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ok trust me this is going to song VERY weird at first...



my dream was about me with muse. i was helping their sound engineer mix the resistence while they were recording. i secretly liked dom, and noticed that he kept staring at me. i would get lost in his eyes... then my cell phone would vibrate in my pant pocket totally freaking me out!

the next day we went for a swim in matts indoor pool. my need for dom was so much!!!! i swear!!! dom is fucking hot when he is wet! :$ later we went back into the recording studio. he put a 100 pound note in my pocket, and went into the recording room. he came back out, sat on the couch. i followed. i sat on top of him, facing foward. and i told him, "sorry i don't take money from someone i haven't kissed."


next thing i know im preg... :eek:



:facepalm: it was the weirdest dream!!! i swear i have never thought of that!!! it freaked me out! well it's out and i feel better:happy:


Fun. :LOL::LOL:

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Two Muse dreams in a row :eek:


I believe they were shooting a music video for Origin of Symmetry, as we were in this large, well-lit werehouse place with cameras everywhere. Matt and I were best friends, goofing off and laughing :happy: His hair kept changing between blue and black. At one point he was wearing nothing but white tights, and at another he was driving a go-cart around naked (God bless my dirty subconscious) :eyebrows: The view was nice, ladies. For some reason, I was measuring his height. He was slightly taller than he is in reality, but even so, I teased him about being short and he giggled in the most incredible freaking way. Unable to control myself, I kissed his cheek and said 'God, Matt, you are so ADORABLE!' :chuckle: He looked a bit uncomfortable (why is it that I can never get a good snogging out of the Bellamy? :facepalm:), but then Dom came up and the three of us had a cheese fight, through handfulls of grated cheese at one another :LOL:


It was the best dream. Evar.

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My dream last night was just a series of unrelated, short scenes.

The bit with Muse in was a video of them talking to Russell Brand. Russell told them an anecdote that was supposed to be funny, but Matt, Dom, Chris, Morgan and Tom all just looked at him with really solemn expressions...

Very peculiar!

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Two Muse dreams in a row :eek:


I believe they were shooting a music video for Origin of Symmetry, as we were in this large, well-lit werehouse place with cameras everywhere. Matt and I were best friends, goofing off and laughing :happy: His hair kept changing between blue and black. At one point he was wearing nothing but white tights, and at another he was driving a go-cart around naked (God bless my dirty subconscious) :eyebrows: The view was nice, ladies. For some reason, I was measuring his height. He was slightly taller than he is in reality, but even so, I teased him about being short and he giggled in the most incredible freaking way. Unable to control myself, I kissed his cheek and said 'God, Matt, you are so ADORABLE!' :chuckle: He looked a bit uncomfortable (why is it that I can never get a good snogging out of the Bellamy? :facepalm:), but then Dom came up and the three of us had a cheese fight, through handfulls of grated cheese at one another :LOL:


It was the best dream. Evar.


haha, awesome dream!


I dreamt last night that i was at this garden centre place with my school, for some biology trip or something, but i got lost :( and i couldn't find anyone so i went to the café place. I bought some food or something and sat down at a table (on my own :() and then noticed matt, dom, chris and some other random guys sitting round a table eating salads. I didn't want to disturb them, because i was worried they would be annoyed, so I slowly crept from one table to the next, to try and get closer to them, without being too obvious. Then matt looked at me and called me over, so I was like :D and ran over, but they told me to sit on the floor, and said i didn't deserve a seat :'( but then the other guys at the table went away, and matt said i could sit on a chair, so i did. Then they started discussing plants and trees, which was odd.. But then they all hugged me :D and dom and chris ran off, shouting 'let's go plant some trees'. Then matt talked to me about gigs and stuff, and what they've been doing lately, and then he gave me a christmas card and skipped off singing USoE.


It was a pretty awesome dream, but the weird bit was that it wasn't christmas..it was summer..


And i don't have a weird obsession with plants or trees :LOL:

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The night before last I had one that Muse were playing at my old primary school! I was talking to Matt in the hall before and I was showing him where I used to walk around and all that. He was like, that's so cute! I took a picture of us on my phone and then discovered that the picture fucked up somehow, and it looked like I just photoshopped myself in with him :LOL: Then it was time for him to meet the others on stage. He took my hand as he walked up to it, and I was like JIZZ. But as soon as we got outside and saw the crowd, he let go of me. I was so pissed off :LOL:

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The night before last I had one that Muse were playing at my old primary school! I was talking to Matt in the hall before and I was showing him where I used to walk around and all that. He was like' date=' that's so cute! I took a picture of us on my phone and then discovered that the picture fucked up somehow, and it looked like I just photoshopped myself in with him :LOL: Then it was time for him to meet the others on stage. He took my hand as he walked up to it, and I was like JIZZ. But as soon as we got outside and saw the crowd, he let go of me. I was so pissed off :LOL:[/quote']


aww :happy: that's a nice dream

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I dreamt I had a huge fight, ninja style (haha), with my friend in a pub. she storms out and I went over and sat at the bar wallowing in my own despair. Matt walks up to the bar and orders something, and notices that I have a huge black eye, so he asks me where I got it from. the random bald man at the bar explains that I was in some huge ninja style fight with my friend, and then Matt demands that I call my friend on the phone to apologise. I called her, and she was like 'don't wanna talk to you, hmph!' so I asked if she wanted to talk to Matt (she is a muse fan irl) so of course she did and he told her over the phone 'whatever your friend here has done, you need to forgive her because she is a nice girl.' and just like that, our relationship was restored.

Matt Bellamy. Relationship restorer. :yesey:


I saw Dom somewhere in my dream last night as well, but I dunno where, it annoyed me that I couldn't remember when I woke up. :LOL:

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Its so weird that I would find this today. Last night I had a Muse dream and man, I woke up wishing it was March 17. :rolleyes:But anyways... My friend and I were at the concert and we had gotten there really early. No one was there so we could pick any seats we wanted. Except it wasn't a stadium it was a little theater. U2 was there too. (Maybe because I went to the U2 concert to see Muse) So I picked the perfect seat so I could face Matt face to face. And with my handy dandy camera I recorded Uprising. Or maybe MK Ultra.


Dang I can't wait till March.:D


The gig is in Ft. Worth. :p

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The past two nights, I've had muse dreams. The first one is a bit weird but the second one was a lot of fun!


First day, Matt is in a parking garage and getting ready to fight someone. I try and stop them because I think Matt is going to win but he could also get hurt. Then, my dad comes out of nowhere threatening to kill Matt. Chris is sitting in a black car watching the whole thing. Then, me and Matt are running through colorful tunnels (like from the 70s) and my dad is chasing us. We both jump down a shoot and make it back to the parking garage where Matt jumps into another shoot and is gone. I shouted "Matty!" And my dad said "Matty is Patty, now."


Weird, I know.


Ok cool dream time!


We are at a signing, very private, only a few people. I go to Dominic's table and ask him to sign my BH&R CD but he doesn't have a sharpie so I give him my ticket and he signs it. Then I get in line for Matt but can't find my ticket that Dom had just signed! So I search my very full and messy purse, all the while Matt is staring at me and my purse, probably upset I was holding up the line.


Eventually he tells me I'm holding up the line, even though it wasn't very long, and he said I'd have to get back in line if I couldn't find it. Then, I pulled out a random math quiz that I had in my purse and asked him to sign that, instead. He gets out a purple pen and writes almost a book! Seriously, wrote a lot and smiling all the while, laughing to himself. I vaguely remember reading something about how I should organize my purse better. Then, a little girl who was behind me was next and he signed her CD.


Then, I'm in a tent with Matt and my mom and we are watching TV. I'm staring at him because I can't believe he wanted to hang out with the line-stalling purse girl. So a commercial comes on for Carnival cruises or something and Matt says all cute "Only good enough reason would be to visit family. Why not visit your family already?" He thought the ad was stupid, apparently. And then, as I was digging through my purse again, I found the ticket finally for him to sign again only as I looked at it closer, it was really one of those perfume cards. He laughed at me.


Suddenly I was in my living room and the ticket was on top of the answering machine. I wanted to get him to sign it but I could tell I was waking up and as much as I tried to hold onto the dream, I couldn't. :( But that's ok! I dreamed of Matt two nights in a row. Yes, they're weird but he's in it so that's good! Dom was nice, signing my ticket, very fun!

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Well this is the first dream of MUSE I had it was in 2006 and I was pretty bummed I wasn't able to see them when they were in L.A...two weeks later I dreamt that I was in line with my best friend and sister at a meet and greet and we were asking them questions...then I woke up! I was really mad cuz that was an awesome dream lol then I turned on the radio and the dj on KROQ announced they would be at the Virgin Megastore in Hollywood signing copies of BH&R!!! Sooo...u can imagined I thought I was still dreaming. Anyhoo, I got to meet them I was EXTREMELY nervous but I was able to tell them that they are my heroes and thank you for making such beautiful music,etc.etc....I guess some dreams do come true :) or I just have REALLY good karma lol I don't know...

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Last night I dreamt that Dom drove me to school... then he decided to come into school with me and I was getting mad at him because he was acting like a really embarrassing parent! And then he got all depressed and left :( then my stupid alarm went off...

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my kinda-Muser-ish friend had a dream about having sex with Matt :eek: ...

he was supposed to be her friend from middle school but somehow he looked like Matt :p



should i be jealous? :ninja:


I am :indiff:


it wasn't really a muse dream (it was about asian snacks, supermarkets, guitars, and windows media player) but there was a random part when Matt and Chris ran through my house suddenly.


Haha. Sounds like the kind of crap I usually dream about, random Muse cameo included.

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Guest Octazooka

I dreamt that I was on the train, and then three dudes got onto the train at this stop-which happened to be Matteh, Dom and Chris :eek: They were all dressed in leather jackets and pants, and they sat opposite me- I was going :awesome: and I felt all nervous cos I wanted to get their autographs :chuckle: Then all three of them notice me and Matt pretends to fall asleep in his seat which made me :chuckle: Dom tries to do the same thing but his head falls onto Matt's shoulder and makes him annoyed.:LOL:


Then after that they leave the train(I forgot all about the autograph, damn :() and then I continue to my destination on the train- After getting off and meeting my mum at the train station I get a scrapbook with Matt's pictures and his gargantuan signature in it- turns out that Matt had signed it and passed it to my mum :eek: (which is freaky considering that he doesn't even know me! :LOL:)


Then the dream turns into some boring stuff and I woke up with this :D on my face. :LOL:

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This dream actually happened after my friend called from Florida for the first time on New Years.


I was in my living room I think. I couldn't remember because the sofas were same, but the walls were red and white striped reminding me of Waldo :LOL:. I was sitting on one of the sofas and Matt was sitting next to me too and we were having a conversation about random stuff and we acted like such close buddies. I was so happy because I freaken love him! Then out of nowhere my cellphone rings and my ringtone is Uprising and I'm like "Oh...:$ this is uh...excuse me while I take this call." Matt started laughing and said it was alright, then I went down the hall to answer the call...and it was my friend from Florida who called me on New Years night :LOL:. Then the dream ended because my mom woke me up...again.

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i dreamed that i was in a muse gig in a parking lot outside of walmart:rolleyes:. Matt was singing USoE , and all of a sudden he started singing opera! and all the people were with white shirts and holding hands, and Dom had these candles around him. Then the police came and took everyone to jail, :(


I keep having concert related dreams. I had a dream that I had just finished one of my bicycling classes and then my parents say "Come on we have to go see Muse." So we are driving in the car through this futuristic looking town and then arrive at the venue. So I'm there and I see some boardies I know on here and apparently I was late to the concert but I was able to get in through the back doors and so I was at the front but everyone is laying on blankets in the mosh pit (:wtf:) and this fat lady keeps complaining to me that I bumped into her and messed her spot up on the ground. It was strange. I also had a dream I met Muse at Wembley and Matt was fat and a jerk. But Dom gave me his drumsticks and Chris was.... Chris. He just stood there looking awesome.

Edited by Ahkmed
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I keep having concert related dreams. I had a dream that I had just finished one of my bicycling classes and then my parents say "Come on we have to go see Muse." So we are driving in the car through this futuristic looking town and then arrive at the venue. So I'm there and I see some boardies I know on here and apparently I was late to the concert but I was able to get in through the back doors and so I was at the front but everyone is laying on blankets in the mosh pit (:wtf:) and this fat lady keeps complaining to me that I bumped into her and messed her spot up on the ground. It was strange. I also had a dream I met Muse at Wembley and Matt was fat and a jerk. But Dom gave me his drumsticks and Chris was.... Chris. He just stood there looking awesome.


of course he is.



I had a dream where I was under the ocean (?) and there was lego everywhere (also ?) and I was having an epic party, and Dom and Chris were there but not Matt and I asked them where Matt was and they said 'he calls himself God now' and I took this as a perfectly feasible answer. Then everyone else left and we played duck duck goose. Then a big ball of lego rolled towards us and we were running away like in Indiana Jones. Thats all I can remember.

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Haven't had a dream in a long time

See, the life i've had...


could make a good man bad? :p


... i used to think it was havnt had a 'drink' in a long time... you learn something new everyday! :happy:


chyeah, because youve been up all night on here :stunned:


pumpkin has a point daniel... try sleeping! ;)

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i hadn't had a muse dream for a while.


but last night, i dreamt that i walked down to the other end of my house to find my dad and say goodnight to him before i headed off to bed. on my way back to my room, i passed the couch and on the end of my couch, sitting there was mr matthew james bellamy. i looked at him, and he smiled at me.


'goodnight, matthew,' i said to him. he then stood up, walked over to and wrapped his arms around me. he kissed me on the cheek and told me goodnight.


and then i woke up, sadly :)

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