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You think it'd work if I ask them to play a rarity that night for me????


Hmm, it depends. It'd be a lot safer to ask them to play a rarity at Coachella, which will hopefully be recorded. You might be able to get away with asking for Bliss or something, at the least. Is the interview before the show? Thing is, even if it is, they'll have probably decided the setlist by then, and since there's so much tech in their show, it'd probably be hard to change it last minute. :(

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It was but I never quite understood it until you guys posted some of those pictures involving... pandas.


It really really does :LOL:



you mean christina and i being weird?


yeah I don't understand either.


We get ourselves into weirrrrrd conversations :p


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IT WOULD BE NICE IF HE, know him much??? Because I DO!!! It would be REALITY IF HE ACTUALLY HAD A TOUR!!!! Eh???? GET IT QUITE YET???+? THIS IS MATTHEW JAMES BELLAMY. I have toured not. Give a ring to WFNX, Lynn, MA if you think not. They have a spcial line dedicated ONLY TO HER, NOT ME. GET IT quite yet???? Hey. How about some support for MY WIFE???? KNOW HER MUCH???? H-E-L-L-O-K-I-T-T-Y???? How about check out her YOUTUBE???? Yuppie. It's there. U2. U2 sanctionced that song, Idiots. Who else???? Idiots. All of you if you do not. This is Matthew James Bellamy. Typing through his wife. DO IT.



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hahaha they mightve

i wish i knew you guys then so i wouldve gotten a part :stunned:


hahaha i mean they'd look at it and be like OH SHITE STALKERS! :p


Ah yeah, oh well, I don't even know if they even read it :(


Hahah, yeah true :LOL:

It really really does :LOL:



oh dude, we found alot of other... things of the same nature except .. i think you get the idea :LOL:


it was like 4 am when we posted it and we found it so funny :p:LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

Reminds me of this one time when my friend had to draw an ox for a school project, and the only decent picture of one that he could find was of two ox's having sex :LOL:

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IT WOULD BE NICE IF HE, know him much??? Because I DO!!! It would be REALITY IF HE ACTUALLY HAD A TOUR!!!! Eh???? GET IT QUITE YET???+? THIS IS MATTHEW JAMES BELLAMY. I have toured not. Give a ring to WFNX, Lynn, MA if you think not. They have a spcial line dedicated ONLY TO HER, NOT ME. GET IT quite yet???? Hey. How about some support for MY WIFE???? KNOW HER MUCH???? H-E-L-L-O-K-I-T-T-Y???? How about check out her YOUTUBE???? Yuppie. It's there. U2. U2 sanctionced that song, Idiots. Who else???? Idiots. All of you if you do not. This is Matthew James Bellamy. Typing through his wife. DO IT.




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Ah yeah, oh well, I don't even know if they even read it :(


Hahah, yeah true :LOL:


Reminds me of this one time when my friend had to draw an ox for a school project, and the only decent picture of one that he could find was of two ox's having sex :LOL:


hahahaha :LOL:

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IVE GOT ITTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ask why chris always sings with his eyes closed :p




I wonder how they feel about the "broadening" of their fanbase to include a lot of Twilight-obsessed 14-year-old girls?


I for one wouldn't be very happy.

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Hmmmm on the forms it says I get to "serve as a special correspondent for up to one hour". Damn that's a lot of questions :LOL:


yesssss! maybe then since u have so much time you will be able to ask one of my crappy questions like why chris sings with his eyes closed!

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Hmmmm on the forms it says I get to "serve as a special correspondent for up to one hour". Damn that's a lot of questions :LOL:


Well, you gotta think, that's with 2 other people, and probably a real interviewer or two, also. I highly doubt you'll be interviewing for more than 10 minutes really. Still, as I said, come with loads of questions, ranked in the order you want to ask them, and you'll be fine. :D

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