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you know you are addicted to Muse when you hear someone say something remotely related to them or one of their songs and you're all like "WHO THE FUCK SAID THAT!!!!!!!"


oh and you definitly know you're addicted to Muse when you go through the painstaking ly slow process of doing all these captchas just to write a reply!!!!!

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I sneezed one day...and i wrote in my memo part of my phone '18th March 2012 - I blew my nose and it sounded like the beginning of Hyper Music' <---- YKYATMW you find that on your phone...:facepalm:



YKYATMW you totally freak out when they play the intro to Uprising at a show, then get pissed when they don't play the rest of it.

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YKYATMW you totally freak out when they play the intro to Uprising at a show, then get pissed when they don't play the rest of it.


OOH, I have a story. At work, which is our family owned takeaway shop, i got sick of the radio having shit on repeat, so i bought The Resistance from the music guys in my break, and put it on...AND MY UNCLE, no joke, went 'what is this shit' during IBTY and then changed it

ahaahahah, made me lol.

Um, connecting it to the thread. YKYATMW you buy a muse cd for work?

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OOH, I have a story. At work, which is our family owned takeaway shop, i got sick of the radio having shit on repeat, so i bought The Resistance from the music guys in my break, and put it on...AND MY UNCLE, no joke, went 'what is this shit' during IBTY and then changed it

ahaahahah, made me lol.

Um, connecting it to the thread. YKYATMW you buy a muse cd for work?


Pfft, you should have them all already. :p Naw, I still need Hullabaloo.

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