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static shadows

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Everything posted by static shadows

  1. I think I may have lost the scorecard. But on the plus side I have a cat sitting in my lap:









    I shall send it post-haste!


    And Tom Waits as the devil! You should definitely see it once it's out. It's magical. :pimp:





  2. The first day. 2nd night of Earls Court in 2004 was the best time i've seen them though!

  3. :awesome:


    Damn them! See it by yourself then! Oh, and Tom Waits is awesome as the Devil. :happy:

  4. I will try my best, but I am a confusing character. :awesome:


    It was awesome! I want to see it again. :D The only way it could have been better is if Johnny Depp had done all 3 times Heath's character entered the mirror. He was only on the screen for 5 minutes but was amazing! Heath Ledger was brilliant too. The first time you see him is a bit terrifyingly weird though. You find him hanging, seemingly dead from a bridge, and he has to be brought back to life to start the movie. That felt very spooky and painfully sad now!

  5. :LOL:


    Strange! I don't know what i'm doing in your imagination, especially as I didn't have my own face! Hmm... reminds me of The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus! I saw that film on Saturday. It made me very happy! :happy:

  6. I do worry! I do.


    I'll try to remember!


    Sushi is awesome. :yesey:




    I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed it! :happy:

  7. If you spent one year here you'd be CRYING for sunshine and warmth at the end of it!


    Yes, the judges were sober/moderately sober. The rest of us were not. We were very drunk. Especially as the scorecard forced us to mix our drinks. A lot. :LOL:


    Sounds... interesting. :LOL:


    We went to the cinema last night (after some sushi) and saw 'The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus'. It made me incredibly happy! :awesome:

  8. I do. :awesome:


    ...err... what? :LOL:

  9. It's grey, cloudy, raining and in the low 50's here. And it will only get colder. :indiff::(


    Like a pub crawl with a scorecard! You have to go to 9 pubs and have one drink in each. The scorecard tells you which drink to have in each pub and how many sips you have to down it in, e.g. 'pint of beer = 3', so you have to down it in 3 to get a 0 (on par) or less than 3 to get a negative score (and as in golf whoever has the lowest score at the end wins). We also had 'spirit & mixer = 2', 'double and mixer = 2', 'Tequila slammer = 1', 'pint of cider = 3'. Oh, and every time one of the judges (who marked your drinking and scorecard) shouted "FORE!" everyone had to hit the floor, and last one standing had to do a penalty shot of vodka. And for the first 4 rounds we were tied to someone else. For extra confusion.


    I saw the moustache picture by the way! it amused me greatly! :LOL: What is Hoc Suey? And Cape Cods?

  10. Mouse came back twice today. She was purring at the windonw. :pussy:


    I wants hot! :(


    I've jus been pub golfing! I lost all Lucinda's stufff except for the glove so I may be i trouble! 9 Pubs and a club night. Ouch!

  11. You don't like our mouse? :supersad:



















  13. I had 2 glasses of red wine, 1 pint of ale, 4 double spiced rum and cokes, 1 single rum and coke, and 1 big glass of Sherry. :noey::(


    I took one! I'll post it later with the others.


    I don't know... :shifty:

  14. I spent all morning having weird waking dreams and vomiting, and have spent all afternoon lying on the sofa. :(


    We adopted a cat though! It randomly wandered into the kitchen and stayed with us for an hour. We called it Mouse. :pussy:

  15. I need a hangover cure. So very very ill this morning. :supersad:

  16. I will respnod and give you photos bt for now i am very durnk! yayy! :happy:

  17. Well, not yet. But i'm not going to have failed! :LOL:


    Watch it! It's an awesome film. :yesey:






    I took some photos from the train. Would you like photos of English/Welsh countryside? Wine pong did not go well. My friend was very ill afterwards. :LOL: Wine night? :awesome:


    Oh yes!




    *disguises self as cat and waits expectantly* :pussy:

  18. I am the master! of English Literature :awesome:


    'Life of Brian' is about someone called Brian who lived at the same time as Jesus and keeps getting accidently mistaken for him:






    It was my friends birthday party. Twas drunken. We played BEER PONG but with wine. :D


    Sexy sweat.


    I like that! Speaking of which:






    Ok what about THIS

  19. I don't smash pumpkins. :phu:


    We shall see my padawan. We shall see.


    I've just tried finding a bit of Life Of Brian but it doesn't work. That movie needs to be seen as a whole movie. :yesey:


    I'm going to London tomorrow for a big party. Yay!


    Mmmmm... sweat


    It's... too much.


    And THIS is yours

  20. I shall. They won't know what's hit them. Quite literally.


    I'm taking it for now, but i'm not sure what will happen in the long run.






    I've loved them for years and years. Awesome Scottish band. This was one of my favourite songs waaay back when I was a teenager:






    I'm not happy either. I don't like cold or rain. It hardly looked like the sun rose at all yesterday. Just endless grey cloud and murky darkness. :supersad:


    I've considered buying it before, but I doubt it would be worth the price! And i'd never be able to drink it! :LOL:

  21. Neither! :LOL: Just Tim the stage hand. But at least I got into something!


    I did, and i've got an unconditional offer.


    With a wet fish? :awesome:


    :eek: I must educate you:






    I do enjoy a good sausage.


    You'd have liked today. It rained and was freezing cold.

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