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Absolution is my least favourite Muse album.

Almost everyone I see on here puts it in their top three but I find it to be so patchy and I only ever want to listen to SS or TSP.


:eek: Controversial opinions: you're doing it right. :pope:I love Absolution


I would like Supremacy a lot more if it were instrumental. Matt's screaming on that track gets on my nerves in a way it never did before. :wtf:

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Absolution is my least favourite Muse album.

Almost everyone I see on here puts it in their top three but I find it to be so patchy and I only ever want to listen to SS or TSP.


It's my least favourite album too. My favourite songs on it only Stockholm Syndrome, Time Is Running Out and Hysteria. I used to like Blackout and Ruled By Secrecy too but now I think they're boring

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Absolution is my least favourite Muse album.

Almost everyone I see on here puts it in their top three but I find it to be so patchy and I only ever want to listen to SS or TSP.


I don't really like Absolution that much either. I like most of the individual songs but I never feel compelled to listen to most of them anymore. That, and I don't like the production much at all. I wouldn't say it's my least favourite album though.

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I'm kinda worried that Muse are making less and less 'proper Muse rock songs', if that makes sense. I'm all for change, believe me, I love the new stuff their doing so, so much, but on T2L the only Muse-y rock songs (to me) are Supremacy and Liquid State (I'm probably excluding one but it's 2am so bleugh)

I love the fact that they dont' feel obliged to make the same kind of music every album, but I fell in love with Muse because of the chaos and rawness in their music.

As much as I love this album (and I really do), it feels way overproduced, and I would've loved to see a bit of their old style, with the guitar just doing what it wanted to, the vocals being all over the place, awesome drum fills and intense bass. I still want them to move foward witht their musical style, but there's nothing wrong with going back to basics for just a few songs. (By the way, don't get me wrong, I love T2L, and I hope they continue to make songs like Follow Me and Panic Station, they're such a change.)

Also, where do they go from here?

Assuming they make a seventh album, (and I really think they will), what will it be like? They've sort of covered most of the music genres but rap and jazz :stunned:

Hopefully it can be something to look foward to rather than worry about.

Just some of my 2am musings :$


EDIT: Just realised another thing; the other day my guitar teacher and I were talking about Muse (he's like, 60, but he's a cool bloke :p) and we were discussing how Muse has so many layers in their songs, and how every little sound goes together to make up the song, and every little detail is put in to bring the song together. I'm not really hearing all the layers in T2L :(

Edited by that-girl-over-there
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Assuming they make a seventh album, (and I really think they will), what will it be like? They've sort of covered most of the music genres but rap and jazz :stunned:

There are loads of untouched genres that I wouldn't mind them trying out. Post-rock would be fun. A completely instrumental album, fuck yeah!

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Controversial MuseR opinion time again.


"I can't understand how", "I don't see how", "How can people not", "What is there not to", please stop with these questions. Just because you don't agree with something, doesn't mean you can't with some common sense understand why others feel this way. You love it because of how mellow it is, someone else might hate it for the same reason. So please stop with these retarded questions, please.

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The problem with TR for me is that I don't feel for it. I can enjoy some of the songs every now and then, but that's about it. Not a single song that I would ever listen to twice in a row. Was listening to Exogenesis the other day and got incredibly bored.

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I still really like The Resistance. I understand why it gets criticised and agree to an extent, but don't think it deserves the amount of hate it gets.




It's probably my least or second least fave album, but that doesn't mean I don't like it - I actually think most of the songs are really good. I think it gets more hate than it should cos there are plenty of great tracks. My only gripe with it is that it doesn't feature more than one song I considered to be outstanding, whereas most of their other albums have more 'classic' tracks that are firmly in my all-time favourites.


My other controversial comment is the Feeling Good studio version is awesome :happy:

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The problem with TR for me is that I don't feel for it. I can enjoy some of the songs every now and then, but that's about it. Not a single song that I would ever listen to twice in a row. Was listening to Exogenesis the other day and got incredibly bored.




That's the song I consider to be among my all time faves, but none of the others are right up there.

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That's the song I consider to be among my all time faves, but none of the others are right up there.

Probably depends on my mood, really liked part 2 and 3 a while back. But right now, meh.


IBTY is the best track on the album, followed by UD.

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Probably depends on my mood, really liked part 2 and 3 a while back. But right now, meh.


IBTY is the best track on the album, followed by UD.


That IS controversial ;) IBTY gets a lot of hate (especially on ML) for some reason but I find it really catchy, and the French bit is just fun. The only track I'd skip or cringe at is Guiding Light. And I still love Resistance apart from the 'it could be wrong' bits.

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  • Megalomania is one of the top 3 songs in Origin of Symmetry.


Wrong thread! That's just common sense! ;)


I think the production on The 2nd Law is average at best.


Care to elaborate? I'd say its the best of all of them...It's the first time the studio versions sound like the live tracks, from what we've heard so far...The older (well, first four maybe) albums sound completely different, and lack that extra punch in the studio versions...That's how I see it anyway...

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Care to elaborate? I'd say its the best of all of them...It's the first time the studio versions sound like the live tracks, from what we've heard so far...The older (well, first four maybe) albums sound completely different, and lack that extra punch in the studio versions...That's how I see it anyway...


OoS sounds really "live" to me. But opinions and all, hey.

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