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Just spotted this on NME.com


James – “I saw the highlights on Glastonbury - you can’t argue with the set they’ve got. The've got a lot of big, big songs which work amazingly in a big field. They’ve got that show that they put on, which only a few bands can do. I’m sure they’ll deliver in 2011.”


Link: http://www.nme.com/blog/index.php?blog=146&p=8736&title=take_that_smashed_their_comeback_robbie_&more=1&c=1

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On Musewiki there is an NME article transcription indicating that Matt extended the offer to play at Wembley again even after the Klaxons initial rejection. So I suspect there is no hard feelings around that incident.


Unless you're called the Stereophonics Muse seem to get along with their contemporaries quite well. Admirable, really. ;)



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I'm glad they did; there are few shittier bands around at the moment.


They could be the best band ever but unfortunately their record company told them that they weren't in the 'right place' to release good music just this moment.


I think they're an ok band but they've shown themselves up to be complete numpties in the past few years (well since they've existed really)

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They could be the best band ever but unfortunately their record company told them that they weren't in the 'right place' to release good music just this moment.


I think they're an ok band but they've shown themselves up to be complete numpties in the past few years (well since they've existed really)


They will never be forgiven for practically sucking the cock of their label. What fucking wussies.

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  • 2 months later...
When? What? Huh?


From Musewiki ;)


"Muse supported the Stereophonics a "couple" of times in the USA. Matthew Bellamy indicated that he found it pleasant to socialise with them between these gigs. Due to a misunderstanding between each band's agents, sometime during the Origin of Symmetry tour the Stereophonics made false claims about the band to the press, claiming that Muse had turned down a twenty thousand pound concert offer because they wanted more money. Booking agents apparently referenced these allegations when Muse were booking concerts.


Bellamy alleged that the Stereophonics asked for 1.7 million pounds to perform at the Carling Weekend, Reading and that they'd taken the Performing Rights Society money from a band that supported them "


And this:



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Oh dear. Bellamy's so shy and awkward. They've certainly got better at doing interviews. And Chris - silent as ever :LOL:


This is the one of their best interviews! Matt is not shy at all. He's not afraid to have a laugh at the stupid interviewer when he asks them about the parties and so on.

This was the era when Muse were really cool. Their interviews now are so boring, they are too nice to the interviewers...

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Yes' date=' they complained in Q magazine that Muse had come to a couple of their shows in New York and offered to buy them drinks. Apparently they found it 'creepy' or something. :erm:[/quote']


Oh yeah. Here it is: http://news.qthemusic.com/2010/07/glastonbury_special_interview.html


"Q: What do you make of this being the last LCD Soundsystem album?

CH: I love it. Why drag everyone through the mud? Say what you've gotta say and then get out. That's the coolest thing you can do as a band. If you look at U2 for example it's just like why are you tormenting your fans? Just make a quick bold statement and get out.


Some people pull it off though Michael Jackson was setting up another tour when he died, I would have gone to that if I had money. That's because he never grew old and never dropped his sword. But some people like the guys from Muse it's a different story.


Muse showed up to our second, third and fourth shows in New York City in this tiny club called The Annex. There were like maybe 50 people there each night and they kept coming and offering to buy us drinks which was weird. We'd never hear their music before. I would just like to say that Muse are the most original band in the last ten years.


Q: Irony doesn't come across well in print.

CH: That is a quote, Muse said that they were the most original band. That's an interesting thing to say about yourselves, and I'm not going to elabourate other than to say we are the most un-original band in the last 10 years. We just want to write simple pop songs, we're not interested in doing something new just because it's new. This is not a new idea and it's an idea that never should have been lost in our opinion."



I guess they really don't like them :)

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This is the one of their best interviews! Matt is not shy at all. He's not afraid to have a laugh at the stupid interviewer when he asks them about the parties and so on.

This was the era when Muse were really cool. Their interviews now are so boring, they are too nice to the interviewers...


Not sure about that. Matt was hardly making eye contact with the interviewer, he was looking at his lap most of the time. Looks like shyness to me.

But Matt's newly-dyed hair did look amazing.

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Oh yeah. Here it is: http://news.qthemusic.com/2010/07/glastonbury_special_interview.html


"Q: What do you make of this being the last LCD Soundsystem album?

CH: I love it. Why drag everyone through the mud? Say what you've gotta say and then get out. That's the coolest thing you can do as a band. If you look at U2 for example it's just like why are you tormenting your fans? Just make a quick bold statement and get out.


Some people pull it off though Michael Jackson was setting up another tour when he died, I would have gone to that if I had money. That's because he never grew old and never dropped his sword. But some people like the guys from Muse it's a different story.


Muse showed up to our second, third and fourth shows in New York City in this tiny club called The Annex. There were like maybe 50 people there each night and they kept coming and offering to buy us drinks which was weird. We'd never hear their music before. I would just like to say that Muse are the most original band in the last ten years.


Q: Irony doesn't come across well in print.

CH: That is a quote, Muse said that they were the most original band. That's an interesting thing to say about yourselves, and I'm not going to elabourate other than to say we are the most un-original band in the last 10 years. We just want to write simple pop songs, we're not interested in doing something new just because it's new. This is not a new idea and it's an idea that never should have been lost in our opinion."



I guess they really don't like them :)


They should have felt honoured and flattered to have them at their crappy shows :phu:


Tbh, they were probably seeing if they would be good enough to fill a support slot. Clearly not...

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