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What song do you want to hear?  

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  1. 1. What song do you want to hear?

    • Muscle Museum
    • Sunburn
    • Cave
    • Citizen Erased
    • Bliss
    • Megalomania
    • Space Dementia
    • Apocalypse Please
    • Butterflies & Hurricanes
    • Ruled by Secrecy
    • Take A Bow
    • Assassin
    • I Belong To You
    • Dead Star
    • The Groove

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I am so very sad. This is the first Muse gig that I didn't get barrier. The one time I don't get barrier, the guy in front of me at barrier gets the harmonicas and doesn't even want it. MADNESS, I TELL YOU!


Dude! I almost HAD that harmonica!!! And the guy knocked it out of my way!!! :mad: (PS I was on barrier with a person in between me and the guy). If he didn't want it, he shouldn't have gone for it. That's all I'm saying.


anywho, I'll post up more details later. :)

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Here's my CE vid. Warning: Fan boy screams abound and camera control is nil.




I love all the comments during the 2nd verse!


And your lack of camera control kinda worked out, since just after the 2nd verse when they pick it back up just before the solo, you get a real good feel for just how nuts the GA was during that part! And the audio quality is nice!

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Your forum title makes me think "banananana-NASSAU COLISEUM!!!!!"


Oddly enough I spent most of the 23rd walking around pointing at random objects going, "To the batmobile!" :chuckle:



Seems a lot of us were pretty close by each other. lol.


The middle of the pit was insane. I got out of there so I could concentrate on something other than getting crushed and ended up on the barrier somehow, wasn't even really trying. :LOL::awesome:

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Alright, thanks! I'll be sure to keep an eye on your youtube account.


I'm off to bed for now, night everyone!


I checked, when it zooms in you are blocked in the center pillar by a BALLOON!!! And you were barely on the right pillar. Surely better shots will show up on youtube though. Here is my video.




You might be in there at 2:29 on the right pillar... not sure if that is you or not.

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I can't believe I'm still awake. :facepalm: It's been about... 19 hours now.


edit: Argh, forcing myself into bed even though I'm still high (off of Muse). Pics and vids to come tomorrow night I suppose. Pretty sure they're pretty sucky though.

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I love all the comments during the 2nd verse!


And your lack of camera control kinda worked out, since just after the 2nd verse when they pick it back up just before the solo, you get a real good feel for just how nuts the GA was during that part! And the audio quality is nice!


I really wanted to get this on video but there was oh about zero chance I was standing still during CE! To my surprise, a lot of people were getting into the song around me, though no one seemed to know any of the lyrics. Great crowd, nice vibes all night. :)

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To my surprise, a lot of people were getting into the song around me, though no one seemed to know any of the lyrics.

^ Like me. It's not one of my top favs (but HELL YEAH WE GOT CE INSTEAD OF GL) so I dunno that much of the lyrics :facepalm:


OMFG THAT WAS AMAZING though I wish I were taller. From now on, GA all the wayyyy!! I was ~6th row when the concert first started. Next time will be barrier! :thumbsup:

I didn't take many pics cuz I was too busy jumping around screaming. A lot of them turned out blurry too... But here's the link to my photo album:


If you saw someone get lifted up before the show to take a pic of the GA area behind her, that was me. :D


Rofl yeah they need a sign to tell them which city they're in. :LOL:

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It is so ignorant to assume people not singing along don't know the lyrics. CE isn't really a sing-along friendly song like TiRO, PiB, KoC, Uprising, Starlight etc. I don't sing along with any songs, not just because I am taping, but also because my voice is shit, and it would ruin the concert for the people around me, and more importantly and selfishly, it would ruin it for ME!! Sure I sing along to it alone in my car.. just not at concerts. It doesn't mean I don't know lyrics.

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Rofl yeah they need a sign to tell them which city they're in. :LOL:


Newark and New Jersey is all I heard from them tonight. Unless Dom really did say New York the first time (which I thought is what I heard). But even if Dom said New York, Newark is pretty damn close to New York, and there were surely plenty of New Yorkers there (like myself).

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I'm just gonna said that this gig was amazing.

In your FACE LA! :yesey:


what an amazing time i had with all the musers again...

Getting to the queue @ 6am and bein first for the second time :awesome: and i was just... Dont know, i was with a stupid look in my face the whole gig watching everything that was going on there cause Matt was SO happy... Same as Dom...

I think they were surprised if how into the songs the crowd was...

AnywYs, Photos and vídeos coming

today, after i get a few hours if sleep in a real bed:supersad:

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Hey, I was the girl with the ukulele! Btw, Muse actually DID leave; one of the crew said he thought they did and he seemed to be actually sincere (unlike the douchebag security. I don't mind if they have to enforce the rules or whatever, but they were seriously rude)


Oh hi! :LOL: It was nice to meet you, even though it was only for a minute and I didnt realize it was you :p PiB on ukulele was epic! :awesome: How did you know it was me? Haha did I mention the scrapbook? Haha all I remember is being pissed & not trusting security! I'm glad you got the truth from someone trustworthy!


Still can't believe it's all over :supersad: So surreal! Can't wait to go through all the pics and vids and relive it when I get home tonight! :)

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Oh hi! :LOL: It was nice to meet you, even though it was only for a minute and I didnt realize it was you :p PiB on ukulele was epic! :awesome: How did you know it was me? Haha did I mention the scrapbook? Haha all I remember is being pissed & not trusting security! I'm glad you got the truth from someone trustworthy!


Still can't believe it's all over :supersad: So surreal! Can't wait to go through all the pics and vids and relive it when I get home tonight! :)


Yeah, about 5 of us+random ppl in cars stayed around until about 12:30. We saw that the 4 silver tour buses were still there so we kept waiting but were told they had left in the black mercedes...


And uh... lol, I figured it was you because of the scrapbook and the uh...:$

I recognized you from the drunken pib on guitar hero vid. :$

Haha, thanks. PiB is so much fun on uke. xD Sorry it was so out of tune, though... thing was in my bag the whole time and I'm relieved it didn't actually break amidst all the shoving...


Anyway, just "woke" up. Quotes because I didn't actually sleep; it really felt like I was merely closing my eyes but I was completely on edge even though I was definitely dreaming...


Btw, for some reason the New Born solo is way more impressive when I saw it so close, even though the second half was all I caught of it.

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