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I've liked you from the beginning :happy:

You remind me of me before I began to hold back the fanboy-ing


Oh that's nice to know :happy: ha i guess I presumed at the start that the Perfect place to fangirl over muse was on their fan sight. Oh could I have been more wrong. You can understand my logic though ;)


Uhh what thread are we on again? Oh well listened to New born earlier and half way through switched to the HAARP version so I could here that solo :awesome:

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Oh that's nice to know :happy: ha i guess I presumed at the start that the Perfect place to fangirl over muse was on their fan sight. Oh could I have been more wrong. You can understand my logic though ;)


I've always liked you too.

Well OMT has somehow remained fangirl friendly, you can always get your fill there, but of course not everywhere. And it's pretty standard for the newcomers to be the punching bag for the older members. Stick around for the new album when a bunch of noobs come and you'll see for yourself :chuckle:

It's a good life lesson to know someone will always consider your opinion wrong. Let me show you...


Defender of Prague :fear:


Get out.





As for songs, I've been hearing MotP a lot recently. Not that I ever stopped considering it awesome, but it caught my attention again.

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...what did he do wrong?


First I'm told that Prague ( a song a like a lot) is shit and now when someone says they like dark shines (which I also like) they're warned about other people doing the same thing.


1) Prague is just the worst.


2) Darkshines is good.




Find the difference.

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The back of the OOS case is the only place I know of where Dark Shines is spelt like that, everywhere else it is spelt as two separate words. Also, people don't tend to mind which version people use.


I know, Muse have been misspelling it for years. I knew Matt should have payed attention in English class.

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I've always liked you too.

Well OMT has somehow remained fangirl friendly, you can always get your fill there, but of course not everywhere. And it's pretty standard for the newcomers to be the punching bag for the older members. Stick around for the new album when a bunch of noobs come and you'll see for yourself :chuckle:

It's a good life lesson to know someone will always consider your opinion wrong. Let me show you...




Get out.



:happy: ha I guess I'll see for myself then. I'd like to tell myself I will leave them alone but who knows what will happen :$

That properly made me laugh :LOL: but let him have his opinion

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