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Oh please! Radiohead is Radiohead and Muse is Muse.


Why should all bands take the same musical path?


They don't, but Muse can't expect to make something so different and still keep their original fans. I'm going to generalise here but this is the kind of song that your average rocker who got into Muse through New Born/Hysteria/Stockholm etc probably isn't really going to like. Muse can take whatever path they want but their audience is going to change. They're big boys, i'm sure they can handle it. They don't need the messageboard police to make sure everything is an arena of positivity.

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I say, as always, Muse have been operating on the law of diminishing returns from OoS/Absolution onwards.


The way I see it is that some bands are born to experiment and evolve, others just aren't. The instant Muse became more obsessed with image over the music they were making is in my mind the point at which they started the slippery slope to becoming utter pony.

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Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but the amount of moaning about a silly pop ballad shows the amount of stupidity of people in this board. The fact that is on the Twilight soundtrack already tells you the song will be another 'Starlight' type of song. I personally didn't have high expectations about it.


Now, I'm not saying that if you disliked the song you are stupid (as I said, everyone has an opinion) but the fact that people see this as the end of Muse is ridiculous.


They've recorded over 100 songs, and they are willing to put a headstone on the band for 1 song.


To me it seems like it's not just "one song." It's like they've been heading down this road for a while, the less-rocking road. That's just my opinion. Not that I don't like their most recent two albums and all, it's still Muse, but still I wish that they'd go back to the stripped down three-piece sort of sound that I fell in love with.

I didn't have very high expectations for it either, but that didn't stop it from upsetting me a little bit. Not because it was a bad song, per se, but because it was... different...

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Muse just want to fulfil their new potential, represent new ideas to fans. yes, it's definitely different from what they've been doing earlier but it's still Muse. if you don't like it, it's your problem, not the end of their career. go and listen to OOS.

oh and so much hate here.

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Again, missing the point. It's not like people were completely satisfied with recent Muse developments and then suddenly this comes out and they don't want anything to do with the band, for some people the downturn has been in full motion for a while. The next single was going to be critical, if it was a rocker like US or MK then some people's faith may have been restored and hopes slightly raised for the next album, the fact it is this glittery cheesefest means that some people are no longer optimistic about Muse's future output. Sure if you've liked the recent stuff but not this then it's no big deal, it's just one song, but for others it is a genuine feeling of 'this song is also really bad, I'm no longer excited about what they do anymore'.


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Muse just want to fulfil their new potential, represent new ideas to fans. yes, it's definitely different from what they've been doing earlier but it's still Muse. if you don't like it, it's your problem, not the end of their career. go and listen to OOS.

oh and so much hate here.


How very petulant. I'm sorry I don't like something. I must be a shit person. No one is suggesting it's the end of their career. They are expressing that it is the end of their close interest in Muse.

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I can't really decide if I like the song or not. When I first heard it I disliked it. Then I listened to it a few hours later after drinking and I loved it. I really like the epic cheesyness of the song but I can't get over the fact that it feels so faux-Muse. It kind of feels like they are trying too hard to BE Muse.

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How very petulant. I'm sorry I don't like something. I must be a shit person. No one is suggesting it's the end of their career. They are expressing that it is the end of their close interest in Muse.

i've said people are shit when they don't like new Muse stuff? no.

we all have different Muse tastes.

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i've said people are shit when they don't like new Muse stuff? no.

we all have different Muse tastes.


It was the 'it's your fault' part in your post, I did overreact a bit there. But some people on here are acting like that. This is why we can't have discussions about songs.

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I'm so torn.


I find it incredibly difficult to give up on my favourite band of the last nine years; I loved The Resistance, MK Ultra, Unnatural Selection and Exogenesis are easily as good as anything Muse have ever produced. However, the worrying trend toward, let's be frank, 'poppier' music is, for me, disheartening. I love upbeat, pop-rock music - Coldplay are excellent, as are the likes of Vampire Weekend, Hot Chip, Franz Ferdinand, Foo Fighters, The Cure, Radiohead, etc. These bands have one thing in common, however, that Muse tend to lack and that is they rarely, if ever, dip into absolute banality. Muse's last two albums have been prone to this - whilst Starlight, Supermassive Black Hole, Resistance and United States Of Eurasia are relatively mild examples of this, Invincible, Guiding Light and now, Neutron Star Collision are more blatant evidence of Muse's tendency to produce horrifically bland, saturated, confused music which appears to try and tick boxes as part of an album rather aim to be a succession of high quality, stand-out moments.


Another problem with these are the horrendous clich Muse are invoking; the 80s-style power-balladry, channeling Freddie Mercury, toning down the beefiness of their studio and live sound so it's less aggressive and in-your-face.


Across the board, I am seeing everything about Muse I fell in love with being slowly eroded, seemingly (and I'm not saying this is the case) in favour of tapping into a new audience at the expense of those who have invested so much time and money in them to get to this stage. I understand Muse is a business, I understand they are probably subject to an absolute wealth of industry/label pressures that may well be the root of these problems but I ask the question; what happened to the band that gave a big two-finger salute to corporate big-wigs just a few years ago?


Pah, I just see all of this as symptomatic of Muse's aesthetic, artistic and innovative decline since, unfortunately, that fateful moment they signed with Warner music in late-2004/early-2005.


I still love Muse, hell, I love their newer music as much as I do Origin and Absolution but I can't help but think that Muse are simply nowhere near as good now as they were in 2003/2004 as a whole package - studio, live, promotional, etc.

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I say, as always, Muse have been operating on the law of diminishing returns from OoS/Absolution onwards.


The way I see it is that some bands are born to experiment and evolve, others just aren't. The instant Muse became more obsessed with image over the music they were making is in my mind the point at which they started the slippery slope to becoming utter pony.


Fantastic post merely for the use of 'utter pony' been using it a fair bit since Mr Lee :LOL:

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It was the 'it's your fault' part in your post, I did overreact a bit there. But some people on here are acting like that. This is why we can't have discussions about songs.

i don't want to offend anyone. just health discussion instead of 'oh fuck you if you don't like it bla bla'.

if you don't like cheese, it's the problem of your tongue, not cheese itself lying on a plate.

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Time for a quote:


"Might as well just bug it out there and get it out there because probably the song is representing a difficult period of my life and by the time we get to the next album it might not be relevant anymore because my life might be changed or moved on or something."


Guess who said that?

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:facepalm: It's not about the one song, its been the build up to it, The Resistance, mention of Matt saying the new album he'd like to do more Undisclosed Desires type songs... and lets not forget their live show is beginning to stagnate too with their same setlists, and shows that are now entirely based around production of lighting and visuals and not the music.


to be fair though, they always say stuff in interviews that turns out to be not even remotely true...i was still a bit worried when he said that though :erm:


i actually liked the song personally, even though it is unbeliveably cheesy. if the whole next album is like this though, even im going to consider giving up on them. hopefully this is just matt getting cheesy break-up songs out of his system, and the next album will end up being all angsty....

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i don't want to offend anyone. just health discussion instead of 'oh fuck you if you don't like it bla bla'.

if you don't like cheese, it's the problem of your tongue, not cheese itself lying on a plate.


I get that now, it's been a long day :(

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Time for a quote:


"Might as well just bug it out there and get it out there because probably the song is representing a difficult period of my life and by the time we get to the next album it might not be relevant anymore because my life might be changed or moved on or something."


Guess who said that?

Matt for..NRJ i guess.

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