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Do You Want A "Muse: Rock Band" Game?

Killer Rabbit

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Just giving my fellow Musers who enjoy music video game "Rock Band" a heads up.


The makers of the "Rock Band" games are running an informal survey to get opinions on what band(s) people would like to see get their own Rock Band title.


You can go here: http://www.rockband.com/


Click where it says "We Want Your Opinion" and fill out the survey. It gives a list of bands you can pick from, then a write in option. The write in option is where you enter Muse.



Nothing is set in stone, but it would help the game developers know that there is an audience for a Muse video game. :)






Edit: The survey is closed now. Thanks to everyone who participated. Let's hope something comes from it.

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Just trying to raise awareness.


I know that people here, even those that have never played Guitar Hero or Rock Band before, would be interested in something like this.


Yep...I'd be one of those people. I've played before never bothered to buy one of the games. However....if hell froze over and they dedicated a game to Muse....that would definitely change things. :musesign:

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I voted for Queen <3


My friends would hate it if Muse came out with a rockband. Whenever we party we ALWAYS dig it out! and of course I make them pop in GH5 JUST so i can sing Plug in Baby (sadly the only reason I bought the game) and then they facepalm at me and make me switch immediately after we're done... Well thats if I'm lucky enough they they let me do it in the first place.

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Thanks, was about to post this, no need to now! :happy:


I hope we get ether a Rock Band or a Guitar Hero Muse game sometime, would be sooooo amazing! :awesome:


I was playing "Hysteria" on Rock Band, and this came on the loading screen:







iv never seen that:LOL:





I'd rock the living shit out of it.

omg that would be to awesome!!

I never thought about what the controller would be like until now.

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i want one :supersad:


Bless :LOL:


It wouldn't be rocket science to make one. You'd just need to cut a bit of wood to the Manson shape, paint it up, then slap the electronics and neck from a stock controller into it.


And if you had any experience building real guitars, you could make it super nice, with proper construction and finishing techniques used on real guitars. An M1D1 controller made from real mahogany with a cracked mirror top would be superb :awesome:

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i want one :supersad:




i wonder if muse play rockband......

Matt: *playing plug in baby* what?! :eek: im not failing! i wrote this song! :mad:


me to :supersad:


in an interview mat said that chris n dom have but matt hasnt, he wants to have a go though :happy: i want to have a game against him, that would be cool. *wishes* :rolleyes:

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me to :supersad:


in an interview mat said that chris n dom have but matt hasnt, he wants to have a go though :happy: i want to have a game against him, that would be cool. *wishes* :rolleyes:


yeah, i know chris and dom have played it coz i saw it on that bbc3 documentry they did about their return to teignmouth and dom was kinda failing at guitar :LOL:

and there is that picture of them playing it as well that they twitpic-ed a while ago with that little girl, i think she was whipping their butts ;):LOL:


man that would be so awesome to challenge matt to a game..... but i wonder if he is any good at C.O.D..... hmmmmm :LOL:


I'm going to get floods of PMs asking if I'd make custom Manson controllers now, aren't I? :LOL:


YEP :happy:

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