. I'll catch them again next time around. :yesey:


    Drinking Spiced Rum and coke makes me a very happy and "friendly" drunk. :happy:


    hehe you'd make a cute leprechaun!


    I was going to open with President... but it just felt better for a Nicole mix to open with rock, and then it just didn't seem to fit in anywhere. End of my listing was rubbish btw. I've just had to change it all around. ....Oooh! Song of Imaginary Beings into Think of England is very good... Still worried Sailor sounds a bit out of place, but it needs some less harsh, lower vocals in there to prevent overkill/headaches! Keeps it rolling smoothly. And sexily.


    EDIT: Great Shipwreck Of Life sounds a bit tacked on and overkill too now coming after Spit It Out. CUT! Back to 15 tracks. ....Sailor (Simple Girl/Mercy/Kiss & Swallow/After Every Party I Die/Missile) > Song Of Imaginary Beings > Think Of England (After Every Party I Die/President/Nightlife/Kingdom Of Welcome Addiction) > Spit It Out > This Will Make You Love Again

  2. One gig this tour will probably be enough. It will be my 7th time of seeing them. :awesome:


    Black BOOKS! :p It's made of win. As is cake. And Spiced Rum does do things to me. MAGICAL things!


    Maaaaybe! :awesome:


    It's trying to keep the numbers down, and then finding an order/songs which flow well together to make a cohesive sounding ..err... sound, and make each other sound good. After cutting out 8 of my favs (boo!) i've got to: The Alternative > An I For An I > Nature Of Inviting > Tear Garden > Secret Friend > Lulled By Numbers > SHE > The Negative Sex > Bring Me Back A Dog > I Am Terrified > Sailor > Spit It Out > Think Of England > Great Shipwreck Of Life > Song Of Imaginary Beings > This Will Make You Love Again. But i'm still changing it around! Just trying to keep it at 15/16 tracks.

  3. I'm broke. :supersad: A couple of hours.


    We have lots of left over birthday cakes. :D


    You must have both! And soon!


    It was a magazine and an entertaining letter. :happy:


    I'm making a IAMX best-of for Nicole. It's hard. I keep having to cut some of my favourite tracks off it.

  4. At £40 a gig you bet!


    I can't remember. But it wasn't on a par with that one!


    I only had spiced rum. Just lots of it! Me and Lucinda have been finishing off the bottle tonight whilst watching "Everything Is Illuminated" and some "Black Books". :happy:


    I got mail today! :awesome:

  5. I'm going to Birmingham on the November 10th. :awesome:


    It's the best one since the Live & Kicking version of New Born. :LOL:


    Twas a good party! I was very VERY hungover today though on the drive back to Cardiff, and now I'm off to have my earliest nights in ages.

  6. Apparently Glenn Beck tried to present Muse as anti-Obama figureheads, and Muse responded almost immediately by asking him to never "endorse" them again. :LOL:


    It's an awesome album. And they're (by complete chance!) supporting Muse in their tour here. :happy: <3






    It was Nicole's birthday, so we had a big party at her house there! We went swimming in the sea, then climbed a tor, then drank lots of alcohol with BBQ stuff, and played games involving werewolves, witches, hunters and lovers. :happy:

  7. I'm off to Teignmouth tomorrow for a 2 day party by the sea. :awesome:

  8. Awesome video is awesome. :awesome:

  9. Well apparently they've just lost the Glenn Beck support! :chuckle: But yeah, that's by far the best they've done in the US though... isn't it?


    Like the album that arrived today:






    Boo! You must. He does have a good Welsh accent though. :happy:


    Yep! Even on the Mondya night I was up until 5am writing, only to go to bed then get up at 9am to do another hour of writing. Then printed off all 78 pages of it (despite my printer trying to run out of ink and break down), and got it bound and handed in by 3pm. 20,600 words in the end. :happy:


    I'm not quite completely skinny at the moment. I'm actually working out (..sort of) to get back into shape! :LOL:

  10. The Guiding Light solo is cheesy! It couldn't be cheesier if Van Halen played it in a lycra cat suit in the middle of a cheese making factory in Cheddar Gorge to the Mullets & Perms society performing aerobics in pink shoulder-padded suits. But other than that it's just a mess. Still, the good vocals and distorted bass nearly save it. Like Invincible it's not actually unlistenable, just highly skippable.


    It has. And it has at least three more albums i'm looking forward to. :happy:


    I nearly died watching that. :LOL: He's awesome, and very Welsh:






    Documentary? :awesome:


    Tomorrow now. Tuesday at midday. Which means I have all today to finish it off and organise it. Well, I say all today. I've woken up after midday already. But considering I was up all night, I think that's reasonable!

  11. *weeps on*


    There's only so many times you can work through to 5am and still not have an essay finished, before your sanity cracks. *curls up and goes to sleep*

  12. hehehe! Drunk Aurora! *pokes* :happy:

  13. In Soviet Britain, YOU go after Feds!


    I doubt it. I never came to like Invincible!


    It's not. Well, not for me anyway! It's very good, but it wouldn't get into my Muse top 10. Maybe top 20 if treated as one track. Maybe.


    My faves of the year so far are something like:


    1) Muse - The Resistance

    2) IAMX - Kingdom Of Welcome Addiction

    3) The Dead Weather - Horehound

    4) The Mars Volta - Octahedron

    5) Sonic Youth - The Eternal

    6) Arctic Monkeys - Humbug

    7) Tinariwen - Imidiwan

    8) Future Of The Left - Travels With Myself And Another

    9) Franz Ferdinand - Tonight

    10) The Joy Formidable - A Balloon Called Moaning


    *snip* I put 21 down! ^ but those are the best.

  14. Copyright? Damn.


    Apart from Guiding Light I enjoy all of it! Just some more than others. It's my favourite album of the year so far (and you know that I loved the IAMX album!). In fact it's an awesome year for albums so far. :happy:

  15. I liked 'Resistance' (the song) more today. I'ts going up to a 7. :yesey:

  16. :D


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o01dhTL1EHU < there she blows! Awesome intro (and keytar! :awesome:), and it's not bad live to be fair (just not as good as the rest of the set), but without the subtleties they spent so much time on in the studio version it just seems a bit hollow and repetitive by the end. :(


    It's definitely that last "Let's Get it RIIIIIIIIIGGGGGHHHT!" bit. Just breaks me out of it every time so far. Love the track (I mean genuinely love it) apart from that though! :happy:

  17. Whip me eh? :awesome:


    The Undisclosed Desires looping from Teignmouth on BBC digital (mst have been the same video), and can't remembr which lyrics. I just suddenly ws interrupted from peaceful emotions by an irritating image of Matt transfrming into Gerard Way. :LOL: Maybe i'll be able to tell you tommowrw bt right now I am very very drunk on wine. LOTS of wine. :happy:

  18. :pimp: < my wine drinking hat.


    I expect your review may be a bit more universally positive than mine :LOL:, but I wrote one as I went along in: http://board.muse.mu/showthread.php?t=65049&page=4 :awesome:

  19. I've just started to listen to the full album for the first time! :awesome:

  20. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bath,_Somerset :awesome:


    I just sent you a nice rambling PM about it! :LOL:


    Breakfast of wine... NEEDS TO BE DONE!

  21. Nope! She's going to Bath to see her sister for the weekend. :(


    It's 2/3rds hit! :awesome: But yeah, some don't work, see:




    But others do:






    I think the intro will be about 1,000-2,000 words and the conclusion 500-1,000. I'm now only 3,000 words away from the maximum word count as it is though! :LOL: 17,000 :awesome:

  22. I won't have anyone to party with. :(


    They are good. :yesey: Although their sketch show is hit and miss! I've been playing you nothing but the finest hits though!


    A month? :awesome:


    I'm listening to the BBC Muse night now (good old BBC iplayer :happy:) with a big glass of wine (good old wine :happy:) as i've finished chapter 3! So now all I have to do is an introduction, conclusion, and editing. And have the luxury of 2 days to do it in. Which is probably not much time. But usually I only have a few hours to

    do that in!

  23. Liking the full version of Undisclosed Desires (in the Muse site media player). And longer Exogenesis clips from the BBC Muse night. :happy:

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