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static shadows

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Everything posted by static shadows

  1. :LOL: Aww! I'm not getting enough rest. And this play is only 2 weeks away and stressing me out. And I think i've only got a week to write and apply for funding for next year. But i've decided my New Years resolution is to slowly leave the board! Or at least make sure it's not taking up so many hours of my life. But on the other hand... Popcorn and Prague! So much awesome. Even if just because they're raw and noisy/strange enough to be a Showbiz or OOS b-side. Which speaks of promise to me. :awesome:


    We did indeed. I brought Maple Syrup and creme fraiche to the pancake fillings. :happy: <3 I've given up beer for lent! Just spirits and wine, and less of both!




    I was very confused until that last sentence. :LOL: Still, I told you so. :awesome:


    I KNEW IT! Sounds fun! I'd do it with ale. Which has little in the way of gas.


    It was on Charlie Brooker's Newswipe, which is an awesome, funny, and clever programme of awesomeness. :yesey:



  2. BOO! I haven't been online for days. I may try to give up internet more often, I actually got work done! And have been very very busy with rehearsals for our play. It's at 18 hours of rehearsal time a week at the moment.


    I can't actually remember why I was hungover last time... Hmm. Ah yes! Ellie's party. I drank 2/3rds a bottle of spiced rum. My liver must hate me. Especially after going to Marianne's house for pancake day. Me, Marrianne, and partially Nicole, got through 5 bottles of red wine between us. Maybe I should give up alcohol for lent. As crazy as that would be. Have you given anything up?


    Having a cape is always fun. :happy:


    Not even a little bit of romance there? A little touch of that perhaps? :awesome:


    A party with shotguns??? :eek: Sounds a bit dangerous to me. Oh you Texans!


    In America! That is strange! It's very rare to hear them on the radio inside the UK! They definitely deserve to be a bit bigger than they are though imo. :yesey:


    This entertained me:



  3. Hungover hungover hungover again. I'm fed up of being hungover!


    Here's a photo:




    Your evening sounds like it was moonlight and music and love and rooooomaaaance! :awesome:

  4. My aunt isn't really like that i'm afraid. :LOL: It was quite a Peter Cook-esque story though. :awesome:


    I do daaaaaare Miiiiiiiiisss Auuuroaraaaaaaar.


    I don't hate his voice, or them in general. I just don't particularly like them either.


    That's quite a strange phobia! :LOL:


    I found a greek (well, Spartan) costume, so stuck some facebook & Msn logos on it, took a few scrolls of messages, and made myself some papier mache winged shoes to go as the messenger God Hermes. The shoes were the best/only good bit tbh! But here they are, in blurred mobile phone camera glory:




    I'm going to another party tomorrow, then I'm going to see Sherlock Holmes at the cinema ('picture-box house' or whatever you call it :awesome:) on Sunday, a drama society play on Tuesday with my cast followed by late night pancakes and wine at Marrianne's house, then have 3 days of 4 hour rehearsals in a row going through the entire play (so lots of lines to learn), while fitting my uni work in somewhere and at some point having dinner with a Tibetan monk who's English is only slightly better than my Tibetan (which is non-existent). I'm going to be dead by next week! I feel pretty dead now. Although that may be a hangover from last night (there were 2 for 1 cocktails dammit!).


    Presentation didn't happen in the end after all that! We just had a general discussion on the use and role of Critical Theory in academia led by a paper from Etienne, who's a bit of an expert in French Theory.

  5. In my mind it is literal bare jokes.


    It is very rare to actually feel like an ice cream. My aunt, a formidable woman who could break a goose's wing at thirty paces, would always warn me about times such as those you describe. "If you feel like an ice cream, then stay out of the sun," she would cry. "Stay out of the sun or you shall melt, and leave a sticky sugary mess all over the carpet when you come in." Then she'd push you in a freezer for the duration, until you admitted you no longer felt like an actual ice cream. She was an eccentric character in many ways. It was her most prominent feature. People would come staggering away from her saying "what an eccentric character."


    He can't stare me down. He's too mockable.






    I didn't want to KILL the Bravery. Just not listen to them if I can help it.


    It was Joy's birthday, so there was cake involved at her flat after clubbing at the Student Union. I'm guessing that's where the balloons were involved too, but I don't remember them! The bath was full of those brightly coloured plastic balls though. Oh how we gallivanted. :awesome:


    I have to find/make a costume tomorrow for a party tomorrow night. The theme is "Greek, ancient or modern". I hate (non-Halloween) fancy dress. :indiff:

  6. The top few could be rearranged depending on mood!


    Naaw. I hope you get better soon. :( I'm still felling slightly ill, but just have a cold I think. I need to get to bed now though as it's nearly 5am, and since getting back from rehearsal i've been working through the evening/night (minus list making time!) reading impenetrable Bourdieu to prepare for a presentation I have to give in a couple of hours time. Boo.

  7. I think I may be getting a bit bored of Muse, then I realise i've just spent 1 and a half hours making this list while listening to every album: http://board.muse.mu/showthread.php?t=70949&page=3



  8. I can do many things with my mind. Mostly I undress people in there. :yesey:


    I can't compete with that. :(


    Then I would taunt him. Taunt him with my words.


    That's because Ouija boards are laughable. In fact so are ghosts, but the idea of ghosts is a bit scarier than a mere piece of cardboard.


    Which Knights? We never had a mascot, but Cardiff Uni has a dragon on it's crest.


    "I WILL THROW YOU INTO THE FIRES OF MOUNT DOOM" is a Bravery song? :eek:


    You being my skin was deemed a LIE! :awesome:


    And i've been parting tonight. With people and alcohol and clubs and balloons and beds and cake. :happy:

  9. Naaw! Of course you can. *snuggles* :happy:

  10. Either that or butter is just that flammable.


    I'll give you Goooooooooooooooood! *shakes fist*


    I would cry. :supersad: Then I would have to kill Alan Rickman. And do so in a ridiculous Allaan RrrrrrickMAN voiiice. :yesey:


    It didn't really scare me at all to be honest! I kept being amused by the idea of a powerful demon playing with a door. "I am the door demon! Fear me! Ooooh! A Ouija board! Yay, I has new toy. " I wanted to adopt it. :happy: <3


    It is a damn good name.


    Sounds hot. :eyebrows:


    That's actually quite a bizarre idea when I try to actually visualise it and work out the practicalities of how you type to me from Texas. I therefore think it LIES!


    This weekend has been dull and full of illness for me. And I haven't done enough work so i've no idea what i'll tell Stephen tomorrow. Boo. :(

  11. No idea.


    That is acceptable.


    Sad news from the cat. Mouse hasn't come at all today. :(


    Watched Paranormal Activity earlier! It was all right. Won't feel the need to buy it though.


    Lemsip indeed. I may go and make some now before bed actually. I need an early night. Especially as i'm meeting a real life Knight tomorrow. Stephen Knight that is! ....my supervisor.


    NOTHING, NOTHING AT ALL. :awesome:


    No I do not. Only skin.

  12. I get that a lot! Mostly through random stories. Nicole set fire to the microwave earlier with butter.


    It could work! But would be a bit pointless. I'd rather fill it with inflatable giraffes.


    Many, many times. I do love a good knead.


    I nearly watched it again earlier!


    I have some kind o' cold I think. Not enough vitamins! You got your what what now?! You say he has great taste in music and could be in the Bravery? Surely the two are incompatible?


    Pffft! It was only 6.21pm. I'm barely even awake yet at that time!

  13. You're off your rocker old girl!


    But that would involve it being damp, cold and mouldy. And i've had more than enough of mouldy houses now. :(


    Well, kneed her. But she's all right!


    I know all. Speaking of scary, I watched this last night and it was one of the most beautiful films i've ever seen:






    I'm staying in this weekend! Been out far too much plus i'm feeling ill. I may be going out on Monday night though! How was the party?

  14. Yes, yes I would. Although maybe covered with ivy, rather than full of ivy!


    Oh dear! Yes that would have been awkward. Ha! Me and Lucinda should obviously never be allowed to get drunk together! :LOL:


    I think I did! :awesome: But I found her, so she followed me to my room for a cuddle and sleep. :pussy: I think I may have quite literally kicked her out of bed this morning by rolling over though, so she may not be talking to me today!


    Did you pick the little owner up? It could have ended up in some kind of Russian Doll situation.

  15. /i have a mouse cat! :happy:

  16. I'm so very confused!


    IT IS! Well not that close to the cemetery really as it's all on the uni side of things. I live on Manor Street, just off Whitchurch Road! :happy: It was good, but not spicy. Which is sad, as I orderered spicy. Of course not! We didn't mean it seriously. Or at least I don't think we did. We thought it would be finny to disturb Nicole with sex noises though (in more ways than one!). Because we're evil.


    MOUSE! :eek: *runs off to save*

  17. Where does JK Rowling come in to it? :LOL:


    The pubs were spread throughout Cathays (google map is your friend!). I had a chicken chimichanga. Last night was alcohol free! This night.... not so much. Went to a lecture, then pub, then meal and wine with lecturers and students, then pub. Then me and Lucinda decided that while we both felt horny, having sex with each other (again) would be a bad idea. Did I mention that we're drunk?


    We both have stray animals then! Speaking of which, where is my mouse cat?

  18. Not quite! Marianne came round for our monthly-ish dinner party thing, and this tme it was my turn to cook, so I made a Thai feast, with Tom Yum soup and a spicy Panang curry. Oh and the 4 of us got through 4 bottles of wine. Then yesterday it was Chris' birthday (someone in our play's cast!) so we went to 5 pubs, then onto the Student Union club night. So two nights of drinking. Today was going to be my night off! We met up as a cast for a Mexican meal before going to see one of the other plays (Much Ado About Nothing). So I shared 1 bottle of red wine with one other person. And we got 1 shot of Tequila included with our meal. And then after the play we went to the pub, where I had just 2 rum and cokes. So barely drank at all. Comparatively. Tomorrow may finally be alcohol free!

  19. Two day hangovers are no fun. :(

  20. I am! :awesome:






    Oh wait... Sorry, missed a word out there. I am not. :awesome:

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