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One Bell' of a festival show - Interview in the Daily Star, More new album talk


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The only time I remember a curtain not falling was....a gig on the Eastern coast which I can't remember. Chris's froze up and it took like 7 seconds for it to fall :chuckle:


I know that the curtain on Dom's tower got stuck for a bit at the Boston gig in March. My friend and I burst out laughing when it happened. :LOL:


Weird that I cant find the article online. Does anyone have a link? (or did I somehow not see it in the thread. If that's the case....sorry!)


I don't know that it was online. I believe the OP transcribed it from the paper.

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I thought before Matt just liked taking the piss out of U2 and making jokes about their multiple jets and stuff :chuckle:

Seems things have changed.

I cannot wait for this new album, I'm so glad their stripping it back- there's only so big you can go before you get a little lost and caught up in it all.

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Now i want to wait to see how things

go, you know...

Hope something really new for the next


not so NSC, but not like Unintended either...

I think they're the amazing band they are cause they can change and go forward... If i want to listen something more showbiz i can put my Ipod and listening it,

for now from them i want something new and great :awesome:

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Definitely interested in seeing where the "mellow" things take them...I'm already dreaming of a return to something like Sunburn...:D


I wouldn't mind a fair dose of angst on the next album as Matt sorts through the last year of his personal life...something Hyper Music -esque, perhaps? :happy:

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Definitely interested in seeing where the "mellow" things take them...I'm already dreaming of a return to something like Sunburn...:D


I wouldn't mind a fair dose of angst on the next album as Matt sorts through the last year of his personal life...something Hyper Music -esque, perhaps? :happy:


More likely something like "Hyper Chondriac Music"... although that would be great, too. Maybe there'll be another track akin to "Darkshines" -- moody and brooding, but with a quick pulse running through it, and exploding into paroxisms of soloing.


A stripped-down, flamenco-guitar number would be great, too.

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we try to makeup for it by wearing silly costumes and playing unpredicatable setlist's'



good on muse :musesign:


I think our fans like it when we embaress ourselves.


oh you know it :D



I've written some things already and they seem to be more mellowish - it's basically less orchestrated and more stripped down.


can't wait! :stunned::stunned:



But when quizzed about the stunning blonde, he says these quotes are "absolutely 'madeup" However he add's it going really well.


Or he was obviously too smashed to remember. :awesome:


thanks for the wonderful interview!

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I share the same opinion.


Though saying that, he's had the media and public interest to deal with, not all of it particularly positive, so he may have a fair bit of recent subject matter there. I'm not surprised he's writing either. Not so sure what he's writing now musically or in subject matter if he has one, will survive in it's current form until the next album though. That's a fair way off.


From what he's saying about it being intimate and stripped back I would go more Unintended style than Hypermusic. I would say Hypermusic is the opposite, it's pretty full on. Though it may be more like Undisclosed Desires as he's said that all along, and that is both stripped back and intimate though has worked in a stadium setting, though a whole album of songs like UD would be a bit of a shock! :LOL: The beauty of Muse is with so much variety it's difficult to predict.:)

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nice interview, thanks for posting.

i honestly don't know what the next album will be like. :erm:

we'll see...


When he says more personal i hope more escape like personal and not NSC like personal


please no :facepalm:


Edit: When except from Oxegen did they play unpredictable setlists at festivals? :chuckle:


i was wondering the same :LOL:


Something like Screenager, Ruled By Secrecy or HCM, maybe? /wishful thinking, haha


RSB :eek:

please muse :supersad:

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yeah, that's generally been my thought, but for him to come right out and claim that it's "made up" it is a bit... :shifty:


On this, they embellish which is the same thing really. They twist things. For instance I think it's perfectly likely that the journo sneakily asked Matt in a jokey way, whether marriage bells are on the horizon (because they already have an idea of how they want the story to go) and Matt said, totally reasonably, "it's too early to think about marriage and stuff at the moment, ask me in a few months" which then becomes something like "Bellamy is obviously smitten with his new beau, even marriage was mentioned, Bellamy saying "it's too early to talk about marriage and stuff at the moment but ask me in two months!" completely changing the emphasis. :LOL: I think it's quite funny actually but poor Matt. (Quotes from memory btw just to give the gist, I think they managed to sensationalise it even more! :LOL:)


I guess a few drinks would have got him talking though. In a more sober frame of mind, he may have done the sensible thing if he wanted to prevent the gossip and said "no comment"! No doubt they would still manage to make something of it though. :rolleyes:

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^ i can totally imagine that an interview like this happened and they twisted his words! i mean gossip writers make up the most ridiculous things. how often have we heard that someone is supposed to be pregnant or a couple broke up? that's not even twisting words, that's just a flat out lie! those guys write anything to sell their copies :rolleyes:


thanks for posting that interview a-museing! his comments on the new album sound really good!

btw, i don't think that NSC should be taken as a hint for which direction their new stuff is going to take just because it's their latest single. i like to think that it turned out that way because it was specially written for the film which is a cheesy love story, so he wanted it to be suitable :LOL:

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This article still isn't on the Daily Star website nor can it be found when googling for it (seems strange that the Star would forgo the revenue stream generated from the 'net) Has anyone other than the OP who is from the UK seen it? If so, would it be possible for you to please scan it and post it?

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At the start we're around a curtain that reveals us, but for the first few concerts it kept getting stuck. At one of the shows, the curtain came down and landed on my head, so I had to play with this big sheet over me, looking like a ghost! But I think our fans like it when we embaress ourselves.



Is this on youtube?!?! I wanna see it soooo bad!!!! Haha Matt the ghost!

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This article still isn't on the Daily Star website nor can it be found when googling for it (seems strange that the Star would forgo the revenue stream generated from the 'net) Has anyone other than the OP who is from the UK seen it? If so, would it be possible for you to please scan it and post it?


It's not from the UK Daily Star it's from the Irish Daily Star and they don't appear to have a website. Why do you need a scan? I went to the bother of typing the whole thing up.

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a-museing: Thanks for explaining--if they don't have a website that explains it all. I appreciate your typing it up very much. I didn't mean to offend; I'm just one of those people who needs to see an original source link for things on the internet :)

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