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Can I have Matt's flashing shutter shades in blue (Resistance Tour 2009-2010), please?:p

these glasses are already taken under different names:


wearing Shutter Shades sunglasses – nataly

LED Sunglasses - Cam123


Can I have naomithegreat? :D

she has to post here giving her permission


Can i keep You Electrify My Life?

the user or the line from the song?


I'd like to keep John Leckie having to explain to Matt what Blues is :D (it's mentioned in this video
) Please, thanks :)



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Oh sorry :noey::facepalm: i mean the user.

she has given me her permission btw. does she have to post here?

yes, she has to post here giving her permission

Can I please keep:

Dom's cheeky grin at DomCam in Citizen Erased from the 2010 xmas pressie

Back in Black from Sydney Big Day Out 22/1/2010

Matt singing "destwoy" instead of "destroy" in New Born

Matt's mirror ball jacket from the Resistance tour


Thank you!

all added

I'd like to get rid of "the debate in the "Should Muse Split Up" thread"


I'd like to get rid of "the way Matt says "resume" in Uprising. thanks



Yay! I've been here a month :awesome:


Can I have the megaphone in the Feeling Good video and the song Hate This & I'll Love you? And if the song itself is taken can I have the part "You led me on.." in the song?

the first one added


the song is already taken, so I added the line from it

Could I please keep the Sunburn Solo at Big Day Out 2004 and the Endless Nameless riff from LCCC? I checked the list and couldn't see them anywhere...


Thanks :D


Hello! Can I be the keeper of: the way Matt sings LOSE in Nature_1? I wasn`t able to find it on the list so I think it is still free.:happy:



Can I be the keeper of Dom crying while watching Bambi? :happy:



I'm giving back: the "hey"s in Unnatural Selection, cheers :)


(btw I've also changed my username)


removed and username changed

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Hi just letting you know my username's been changed from Xx_MUSE_xX to OUTTA-TIME so my keeps need be updated. These are all my current keeps, all in the Matt catergory.


flicking the V to paps

Yamaha Pacifica 120

saying "Bomb-Diggity "

saying "That's the biggest moshpit I've ever seen! And I've seen a few!" after TiRO on HAARP

Glowcaster Manson (light up keytar)


Also this one: 'winning the race on JR 09' was meant to be removed when I claimed the yamaha, but it's still on the list.


Thanks again! :happy:

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You are going to hate me.. but can I own Dom saying "Easy" after Matt calls his jeans gay again please? didn't mean to have iit removed, I only just realised I did :$ And can I own The Resistance DVD? I'm really sorry! Thanks for doing all of this, it's much appreciated :D


I'm sorry but you're already keeper of 5 things from the general Muse category, so The Resistance DVD cannot be added...but you can have the other one...just remember not to put it in your sig until RedStar confirms it's added, thanks! ;)

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I'm sorry but you're already keeper of 5 things from the general Muse category, so The Resistance DVD cannot be added...but you can have the other one...just remember not to put it in your sig until RedStar confirms it's added, thanks! ;)


Thanks! :D Well can I remove MoTP [AOL Session] to have The Resistance DVD?


And just wondering, are any of the Exogenesis song's free? I looked on the list and it says just Cross Pollination is taken.. if there is one free can I swap "secrets locked up and loaded on my back" for it? If not then can you swap it for Blackout? :$ Sorry about this, I know I'm a pain, and you're amazing for doing all this :)

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