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I, unfortunately, don't have very many Muse dreams, and if on the rare occasion I do, I really only remember that one of them was in my dream. I never remember what actually happens...:indiff: Anyways, my non-muse friend had a Muse dream on a coupe occasions. She tells me that she is "driving towards Matt Dom and Chris in an ice cream truck and hit them with the truck, but only Matt comes out unharmed but his guitar got crushed." :( Not a very nice dream. Poor Dommeh and Chris. :'( (shame Matt's guitar was crushed too...)

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I wish Guitar Hero Virtual: Muse Edition actually existed:rolleyes:

Don't we all. :rolleyes: It felt all to real to be just a dream though. But, alas, that's all it was. :LOL:


The car didn't come down though, I think it just stayed up there and I fell with Matt to the bushes. Then we had this cool sex scene and then Matt steals a plane from a farmer that was watching and he flies away.

:LOL::LOL: You would have that dream. :LOL::p

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Last night I had this really bizarre dream where the apocalypse arrived and there are zombies everywhere.

The only thing I can remember is me and my dad and some other people that I don't know, sitting in my living room holding shotguns and weapons, hiding from the zombies.

All of a sudden, I hear Micro Cuts chorus outside and it's coming from one of the buildings, so I'm going outside to the patio and I'm trying to see where it's coming from but I cant.

That's all I can remember.

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I had the freakiest Muse dream to date this morning.


I was at a gig, right near the front (in the press pit, I think). Matt was already on stage, huddled over a piano on the right. Dom was being lowered onto the stage by some wires, to the tune of Back In Black by AC/DC. He was completely naked, or so I thought, until I realised that he was wearing a large, plastic penis with a 2" clear cube at the end of it (WTK??), and an elbow-length chainmail glove on his right hand...

They start to play their first song, but it's absolute rubbish, because Matt keeps laughing at Dom and mashing the piano keys, and Dom is beat-boxing (terribly) instead of playing the drums. I think (I can't remember this bit too clearly) Chris was dressed in a clown suit and miming along, playing an inflatable bass.

Then I realise that I'm watching all of this on a screen with my nan and my sister, even though we were supposed to be going to a market to buy chicken fillets.


I woke up, facepalmed a few times, before giggling for about 5 minutes...

Mental, no?

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I had the freakiest Muse dream to date this morning.


I was at a gig, right near the front (in the press pit, I think). Matt was already on stage, huddled over a piano on the right. Dom was being lowered onto the stage by some wires, to the tune of Back In Black by AC/DC. He was completely naked, or so I thought, until I realised that he was wearing a large, plastic penis with a 2" clear cube at the end of it (WTK??), and an elbow-length chainmail glove on his right hand...

They start to play their first song, but it's absolute rubbish, because Matt keeps laughing at Dom and mashing the piano keys, and Dom is beat-boxing (terribly) instead of playing the drums. I think (I can't remember this bit too clearly) Chris was dressed in a clown suit and miming along, playing an inflatable bass.

Then I realise that I'm watching all of this on a screen with my nan and my sister, even though we were supposed to be going to a market to buy chicken fillets.


I woke up, facepalmed a few times, before giggling for about 5 minutes...

Mental, no?



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Not really Muse, more Muse board :LOL:


I had a dream that I was on Mock The Week, and got assigned a topic to tell a funny story about. I got assigned the random topic of 'muesli'. So I decided to start by talking about how my mum works in a shop and has to sell muesli (buh dum dum tsh). Anyway. I started talking, but all of a sudden I was on a massive stage, and I couldn't stop laughing hysterically. I went into a full blown laughing fit, and then all the audience started laughing at me too. Turns out the whole audience was made up of members from the Muse board, and that every time I laughed, giant numbers flashed on the screen behind me, saying 2+2=5


Apparently all you lot found it hilarious.

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last night in my dream i was about to go to bed and i was like "lets dream about Muse tonight!" so in my dreams dream me and dom were on the high school swim team doing ballet :stunned:

and then chris was playing bass at the side of the pool

and then matt was standing in the pool holding our medals


dom in a speedo


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Very strange dream the other night.


I was running around in this fairground with my best friend, apparently being chased by something. We ran past a CD stall, and Futurism was playing. I yell "THE TICKET!" produce a Muse ticket out of nowhere, and wave it about. My best friend then says, 'We must find Chris!", so we run into this big hotel. All the while Hyper Music is playing.

We ask for Chris' room, and the concierge says Room 6, Floor 26. We take the lift up and begin to knock on Room 6. The door falls open, only to find the whole band in sparkly suits and conversing in a meeting. Matt looks up and yells "Oh goody, Eurasian fugitives!" and stuffs us in his electric Manson guitar case. My friend and I get carried to the soundcheck, and hide for the concert below the stage.


Weird, huh?

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Very strange dream the other night.


I was running around in this fairground with my best friend, apparently being chased by something. We ran past a CD stall, and Futurism was playing. I yell "THE TICKET!" produce a Muse ticket out of nowhere, and wave it about. My best friend then says, 'We must find Chris!", so we run into this big hotel. All the while Hyper Music is playing.

We ask for Chris' room, and the concierge says Room 6, Floor 26. We take the lift up and begin to knock on Room 6. The door falls open, only to find the whole band in sparkly suits and conversing in a meeting. Matt looks up and yells "Oh goody, Eurasian fugitives!" and stuffs us in his electric Manson guitar case. My friend and I get carried to the soundcheck, and hide for the concert below the stage.


Weird, huh?


:chuckle: just a little bit.

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Very strange dream the other night.


I was running around in this fairground with my best friend, apparently being chased by something. We ran past a CD stall, and Futurism was playing. I yell "THE TICKET!" produce a Muse ticket out of nowhere, and wave it about. My best friend then says, 'We must find Chris!", so we run into this big hotel. All the while Hyper Music is playing.

We ask for Chris' room, and the concierge says Room 6, Floor 26. We take the lift up and begin to knock on Room 6. The door falls open, only to find the whole band in sparkly suits and conversing in a meeting. Matt looks up and yells "Oh goody, Eurasian fugitives!" and stuffs us in his electric Manson guitar case. My friend and I get carried to the soundcheck, and hide for the concert below the stage.


Weird, huh?


Thats a pretty funny dream!


'Oh goody, Eurasian Fugitives!' :chuckle:

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dom in a speedo





Very strange dream the other night.


I was running around in this fairground with my best friend, apparently being chased by something. We ran past a CD stall, and Futurism was playing. I yell "THE TICKET!" produce a Muse ticket out of nowhere, and wave it about. My best friend then says, 'We must find Chris!", so we run into this big hotel. All the while Hyper Music is playing.

We ask for Chris' room, and the concierge says Room 6, Floor 26. We take the lift up and begin to knock on Room 6. The door falls open, only to find the whole band in sparkly suits and conversing in a meeting. Matt looks up and yells "Oh goody, Eurasian fugitives!" and stuffs us in his electric Manson guitar case. My friend and I get carried to the soundcheck, and hide for the concert below the stage.


Weird, huh?



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at my dream tonight I was pretty disappointed that muse didn't play their gig because nearly nobody was there. I tried to convince them (over 50 €uros paid per ticket) but they said I should go to the next gig with free entry. They layed down their instruments and chatted with the 35 People or so.

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i thought it would never happen, but it did!:D i dreamt about muse!

at first when waking up i couldn't remember, but later on, they played uprising on the radio and that when it hit me :)

I had actually dreamt about the lyrics of uprising, seeing Dom (at least i think it was him) with a green belt wrapped around his head. The color was the same as his pants at Wembley :p

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i had a weird cool actually kinda normal dream last night

me and dom were walking on a sidewalk along a flower bed and then he picked a flower and i hit it out of his hands and just glared at him.


i guess it was kinda more of a weird dream

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i had a weird dream about muse a while ago..

my band was on a tour, and we stayed in a hotel.at the same time, muse was on a tour too. but i didnt know they stayed in the same hotel as us..

it was weird...and muse has always been my favorite band..it was quite a lame that i didnt know they stayed in that hotel..lol

then..i can back from a walk or something..i saw matt at the hallway..i was so excited!

i said hello to him...and hung out with him for a while..yeah..and then i hung out with muse..i asked matt to add me on the myspace..lol

and then Dom said"why dont u ask me to add u.." LOLz!!

the next day.matt called me to go to see an local concert with him...i was so happy..

LOLz!i wish the dream was real!

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i took a nap today


it was them and me on a raft listening to new born (which was playing on my ipod while i slept) but the in the dream new born matt was singing everything an octave higher and i started making fun of him for it and chris pushed me off of the raft.

i jumped up in my seat like you do when you have those dreams like you fell or are falling


bad chris!

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I had a dream I was on the message board, and I had 'Stars' as my skin (like I do IRL) but it had changed because there were much more noticeable stars and planets in the background rather than just black.





I think I need a life.


Don't we all, Love? :LOL: I had dream that I bought a biography on Matt's hair, and that dream pretty much made my week :facepalm:

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i took a nap today


it was them and me on a raft listening to new born (which was playing on my ipod while i slept) but the in the dream new born matt was singing everything an octave higher and i started making fun of him for it and chris pushed me off of the raft.

i jumped up in my seat like you do when you have those dreams like you fell or are falling


bad chris!



I'm imagining Matt singing New Born with a chipmunk voice as we speak. I think I would make fun of him too if he sang like that :LOL:

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I had a dream about a week ago involving Muse. In my dream, I had a fake ID stating I was 18. I went into the pub and bought a shot of crown royal (royal canadian blended....) And there was this ugly fat man sitting next to me. He told me that I was pretty (?) Then Matt burst into the pub, swept me off my feet and saved me. He then took me home and told me to never go to pubs again.

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