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Crap.... another guy now.





and that dude commented on the Symetry/Hiper Music guy's video with (It was on the micro cuts vid)


"Lo sacaste de mi post se nota porque tienes cortada la imagen de la misma forma de que, mas encima Chris no sale en la foto, por k yo cometí un error al editarla, ademas en la imagen el la parte superior sale mi nombre, el cual tu lo recortaste ( por lo menos pone la fuente )"


Anyone care to translate??

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Crap.... another guy now.





and that dude commented on the Symetry/Hiper Music guy's video with (It was on the micro cuts vid)


"Lo sacaste de mi post se nota porque tienes cortada la imagen de la misma forma de que, mas encima Chris no sale en la foto, por k yo cometí un error al editarla, ademas en la imagen el la parte superior sale mi nombre, el cual tu lo recortaste ( por lo menos pone la fuente )"


Anyone care to translate??


I speak Spanish (i posted the comment) and I still don't know what he's saying. Its not the uploader anyways

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"What did you get my post noticed because you cut the image in the same way that, but Chris does not come up in the photo, for k I made ​​a mistake in editing, also in the top picture out my name, thy which the cut out (at least puts the source) " Google translate.

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