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Bliss is not that great. Now shoot me :p


Oh, and cause someone mentioned covers, I really dig Muse's version of Please Let Me Get What I Want :awesome: (no idea if that's really controversial, but I've heard people voice their disliking of it :D)

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i don't think this is controversial, but i find myself as one of the few ppl who actually like (and talk about) their "house of the rising sun" cover. just saying.


carry on.


I think it's their best cover by a long shot. The Animals' is better, but that's because theirs is legendary. Tbh that cover's probably in my Top 15-20.

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As someone who thinks Kid A is one of the three best albums ever released (Alongside with Animals and The Fragile) I have to strongly disagree. But I can understand that you may not like it after one/two listens. It needed a hell of a long time to grow on me (about a year, exactly). I love it now.


I've been trying for 10 years and I still don't get it.


The only praise I can give the band is for daring to put out something so different, but personally I find the album to be soulless. A great album has to move me emotionally in a way or another.

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i feel like it didn't take me long enough to like kid A :LOL: perhaps i'm not appreciating it on some other level but i loved it after 'bout two listens..



edit- i have something actually to do with muse to say as well..


muse and radiohead have differentiated in many ways, one being that bellamy's voice has gotten worse and yorke's voice has possibly gotten better

(as far as i can see [not very far])

Edited by futurophy
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i feel like it didn't take me long enough to like kid A :LOL: perhaps i'm not appreciating it on some other level but i loved it after 'bout two listens..


Haha same. I was really confused when everyone started saying that it was hard to get into.

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Truth. Who cares if its pop or rock or pirate metal? As long as its good.


But the thing is to me Muse's more pop-style songs are way worse than their rockier ones, just a personal preference. I don't care what genre it is as long as it is good but if it sounds bad to me it is usually their pop side...

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But the thing is to me Muse's more pop-style songs are way worse than their rockier ones, just a personal preference. I don't care what genre it is as long as it is good but if it sounds bad to me it is usually their pop side...


That's just taste.


Genres just get in the way in general, I think. I guess they kind of organize music but other than that...

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But the thing is to me Muse's more pop-style songs are way worse than their rockier ones, just a personal preference. I don't care what genre it is as long as it is good but if it sounds bad to me it is usually their pop side...

I think you misunderstood me. If its good its good if its bad its bad. It shouldn't matter what genre it is. If you prefer Muse rock songs to pop songs thats also fine. But some people get so caught up in the whole 'Is Muse rock or pop argument?'

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I think you misunderstood me. If its good its good if its bad its bad. It shouldn't matter what genre it is. If you prefer Muse rock songs to pop songs thats also fine. But some people get so caught up in the whole 'Is Muse rock or pop argument?'


:yesey: It's apparently really horrible to be pop nowadays, according to a lot of the musers on here.

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The pop/rock arguement is simply 'cos people like to understand things by categorising them (patronising as that sounds, lol). And because Muse are throwing out so many different styles of songs lately, some can't tell what message they're trying to send out. Are they trying to attract a poppier market with the likes of songs on Twilight soundtracks and releasing their 'softest' songs as singles? And if so, does that mean they're abandoning their rock sound etc.?


It doesn't matter greatly to me (apart from the abandoning rock... which I highly doubt they'd do), it's simply that I prefer louder, angrier Muse songs as opposed to their soft and corny ones - it's easier to deem the former as rock and the latter as pop cos that's pretty much how most people group songs. It's how I understand them anyways, lol. There's nothing wrong with pop songs - if we're talking 'popular', then Muse have produced pop-rock from the get. Sunburn, Plug In Baby, Time Is Running Out are radio-friendly and charted well; Starlight, Invincible, Undisclosed Desires and NSC are catchier still (even though not all of them did that great in the singles-stakes). I prefer the former half. Anyways, not sure what my point is anymore :LOL: ... oh yes, I wants more rocky Mooze :p.

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Is it controversial to not care if Muse will release more rocky stuff or more poppy stuff? I honestly don't think I care anymore...


Nah... not caring is the norm around here :p. Well, for half the people on here. The other half care TOO much, hehe.


Definitely sensible. Just people put wayyyy too much weight on one song.


:yesey:. It's a standalone track, it's new and it features on a film soundtrack that most people dislike (the film); so, naturally almost everyone's going to judge it ruthlessly and base the 'future of Muse' on it. Stupid, really, but it's a typical reaction. Eventually the craziness dies down, and we're back to song-bashing and moaning lol.

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That's just taste.


Genres just get in the way in general, I think. I guess they kind of organize music but other than that...

I think you misunderstood me. If its good its good if its bad its bad. It shouldn't matter what genre it is. If you prefer Muse rock songs to pop songs thats also fine. But some people get so caught up in the whole 'Is Muse rock or pop argument?'

Ah I get it :) Genre doesn't matter to me either, I just prefer some songs to others but I fall down sometimes and just generalize the ones I don't like as "pop" which is wrong :chuckle: I don't go into the Muse rock or pop argument, I just think they are Muse and play all sorts of different styles, some which I like, some which I don't

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Nah... not caring is the norm around here :p. Well, for half the people on here. The other half care TOO much, hehe.




All I've seen is people going, "I hate Muse now, this is the end of them, they're going to go all pop on their next album and it will be gross because it's not OoS 2," or something like that.


-The Small Print is better than City Of Delusion.



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