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Last night I dreamed that Chris, Matt and Dom were all in my house. Chris was just playing the bass of Futurism whilst sitting on the sofa, and Matt and Dom were just standing around. I had these really bright blue skinny jeans on (That I do have irl :)) and Dom told me that he liked them. :D Then me and Matt had a chat and during it he said "Oi, Dom wants to go on a date, ya' know..;)" (I blame Taratata!) and I said "You do know that I'm 16 right..? :wtf:" ..then next thing I remember we are in the kitchen and Dom is on the laptop and he was looking at what looked like this forum so I was like :shifty:

Matt then said "Who want's tea!" and started looking for a spoon, and he was all "Hmm, which spoon to choose...?" and I was just thinking "OMGG. Matt Bellamy is going to be using my. spoon. MAH. SPOON! :awesome:"


Then it cuts to where I'm at some party, and Dom shows up (For some reason his hair looked kinda purple now..:erm:) and he sat next to me on the sofa and said "You know the way Matt asked you to go on a date with me... well, I was wondering if, if you could.. move to England with me, you can even tour with us!" So I was like :eek::eek::eek: But I said "But.. I still have a year of school left! I can't leave yet. :'(:'(" and he said "But I'm just so lonely :(" and then it cuts to the next day, and they wanted to hang out with me but I needed to find a different pair of skinnies to wear, and I found yellow ones so I was like YAYY and as I was about to get changed I noticed that all of them were at my window (such creeps :awesome:) so I was like "OI! don't be lookin' in my window- am gettin' ready!" then I woke up.



Edited by Jemma
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Latest dream was sort of like Flash Forward. People were made to do something they'd always wanted to (instead of passing out) for 2 mins, by a race of aliens that were in orbit at the time...

Matt kissed Dom :erm:

I then tried to explain to the government what happened, but I wasn't being very coherent about it and just kept waffling on.

That is all.

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Lulzy stuff!


"OMGG. Matt Bellamy is going to be using my. spoon. MAH. SPOON! :awesome:"




(such creeps :awesome:)


YOUR! SPOON! :awesome:

I like the contrast of "such creeps" and the aesome smiley. :LOL:



People were made to do something they'd always wanted to (instead of passing out) for 2 mins, by a race of aliens that were in orbit at the time...

Matt kissed Dom :erm:



Your emoticon confuses me... :p What? I thought it's every Muser's dream.

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So, yes, maybe it's cuz I'm American and we are obsessed with having perfectly straight and white choppers, so please excuse this, but I had a dream that we were at the Las Vegas gig and Matt came out and smiled and had totally fixed his teeth!


I was both happy and horrified at them! :D


Sorry Matt...lulz...


lols I always wondered wheather or not muse would get so big here that matt would have to get a hollywood celebrity smile :LOL:

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My dreams can be so melodramatic sometimes!


I was in these kind of moors I suppose, outside a small remote villiage and all these identical tall blonde women in black suits on black horses were seaching for me under matts orders (they were his minions or something).


So I ran into one of the huts and there was a family in there they said I could hide with them.... but then the guards stormed in an demanded to see that we each had a copy of the 'little red book'... as in chairman maos 'little red book' :wtf:

When they left I was hurried outside unitl we heard this loud crash, I looked over and some giant beast on a chain was being lead out of the old catherdal in the village :eek:


Next thing I know Im still running from matt, but Im in dark, dank halls with a faint bluish llight (I think I might be in the catherdal) and this time Matt is actually following me, but I can only see his figure in the distance wearing some black heavy coat. I keep running and go through a gate but theres no floor on the otherside, just a really steep staircase that has worn out. I'm hanging on the the ledge with a sharp drop into a black abyss below me and I hear matts footsteps and see his shadow loom over me and I go into a panic, he was going to get me!! :eek:


So I take a breath and let go of the ledge and fall, rather than be caught by Matt :stunned:


Vaugely as I'm waking up I remember Matt picking up my uncouncious body and taking me away! :eek:


What a Melodramatic dream :rolleyes:

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My dreams can be so melodramatic sometimes!


I was in these kind of moors I suppose, outside a small remote villiage and all these identical tall blonde women in black suits on black horses were seaching for me under matts orders (they were his minions or something).


So I ran into one of the huts and there was a family in there they said I could hide with them.... but then the guards stormed in an demanded to see that we each had a copy of the 'little red book'... as in chairman maos 'little red book' :wtf:

When they left I was hurried outside unitl we heard this loud crash, I looked over and some giant beast on a chain was being lead out of the old catherdal in the village :eek:


Next thing I know Im still running from matt, but Im in dark, dank halls with a faint bluish llight (I think I might be in the catherdal) and this time Matt is actually following me, but I can only see his figure in the distance wearing some black heavy coat. I keep running and go through a gate but theres no floor on the otherside, just a really steep staircase that has worn out. I'm hanging on the the ledge with a sharp drop into a black abyss below me and I hear matts footsteps and see his shadow loom over me and I go into a panic, he was going to get me!! :eek:


So I take a breath and let go of the ledge and fall, rather than be caught by Matt :stunned:


Vaugely as I'm waking up I remember Matt picking up my uncouncious body and taking me away! :eek:


What a Melodramatic dream :rolleyes:


To be continued?

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My dreams can be so melodramatic sometimes!


I was in these kind of moors I suppose, outside a small remote villiage and all these identical tall blonde women in black suits on black horses were seaching for me under matts orders (they were his minions or something).


So I ran into one of the huts and there was a family in there they said I could hide with them.... but then the guards stormed in an demanded to see that we each had a copy of the 'little red book'... as in chairman maos 'little red book' :wtf:

When they left I was hurried outside unitl we heard this loud crash, I looked over and some giant beast on a chain was being lead out of the old catherdal in the village :eek:


Next thing I know Im still running from matt, but Im in dark, dank halls with a faint bluish llight (I think I might be in the catherdal) and this time Matt is actually following me, but I can only see his figure in the distance wearing some black heavy coat. I keep running and go through a gate but theres no floor on the otherside, just a really steep staircase that has worn out. I'm hanging on the the ledge with a sharp drop into a black abyss below me and I hear matts footsteps and see his shadow loom over me and I go into a panic, he was going to get me!! :eek:


So I take a breath and let go of the ledge and fall, rather than be caught by Matt :stunned:


Vaugely as I'm waking up I remember Matt picking up my uncouncious body and taking me away! :eek:


What a Melodramatic dream :rolleyes:


Wow! That's a brilliant dream...



Your emoticon confuses me... :p What? I thought it's every Muser's dream.


I guess I was a bit surprised; my subconscious is not usually so kind! :p

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I don't usually post here, but my dream from last night was so strange that it needed mentioning...


I was in the dentist's office, in the chair, getting my teeth fixed (I know, right?).


Matt was the dentist.


I woke up thinking, WTF??


I vaguely remember being aware that it was MATT (!!!) who had his hands in my mouth, yet nothing about it struck me as odd at that moment.


I am still laughing about this weird-ass dream now! lol lol

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I fell asleep with my iPod on during Exogenesis - Redemption the other day. Redemption is, in my opinion, a beautiful, heart-breaking piece of music and is the part of the symphony that has bought me closest to tears. And I love listening to it.


This daydream saw two people at the base of the runway on the Resistance cover, surronded by a few fragments of those colourful hexagonical patterns on the cover. One of them looked like me and another looked like a crush I have (not the same one I had a few months ago).


First time I heard Redemption I imagined this idea of a meeting between upset aliens and a desperate group of humans looking to be rescued from Earth, taking place in this sunlit valley.


So I imagined the valley with the runway stretching out from a point towards space. At the top were 3 three aliens who looked like Matt, Dom and Chris, only blue, with antennai and all wearing identical dark green dinner jackets and white trousers. And they were asking the two why they should let them go on with them after what they'd done to Earth.


And then the lyrics kicked in with the guy pleading as Matt sings the lyrics on the album.


At the end, the three decided to let them on and the runaway dissolved as the two dissappeared over the horizon and the two embraced each other aboard the spaceship as the ruined Earth dissappeared out of sight.


Shortly afterwards, as I had album shuffle on, Apocalypse Please came along, waking me up and ruining the thoughts in my mind. :LOL:

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I had a dream that Matt was getting married (and he looked SO slick in his white suit)

but anyway,

and he wanted chris AND dom to be his best men, but of course, you can only have 1 best man.


And so Dom had to be head bridesmaid instead!!


there was super gorgeous matt, super cool chris... and super crazy dom... in a little pale pink dress :D

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I remembered eariler today that I had a Musey dream!


I was at a Muse gig and I managed to met the guys afterwards. I got all of them to sign my wrist because I wanted them as tattoos. Anyway we then all went to a local pub and Matt kept snuggling up to me and pytting his arm around me when he was talking.

Was a lovely dream :LOL:

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I had a dream that Matt was getting married (and he looked SO slick in his white suit)

but anyway,

and he wanted chris AND dom to be his best men, but of course, you can only have 1 best man.


And so Dom had to be head bridesmaid instead!!


there was super gorgeous matt, super cool chris... and super crazy dom... in a little pale pink dress :D


Dom the bridesmaid :LOL:

That would be fucking hilarious :D

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Vaugely as I'm waking up I remember Matt picking up my uncouncious body and taking me away! :eek:





I had a really short one a couple weeks ago.


The sky was purplish-blue streaked with silver, and Matt and Dom were standing above me, like the back cover of Showbiz. I was desperately trying to run up the stairs to reach the top of the Aztec temple they were hovering over (:wtf:) when I tripped and woke up. Apparently I was on some kind of Apocalyptic mission for them. Figures, eh? :LOL:

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I just woke up from a fantastic Muse dream! :awesome: I work in a supermarket and inside the supermarket Starbucks has a little 6ft by 11ft box that I work inside, and in my dream i was helping a customer minding my own business and I look up and I see Showbiz era Matt poking around looking at random things so i go up to greet him (as I must do for work but would most definitely have done anyway) and i asked him what a man with his accent was doing in Southern California (in my dream I wasn't sure if it was Matt because why would Showbiz era Matt be in the US, in a town about an hour inland of LA???) he said he was on tour and that his bus broke down so that they would be there for a while, I then asked him to make sure this was in fact Matt "Your in Muse aren't you?" and he says "You know us" I proceeded to tell him that I loved loved loved their music and couldn't be more happy to see them, so then, Matt brings in Dom and Chris and I got off work and we all went and had lunch :awesome: I was giving them hugs goodbye as I woke up, has completely made my day! ::D

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so yesterday i was having this conversation with my family about concerts (it seems i might be able to go to a coldplay one) and my mom was saying stuff about why we shouldnt go to a muse one:mad: and i was pissed off (jeez, mom, who wouldnt want to go to a muse concert?????)

so then i dreamed that muse were gonna do a free gig in my town and then my mom let me go and i was so happy!!!!! and it felt soo real...but then i woke up to realize it was all just a dream...:stunned:

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Oh, I just remembered one. :LOL:

I was at a gig and I must have been at the front, and they were playing Unnatural Selection, but then all of a sudden Matt started rapping so I was like ":stunned: WTF? :wtf:" But then I woke up and realized that it was just my radio alarm clock because it went off and Dizzee Rascal was playing. :LOL:

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Had one this morning.


The boys were in a hotel giving an interview on their new album, Origin of Symmetry (Matt had the red hair and Dom was wearing the white shirt with the black pockets and everything :D). Matt was trying to say something, but his eyes kept shifting toward the glass wall, through which you could see the hotel pool, until they all just lost it and jumped in, splashing each other and laughing. Chris got tired and went back to the room. We watched Animal Planet till he got bored and fell asleep :LOL: 'Twas delightful, though short :happy:

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These dream topics have never been my thing 'cause I can't usually remember my dreams or then I just don't see them :rolleyes: But yes, I had this one Muse dream before Helsinki concert and this dream doesn't really make any sense...


I dreamt that I went to that Helsinki concert and I had real fun there and it was like one of the greatest nights of my life (and now it is! :D). But in that dream, after the gig I went home and to sleep, and then in the next morning I can't remember anything about the gig. It feels so horrible... But then I can still remember that I was on that gig and all that comes to my mind are some short flashes of the Muse's guys. Everything else is blurry: songs, stage. My first Muse gig and I can't remember like anything about it!


Last week before the real gig I really thougth that maybe I'm going to faint just when I see the boys coming on the stage, and then won't be able to remember anything :LOL: Thank God that didn't happen and I can remember the concert pretty well :D

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Not sure if this counts, but I dreamt I was at a family party and my grandad was rocking out to MK Ultra. It was hilarious to watch! There was also something non-Muse related, where I wanted to lie down in a wheat field, but couldn't due to there being too many crickets about. I tried to get rid of them by using my pillow as a boomerang, without great success...

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Last night I had a dream about Muse:


In my dream I was at a Muse concert and all the people who were there, were talking in another language. I didn't understand a word of it. A girl started talking to me and I said "Why don't you talk in a pwoper language to me?" Suddenly everybody became quiet and Muse stopped playing. Then Matt said "You did not just say that! That's my word!" He was really angry... I started to run like hell and everybody was chasing me. I saw rhythm sticks coming by, but then I got hit by a guitar... That's where my dream ended. :stunned:

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Last night I had a dream about Muse:


In my dream I was at a Muse concert and all the people who were there, were talking in another language. I didn't understand a word of it. A girl started talking to me and I said "Why don't you talk in a pwoper language to me?" Suddenly everybody became quiet and Muse stopped playing. Then Matt said "You did not just say that! That's my word!" He was really angry... I started to run like hell and everybody was chasing me. I saw rhythm sticks coming by, but then I got hit by a guitar... That's where my dream ended. :stunned:


hahhah!! The Wrath of Matt

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