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Had a dream last night where Matt was round my house and he was asking me what he should do with his hair, I remember brushing my hands through his hair and then saying he should spike it up, I asked if he had any hair gel or somehting and he took that DAX stuff out of his pocket and applied a load to a twisted section of his hair at the front (trying to do the hullabaloo hairstyle) and did the same on the other side but he ended up looking like a devil with only two spikes of hair sticking up! He then wiped the rest of the excess gel on my hand and went off to do something else, I stood there and looked at the gel which looked like lard and thought to myself I'm gonna keep this as Matt had touched it! Then I was styling this old half bald man's hair, I remember applying gel to the remaining hair he had left, the scary thing was I remember thinking this man was a very old aged Matt and I was his hair stylist forever!!

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i had a really weird muse dream last night,:confused:


i dreamt that i had become pregnant with twins:eek: and i didn't know until my waters broke and i didn't know who the father was and for some reason i was with a group of people looking for deer and we were following these wet deer prints on a road near these woods where i live and we went into the woods and climbed up this hill (bearing in mind i was in labor still!!) and muse were stood at the top of the hill in there white lab coats and Matt told me he was going to deliver the babies. he asked me who the father was and i said i didn't know and he told me off. i told him i hadn't slept with anyone within the last 13months so it couldn't have been possible. Dom the started whispering frantically to Chris who was nodding looking serious and he said that it changed everything.:unsure:


Matt turned around and asked them what they meant and Dom started to look really guilty and told us all that he'd impregnated me because he wanted a little baby that would keep him company:stunned:. Matt started giggling and asked if he could keep one as a pet. dom agreed and them they delivered the babies and they all looked like mini doms!!! :eek:



then i woke up :rolleyes:

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I'm back! :happy:



so anywayys, I had a Muse dream on Christmas night (while I was waiting for Jesus to come down the chimney and give chocolate eggs to all the little girls and boys :D - sam simmons, don't ask)


so anyway, I was going to a Mountain Goats concert with my mum, and it was just this really small space with just a line of people against the wall, because there wasn't room for any more than that, and on stage, it was Muse :eek: not the Mountain Goats, and also on stage were these women dressed as sea creatures :stunned:, you know, in the kind of costumes they have in, like, ice skating and stuff. So Muse played Agitated and then they played a song that was supposed to be Maggies Farm (but wasn't) and then they left. I was screaming for an encore but we didn't get one. :indiff:

And Dom was in pink jeans.Not the kind of pink he has, but..... fluro pink :stunned:

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For the first time in ages I had a Muse dream....


.....I was watching all these schoolchildren singing Christmas songs with this bloke who I thought was my husband.


Anyway, he says to me; 'It should be made a law that all schoolchildren are taught to sing in German'.


I looked at him quizzically (as you would) and said, 'Why?, can you sing in German?'


'No of course not' looked at me as if I was the one who'd made a stupid random remark in the first place, then he broke into a classic Matt giggling fit.


While I laughed at him laughing I couldn't help but notice his mouth and how he smiled and thought to myself 'Hmm, it's good being married to someone with a mouth that cute and sexy'.


No sooner than thinking that and I woke up. Dream over. Literally...:(

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i had a really weird muse dream last night,:confused:


i dreamt that i had become pregnant with twins:eek: and i didn't know until my waters broke and i didn't know who the father was and for some reason i was with a group of people looking for deer and we were following these wet deer prints on a road near these woods where i live and we went into the woods and climbed up this hill (bearing in mind i was in labor still!!) and muse were stood at the top of the hill in there white lab coats and Matt told me he was going to deliver the babies. he asked me who the father was and i said i didn't know and he told me off. i told him i hadn't slept with anyone within the last 13months so it couldn't have been possible. Dom the started whispering frantically to Chris who was nodding looking serious and he said that it changed everything.:unsure:


Matt turned around and asked them what they meant and Dom started to look really guilty and told us all that he'd impregnated me because he wanted a little baby that would keep him company:stunned:. Matt started giggling and asked if he could keep one as a pet. dom agreed and them they delivered the babies and they all looked like mini doms!!! :eek:



then i woke up :rolleyes:


:LOL: Dr Matt to the rescue! Baby Dom's to keep him company; ahh bless him! Hard life being in a band for poor old Dom....:(


i had a dream last night....Matt was pregnant and Dom made fun of him,then Matts stomach bursted open and black stuff came out and he died:stunned:




Eww, that's just really creepy and a bit scary:eek:

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I always dream that I'm thinking of them..

And once I dremt I was stuck in some kind of boble and there where many sharks around me and Muse had to try to break the bobleglass by playing Micro Cuts really loud. That was a very scary and bizarre dream...

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i have been having very scary freaky dreams lately and for some reason Dom kept popping up in the last two i had:stunned:i dont remember them i just remember Dom was wet in one and in the other he was wet again but there was two of him:stunned:






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i know weird.........:stunned:

he wont go away he was in last nights one aswell,but he wasnt wet,i had a video made about him and it was really funny and i was gunna show all my friends,,,,,then it turned into a sort of nightmare....someone who uses the muse forum alot died in my dream:stunned:and it was sad...and very scary

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i know weird.........:stunned:


hang on... is it the kind of wet I'm thinking of, or water-wet?

because if it IS that kind of wet, then you have dirty dreams for a 13 year old.


I've never had a dream where someone was wet...

except for that one time where - I'll shut up now.

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i just had a dream last night involving matt and my other favorite band, bullet for my valentine..


so i was in a swimming pool with matt (dom and chris weren't there) and BFMV. at first i was sort of flirting with matt, talking and laughing with him but then i got more interested in moose (BFMV's drummer) who were there and talking with his BFMV mates. so matt left the pool, and i started to flirt to moose and...well, i sort of put my head on his legs and he stroked my back :$

and then after that we planned to go to a restaurant, but we got confused of which car should we use. i decided to join moose's car, but suddenly matt texted somebody in the group (i forgot who) saying that he was jealous that i had spent the rest of the day with moose and matt said he actually wanted me to go with him :LOL:

and everybody was like "awww..you should go. dont make matty sad.."

then the dream changed


i was in a class doing some test. but the question asked us to draw matt's guitars. i would be happy if they asked only to draw mansons but they gave difficult guitar names like "fender telecasterblablablaaer" and i couldnt answer any, except for "draw mattt bellamy's M1D1 manson" and i drew the broken piece of it, not the full perfect one :LOL:

i dont remember the rest, but i think after that i woke up.


what a silly dream! but i wish it happened in real life :$

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i had a couple of dreams about muse, however there's one i remember. they were coming to my hometown for a gig, and my hometown is a really small town so it was kind of strange. it was in a place that only has room for about 50 people, and there was just 10 people there but these 10 people was really INSANE, like jumping, screaming, you know. and i was kinda scared and stood behind a desk or something and watched them. it was a great show and after the gig they were writing autographs and talked to the fans and i went there and had a chat with matt. he was really nice, but there was alot of people and after a while i lost them.


pretty good dream though, i wish i could meet them one day and have a chat. it would be awesome.


um, however my first post in this forum. sorry if my english is bad :happy:

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lmao wet as in water wet:LOL:


phew, thank god for that :rolleyes:


I had a dream where we (don't ask me who 'we' are, because I don't know) had to rescue Dom from the ocean. Where there were sharks :eek:

And then the scene changed and all of Muse was there and we let them out the side gate and they drove off in a black 4WD. Matt was driving.

I mean, I don't even HAVE a side gate. T'was definitely my house though.


The full dream's in this thread somewhere

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I just woke up, and I want to share my Muse-dream.


Me and a couple of my friends, travelled in time and met a very young Matthew Bellamy in a shop, with a couple of his friends (non of them was Chris or Dom, though). However, this young Matt was like 15 or so, so it would've been ridiculous if we told him how we adore his music. So we just starred at him. He was very skinny, as usual, and his hair was blue.


After a while we left the shop, and then, after a few meters, we met a like 20-years old Matthew Bellamy on the street. We started to sing TIRO to see if he recognized it, but he didn't. We thought it was really funny so we sang the song really loud, and pointed at poor little Matt who couldn't understand why we were singing this song and pointing at him.


And that's just it. Really wierd.

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I had a Muse dream! :D yay! (you know, I have them quite often :stunned:)

First, it was me, Dom and Chris, and we were talking. Dom and I were using peelers to slice potatoes into really thin slices (:stunned:) and Chris was frying eggs.

Then the scene changed and Matt was there too, and we were in this supermarket-type place, where you went to go see a movie. You had to line up at a different register to see a different movie. Chris decided he didn't want to see the movie we were seeing, and left to another register. And then, when we got into the movie, it wasn't a movie at all, but a Muse concert! (Matt and Dom had disappeared from my side and reappeared on stage, and Chris was there too). They played really well, and then I woke up :(

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Hi, I had a weird Muse dream on Saturday (actually a Matt dream - I have those from time to time, but they are usually dirty dreams).

Anyway, I was up in Seattle on Capital Hill (thats where he hangs out when he comes here) and I ran into him. We got to talking about music in Seattle and I told him I would take him over to Bruce Lees grave (It is just up the hill). We went there and it was cool. Then I told him I would take him to Jimi Hendrix's grave and we went down there to Renton. We got our picture taken. Then to pay me back for driving him around he took me to have raw oysters at the hotel he was staying in (The 4 Seasons, it's the nicest hotel in Seattle), then we went back to his room and did "stuff". Then to pay him back for the oysters I told him I would make him a mix CD from my records because he liked my record collection. I took him to my house where he met my husband (yea, I'm really bad;)), they got along. Then I woke up.


Usually my dreams intail Matt taking me away from my husband and moving me and my kids to London to live with him. Scary how real they are sometimes. Don't let Matt read this....:$

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Had a really weird, but kind of awesome Muse dream last night haha.I don't remember too much just that Matt was in hospital attatched to some kind of ventilation machine as he had hurt his throat!?(Makes no sense I know) It was quite scary, I was lying on the bed sobbing my heart out and Dom was just patting me on the back.Matt recovered though and we spent the rest of my dream planning to go on a boat trip for my 18th Birthday!

I hate waking up after Muse dreams and realising they weren't real:LOL:



-During the run up to wembley I had so many Muse dreams, basically every night, usually consisting of something awful happening- i.e losing my tickets.I remember in one they dragged me up onto the stage and made me sing CE (I can't sing to save my life!!) I forgot all the words and everyone was booing, haha.



I'm Charlotte by the way, I'm fairly new. ;)

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