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ive had two muse dreams already...


the first one had a really strange feel to it...i was meeting muse for the first time at what seemed to be a dark parking lot with a few lights around. the first and best thing i remember was greeting cool-style with dom. we were like "yeah whats up man" and "yeah bro" etc. and we were giving each other these awesome high fives and handshakes and stuff. i felt like a pro :awesome: i then sorta had a conversation with matt (cool style of course) but the dream kinda blurred it out strangely so i couldn't really follow it properly. after getting done with matt and dom, i preceded on the mission to give chris compliments of being an unbelievably amazing bassist. for some odd reason he was in a car so i knocked and he shook his head no as in he didn't want to see me :eek: i felt the greatest feeling of sadness and embarrassment ever. i then think (not too sure about this) spoke to matt and/or dom about how i felt about the situation and how i wanted to give chris his compliments but i think they were sorta impatient? dreams are fuzzy...


the next one was located in some kind of bright public cafeteria under a white tent with open doors letting in a bunch of white light. the place was busy but i found muse sitting at one of the tables. i went up to them and told them that USoE was a freaking amazing song and i loved it. they were super pissed and impatient and didn't want to talk to me :eek: i left the table thinking WTFWTFWTFWTF

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Last night I spent the night with one of my friends. It just so happened that I fell asleep first, and considering we had been talking Muse, you can assume what my dream was about.

When I woke up, she randomly goes "OMG GUESS WHAT? YOU WERE TALKING IN UR SLEEP!" i'm like "oh crap. what did i say?"

her reply?

*hand motions in the air, rubbing motion* "oh matt! Dom! your butt is so soft!!!"




:facepalm: That is just bad :LOL:

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Kay, um.

Don't know if I actually want to share this but ... oh well, I'm going to anyways.


I had a really messed up Muse dream (1 out of a thousand).

I was in my basement doing my laundry and when I went upstairs, Muse was in my kitchen. Apparently this was normal cause I just looked at them and waved. Then I went to go sit in my living room where I turned on the TV, then the phone rang so I answered it and it was my friend Emmy telling me about something my friend Courtney had said. Then something hit me over the head and everything was black. When I woke up (in the dream) I was in this dark concrete room that had one window. I could see the outline of Dom's face so I was like "What's going on?" but he didn't say anything. So I got to my feet and I could see the outline of Matt's face and I was like "Matt this isn't funny, what's going on?" he didn't say anything either so I started walking toward them and I could see Chris and I was like "Hey, this isn't funny. My laundry's probably done so let me out of this god forsaken room" He didn't say anything either, instead they all started walking toward me, so I started backing up and I soon backed into the wall, so I sat down on the floor and tried to cover my face. They all crouched down around me and Matt and Dom started pushing the hair out of my face and laughing and Matt was like "Oh yes, this one's gonna be good" and I was confused. Then Chris grabbed my face, and I thought he was going to kiss me but instead he started biting my face off. Matt and Dom started laughing even harder. I tried to get away from them by crawling but Chris pulled me back. Matt and Dom started touching the blood that was all over my face and Dom was like "Don't worry it's almost over" and then Chris leaned forward to bite me again but then I woke up.


That was the scariest Muse dream I've ever had.

I've had more ... innocent ones.

Ones where Matt is completely clueless and acts like he's two years old.

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Ya another Muse dream!


So I'm at one of my cousins house except my cousin is no where to be seen. For some reason I was here with my 2 best friends even though they've never been there and only met my cousin once. They were in the kitchen stealing all the food while I was in the living room sitting and waiting patiently for my cousin. So eventually my cousin does come. I was expecting just him, but his brother and my other cousin came with him and Matt, Chris and Dom came too! I'm like :eek: So I ask my cousin how and why Muse is here with them. Apparently my cousins went to play handball in the park and Muse was there too playing their own game of handball and my cousins talked with Matt, Chris, and Dom and became instant best friends so they decided to go back to my cousins place for some tea. So all of us were sitting on the sofas drinking tea while my 2 best friends were still in the kitchen stealing food :LOL: We were having conversations about random stuff I forgot about and eventually my cousin insisted on playing card games. Matt and I didn't wanna play so we sat on the sofas watching my cousins play cards with Dom and Chris. So Matt and I started having random conversations too and eventually it was midnight and apparently we came here at 6pm. Then I woke up.


What a weird dream, haha.

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i had a dream that someone was nuking us and me and my siblings broke our legs and we were all in my room and we had to lay on my bed and my mom was sitting at the foot of it and we were listening to the radio and i was getting twitters from musewire saying stuff like . . . i dont even remember. but it was like i new we were all going to die and i wanted to listen to muse but my legs were broken and i couldnt walk.


does this still count as muse?

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Kay, um.

Don't know if I actually want to share this but ... oh well, I'm going to anyways.


I had a really messed up Muse dream (1 out of a thousand).

I was in my basement doing my laundry and when I went upstairs, Muse was in my kitchen. Apparently this was normal cause I just looked at them and waved. Then I went to go sit in my living room where I turned on the TV, then the phone rang so I answered it and it was my friend Emmy telling me about something my friend Courtney had said. Then something hit me over the head and everything was black. When I woke up (in the dream) I was in this dark concrete room that had one window. I could see the outline of Dom's face so I was like "What's going on?" but he didn't say anything. So I got to my feet and I could see the outline of Matt's face and I was like "Matt this isn't funny, what's going on?" he didn't say anything either so I started walking toward them and I could see Chris and I was like "Hey, this isn't funny. My laundry's probably done so let me out of this god forsaken room" He didn't say anything either, instead they all started walking toward me, so I started backing up and I soon backed into the wall, so I sat down on the floor and tried to cover my face. They all crouched down around me and Matt and Dom started pushing the hair out of my face and laughing and Matt was like "Oh yes, this one's gonna be good" and I was confused. Then Chris grabbed my face, and I thought he was going to kiss me but instead he started biting my face off. Matt and Dom started laughing even harder. I tried to get away from them by crawling but Chris pulled me back. Matt and Dom started touching the blood that was all over my face and Dom was like "Don't worry it's almost over" and then Chris leaned forward to bite me again but then I woke up.


That was the scariest Muse dream I've ever had.

I've had more ... innocent ones.

Ones where Matt is completely clueless and acts like he's two years old.


omg, this is so horrible :eek:

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omg, this is so horrible :eek:


Yes, it was quite horrible. :(

It's the worst Muse dream I've had yet.

Sometimes when I see a picture of Chris, It'll remind me of the dream and I cringe.

But it's sad because I love Chris the most out of the band ... He's my favourite :LOL:


But most of my other Muse dreams are fine.

Dom's barely in my dreams.

It's like he's scared of my mind ... I don't blame him

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Last night I dreamt that Matt brought me into his room and we listened to MK ULTRA underneath the bed covers. It sounded like MOTP reversed and I started crying so he did my hair to cheer me up :LOL:



are you sure you thats all you did under the covers?


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Last night I dreamt that Matt brought me into his room and we listened to MK ULTRA underneath the bed covers. It sounded like MOTP reversed and I started crying so he did my hair to cheer me up :LOL:


That sounds like quite a lovely and hilarious dream. And does tend to make the mind wander... ;) Too bad you had to wake up! Although, it seems like more of a Dom thing to fix hair, lol.

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are you sure you thats all you did under the covers?



Sadly, yes. :LOL:


That sounds like quite a lovely and hilarious dream. And does tend to make the mind wander... ;) Too bad you had to wake up! Although, it seems like more of a Dom thing to fix hair, lol.


Yeah, it's such a Dom thing... Maybe Dom will paint my nails tonight, you never know :chuckle:

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I think I had this dream after I learned about the new album. But I'm not sure. Sadly I was too lazy to write this dream into my dairy:


I was on the set for a new video. It was a on top of a cliff (a bit like in Doctor Who 2x01 New Earth, if you know the ep), the grass was yellow (no apple grass, just dry grass) and there were a lot of brown mushrooms.

The reason I was there was to interview the guys. And Matt told me about the mushrooms. To me they all looked the same, but he told me how there were 3 different kinds.


Then the dream changed. I was in the village where I had lived for 10 months before I moved back to the city a few months ago. I was standing near the house, at the parking lot. Matt, Dom & Chris arrived in 3 cars. In each car at least one member of the band, but in one car were least two. Yeah, dream math, don't ask.

In front of the house was a nice rock garden with mushrooms. Fly agarics this time. Some had their usual white spots, some had other patterns. One had a broad band right across its cap. And although it was dark the colors were easy to see, almost as if the mushrooms were glowing. Then it started raining and 3 of the fly agarics changed color. Two became neon blue, one neon green.


The funny thing is that I had this dream before the treasure hunt. Before that I was more of a casual fan. During the treasure hunt I read musewiki & stuff and learned about mushrooms.

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Last night, Muse starred in my dream. :awesome:

They were spending the night over at my house. We played Monopoly, sang Christmas carols, and ate ice cream cones in the dining room. Then Matt got up, pranced wildly about the room whilst squealing, and then casually sat down as if nothing happened. :wtf: Dom and Chris just continued to eat their ice cream cones. Later, all four of us are sprawled out on one of those huge "LoveSac" bean bag chairs watching repeats of Doctor Who while wearing 3D glasses.

..Then the dream shifts to everyone asleep except for me. I'm walking around my house and spot:

Dom fell asleep on the dining room table wearing his aviators. Chris slept in an Elmo sleeping bag in the bathtub. And Matt passed out on the floor of my walk-in closet..I later wake up to Matt singing and playing the song "Atlantic" (by Keane) on the mandolin. :LOL:


It was short, but hilarious to me. :awesome:

Edited by lightisbright
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I woke up last night, at 3 am or something, and went to the kitchen to get orange juice. Unfortunately I almost fell asleep on the journey back an the orange juice was spilled on my desk when I woke up. But this was totally irrelevant.

Before waking up I'd dreamt of being in some sort of choir practices. There were fifteen of us, one of us was the young Matt who plays piano on the youtube video, and the rest were some unimportant friends of mine. Anyways, our choir leader was Matt, like grown up, and he didn't even notice his younger self being in the choir. He just called him Richard and for some weird and twisted reason he called me Gaia. I tried saying my real name for him many times, but he just said "no, your name is Gaia, because I say you are Gaia!" I finally gave up and called myself Gaia.

Then we started singing something, but Matt kept shouting "RICHARD CONCENTRATE!" because the young Matt was staring at someone's ass and drooling on the floor or something, I'm not sure what he was doing. I wasn't really paying attention to him.

So, we sang there, I remember thinking "omg I'm such a great singer!" and then Matt comes to me and says "Gaia, get out, you can't sing". I got pissed and went to sit on the piano. Then Matt ignores me and they continue their lesson.

When they are finished, Richard-Matt comes to me and says something completely stupid and perv. Matt-Matt comes there and tells Richard-Matt he should stop getting married with everyone (wtf?)

Then the dream ended.

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I woke up last night, at 3 am or something, and went to the kitchen to get orange juice. Unfortunately I almost fell asleep on the journey back an the orange juice was spilled on my desk when I woke up. But this was totally irrelevant.

Before waking up I'd dreamt of being in some sort of choir practices. There were fifteen of us, one of us was the young Matt who plays piano on the youtube video, and the rest were some unimportant friends of mine. Anyways, our choir leader was Matt, like grown up, and he didn't even notice his younger self being in the choir. He just called him Richard and for some weird and twisted reason he called me Gaia. I tried saying my real name for him many times, but he just said "no, your name is Gaia, because I say you are Gaia!" I finally gave up and called myself Gaia.

Then we started singing something, but Matt kept shouting "RICHARD CONCENTRATE!" because the young Matt was staring at someone's ass and drooling on the floor or something, I'm not sure what he was doing. I wasn't really paying attention to him.

So, we sang there, I remember thinking "omg I'm such a great singer!" and then Matt comes to me and says "Gaia, get out, you can't sing". I got pissed and went to sit on the piano. Then Matt ignores me and they continue their lesson.

When they are finished, Richard-Matt comes to me and says something completely stupid and perv. Matt-Matt comes there and tells Richard-Matt he should stop getting married with everyone (wtf?)

Then the dream ended.



this has to be the funniest thing ive read ever.

i almost woke up my parents (im staying up for the release that i wont listen to anyways :facepalm:

anyway, this dream is win and the incident before the dream is win too.

you should stop getting married to everyone? wtf?!

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For what? Uprising?


yeah ever since the treasure hunt i just stay up all night on here for the fun of it.

im pretty sure uprising will play at a decent time in the morning too.

haha i can always day dream and that way i choose what happens!


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I haven't had any Muse dreams lately. However, my non-muser Mum has!:eek: I am so proud of her. What happened was we were going to a Muse gig and it was a first-in-best-dressed and we got in super early, right at the front. I said we were too early so we went out shopping then ended up being late and never made it back.

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