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Line Hoppers at California Gigs

Citizen Sandy

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I agree, all or nothing. When you make exceptions, it tends to just trickle down until everything's an exception. I don't like the idea of numbering, either, because what's the point? People could show up, get a number, leave for 4 hours, come back, get right back where they were, and how is that fair? If you show up early, and stay there, you shouldn't even need a number to prove anything.

I heart numbers. :happy:


What about venues with all GA, no seating?


I just know this has happened to me before, to where I could only get to the line by 4PM, and am grateful for people saving me a spot. And the one time I did that the people behind me were cool with it.


I dunno. I suppose if the people behind you were cool with it... I just know that if you can't get there till 4:00, then that's that. It's not fair. No matter how grateful you were. Sorry. I'm not trying to hate, the exact same rule applies to myself. I flew in day of, so I got seats, even though I would have loved to have been up front. I would have stood in the back if it had been an all GA venue.

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I just know this has happened to me before, to where I could only get to the line by 4PM, and am grateful for people saving me a spot. And the one time I did that the people behind me were cool with it.


I think that's the difference there is that you were polite enough to ask if people were cool with it. It's the ones who just rudely barge in (and in sometimes large numbers) feeling entitled; that's the real issue. But I think in general one should really expect to have to put in the time to get the privilege of being up front.


I heart numbers. :happy:


It's an innocent way to maintain order, but it can easily be abused in so many ways.

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I fucking hate that guy. I was actually right behind you in the blue shirt (you can see my friend in the last picture).


My friend cussed him the fuck out and he finally left because he was being such a little bitch, elbowing his way to the front. Fucktard.


+1 right there with ya!

git that kid is!

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So in the end, this kid got to:

Cheat his way to get up close. He ended up standing right behind me. I was at the barrier, right in front of MATT!!! (Excuse me while I have a moment of happy thoughts)

I got to hear his out of tune singing right in my ear, while he rubbed his pre-pubescent junk on me.


And to top that, he only knew the words to the new songs.


Perhaps that is what broke the camel's back for me. It's not okay to cut in line, but the fact that this child got away with cutting in line in front of so many die-hard fans AND he didn't know the words to BLISS!!!! Holy Jesus H!!!! That's just not right!:eek:


1. I'm so envious that you were so close! I doubt that will happen this concert..but back in the day I was so lucky....grumble. ;)


2. :rolleyes: Don't you hate that? It's like how much of a fan can you be? That almost bothers me as much as the people who go...who don't sing at all.

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There are some good reasons for saving spots, like when your plane is landing in at 4PM and you want to be in the front.


Nah, that is just as bad as any other queue-jumping. A late flight-arrival does not give you the right to stroll up and join the queue in front of hundreds of other people. Catch an earlier flight or join the back of the queue.

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Br00tal thread.


Would you count joining friends who had lined up early as line-cutting?




I was in seats at the San Diego show, so I don't know anything about line jumpers, but there were people shouting "What's this song? Huh? Have you ever heard this song?" during RBS. I was so :mad: and wanted to scream "shut the fuck up!!!"


There were several people having a chat during RBS at the Wembley gig and I did actually end up shouting at them to "Shut the fuck up!" :LOL: To their credit, they did shut up, though I think it was more from shock than anything else.


There are some good reasons for saving spots, like when your plane is landing in at 4PM and you want to be in the front. But in this case, that kid was there all afternoon, so he has no excuse.


I can see your point and I know you were really good and polite about it but tbh. . .if I was arriving that late, I'd just join the end of the queue.


I think that's the difference there is that you were polite enough to ask if people were cool with it. It's the ones who just rudely barge in (and in sometimes large numbers) feeling entitled; that's the real issue. But I think in general one should really expect to have to put in the time to get the privilege of being up front.




French fans in Lievin last year were DREADFUL for it. No disrespect to the Frenchies, but apparently there is almost always trouble with queue jumpers at French gigs.


It's an innocent way to maintain order, but it can easily be abused in so many ways.

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At at Pet Shop Boys gig a queue jumper tried to get to the front, pretending she couldn't speak English. The whole queue chanted for her to fuck off. Priceless.


I saved a spot for my mate at Teignmouth. I got there at 6am and he got there at 10am. People behind me didn't mind as I pre-warned them. It's the people who get there late and don't give a fuck that annoy me.

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1. I'm so envious that you were so close! I doubt that will happen this concert..but back in the day I was so lucky....grumble. ;)


2. :rolleyes: Don't you hate that? It's like how much of a fan can you be? That almost bothers me as much as the people who go...who don't sing at all.


I know every word, but sometimes I just want to listen and stare. I find Matt so wonderfully entrancing that I can turn into a seemingly blank zombie sort. I'd rather hear his beautiful voice than my own. :yesey: When I sing and jump (which I did the whole time in San Diego :facepalm:), then I miss stuff and don't soak up enough Matt.

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I know every word, but sometimes I just want to listen and stare. I find Matt so wonderfully entrancing that I can turn into a seemingly blank zombie sort. I'd rather hear his beautiful voice than my own. :yesey: When I sing and jump (which I did the whole time in San Diego :facepalm:), then I miss stuff and don't soak up enough Matt.



:LOL: i can appreciate that.

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French fans in Lievin last year were DREADFUL for it. No disrespect to the Frenchies, but apparently there is almost always trouble with queue jumpers at French gigs.



no offense taken... i am french and i hate queueing in france because of the amount of people queue jumping :LOL: i actually had to evict 2 or 3 people at stade de france who thought they could arrive at 3pm and wait at the very beginning of the queue!


I wonder when those people have to catch a flight if they walk up past the queue to go straight to the counter to check in...

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There were several people having a chat during RBS at the Wembley gig and I did actually end up shouting at them to "Shut the fuck up!" :LOL: To their credit, they did shut up, though I think it was more from shock than anything else.


I couldn't tell the people behind me to stfu during RBS: they were security people. :LOL:


no offense taken... i am french and i hate queueing in france because of the amount of people queue jumping :LOL: i actually had to evict 2 or 3 people at stade de france who thought they could arrive at 3pm and wait at the very beginning of the queue!


I wonder when those people have to catch a flight if they walk up past the queue to go straight to the counter to check in...


I concur. French people are extremely rude. Even if I had to deal iwth queue jumpers at Wembley (they were French) and complete twats inside the venue (they were using my body as a rest for their elbow and were trying to get to the barrier during the gig), it was nothing compared to the way French people behave. :noey:

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I let my sister and her boyfriend join me in line because they ended up having to change plans at the last minute. My sister's boyfriend ended up having to go overtime at work because of a 911 call (he's a medic) and couldn't get off until 3PM, while I arrived at 1PM. He wasn't even supposed to be working that day either--they called him in that morning.


I suppose you all think I'm a dick now, lol.

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I let my sister and her boyfriend join me in line because they ended up having to change plans at the last minute. My sister's boyfriend ended up having to go overtime at work because of a 911 call (he's a medic) and couldn't get off until 3PM, while I arrived at 1PM. He wasn't even supposed to be working that day either--they called him in that morning.


I suppose you all think I'm a dick now, lol.


i dont think its anything personal. just concert ettiquette. when you've waited for hours in a line...you turn carnal. lol. its not a pretty sight.

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