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Unnatural Selection is better than Citizen Erased.




maybe it's because I've only heard US live and I thought it was incredible... I didn't like either on the album. :LOL: At all.


I like Megalomania. :) It's never given me "chills" or anything like my favorites, but it's a good song.


One song that I REALLY can't understand why people love is The Groove. Even the other Muse songs that I don't like I can see why people would like them. I mean, it's not bad enough I want to skip it every time I hear it, but I can't see what's so good about it, either.

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I just don't get it why everyone's so hyper about CE finally being played live. I mean,it's a great song but what's the big deal? :erm:


Well i think that of Dead Star you know...

everybody thinks is a great song, and they would die to hear it live, but not me...

i do prefer actually, to hear CE live :chuckle:

Is just personal, too personal for me... the lyrics, i can identify myself with every single word in that song.

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One song that I REALLY can't understand why people love is The Groove. Even the other Muse songs that I don't like I can see why people would like them. I mean, it's not bad enough I want to skip it every time I hear it, but I can't see what's so good about it, either.


THIS. Really. Its an okay song. I just don't get it. Maybe its because its so addicting? I never got it.

And Megalomania is so powerful. I 'got it' from day one. Takes my breath away every time.

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Unnatural Selection is better than Citizen Erased.

Unnatural Selection - once you get over the initial novelty of the riff, there's not all that much to it (studio). Mostly because of the rather boring production route they took with it. CE on the other hand...

Edited by Riveon
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Unnatural Selection is better than Citizen Erased.


No. :LOL:


Megalomania is a better song than New Born.


:eek: *spits*


I think US is the better song, New Born is the same thing for 6 minutes. :LOL:


Really? I would have thought that was US. Oh wait, sorry, US does do something - it's got a long bridge in the middle that completely kills the momentum of the song. :p




Middle > Rest of song


Did you forget that New Born has the same bass line though the entire song minus the chorus?


No shit brah. I like that bassline. :( And plus, repitition of a bassline does not make a song worse that something on The Resistance. :noey:

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Repetition /=/ bad. Not always. Newborn is better musically and lyrically. (The lyrics aren't brilliant, but I prefer them to US.) Unnatural Selection feels like it was created so they could have a 'riff song' on their next album.

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No shit brah. I like that bassline. :( And plus, repitition of a bassline does not make a song worse that something on The Resistance. :noey:


It makes it musically worse.


Repetition /=/ bad. Not always. Newborn is better musically and lyrically. (The lyrics aren't brilliant, but I prefer them to US.) Unnatural Selection feels like it was created so they could have a 'riff song' on their next album.


How is New Born better musically? I might agree lyrically, I don't really care about lyrics that much, to be honest. But like I said, New Born is the same thing for 6 minutes. :rolleyes: I understand that it can be liked better as a song, but it's not musically better.

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I don't give a fuck about whether if it's musically better or not, if something sounds good to me I'll like it.


That wasn't meant to sound rude at all, I'm sorry :$ (but I have no idea how to word it better)


I'm not saying you can't like it better if it's repetitive! I'm saying it's not musically better than something less repetitive.


Which I cleared up in the rest of my post I think...

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I think BHaR is an awesome album, I prefer it much more than Showbiz.


And don't anyone feel that MK Ultra and US sound... a bit empty, like they're missing something?


Oh and I really don't see why New Born and Citizen Erased get so much attention. But that's just me :chuckle:

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