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YKYATMW every time you see that Weight Watchers commercial with Jennifer Hudson singing "Feeling Good" you always think, "Matt does it better!":shifty:


I hate that commercial!

:noey: I'm like "she just killed the song. Muse did a cover of this song and it was WAAAY better" :indiff:

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... last November my friends caught me saying Matt Bellamy's name in my sleep.


even I'm creeped out by that.


That totally reminds me of what I did after my first Muse concert. I fell asleep right after we got back from the concert, and the next morning, my mom told me (we were in a hotel) that I was humming Uprising in my sleep. :LOL:

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I hate that commercial!

:noey: I'm like "she just killed the song. Muse did a cover of this song and it was WAAAY better" :indiff:



:yesey: I know! And what's worse, my sisters like to sing along to Hudson's version ALL THE TIME! The next time they start, I'm going to sit them down and make them listen to Muse's version! :p

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That totally reminds me of what I did after my first Muse concert. I fell asleep right after we got back from the concert, and the next morning, my mom told me (we were in a hotel) that I was humming Uprising in my sleep. :LOL:


Again, you're doing yourself, and Musers proud. Some of us can't do that, and wish we could!

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YKYATMW You give yourself eraser burn trying to erase yourself so that you can be all like. "I'm an erased citizen!!! Woohoo! Switch me around, and you get a Muse song!" haha. :)



Um, please show up at my school :LOL:


I'm Student Teaching right now and I am in desperate search of a Muser amongst my students, but still no luck :noey: (One girl actually wore a Radiohead shirt the other day! :LOL: No joke, I almost lol-ed)

i've never really liked student teachers, but i bet if you were my student teacher i wouldn't mind



YKYATMW every time you see that Weight Watchers commercial with Jennifer Hudson singing "Feeling Good" you always think, "Matt does it better!":shifty:

i'm always thinking/saying "Muse did a way better cover of that song" whenever i watch that commercial



When you lay in bed, shielding your eyes ('cause you are crying) from your mum when she rips half of what I have on my wall (mainly Muse pictures) and keeps them away from me :'(

why would she do that? :eek:




When you wanted to name your new dog Dom, because your other dog is named Bell



i secretly call her Dom :chuckle:

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YKYATMW a girl in my class was doing a report on Argentina and she said "This lake really impressed Charles Darwin and...."

She didn't know who Charles Datwin was but she said it because it was part of her research..


But I just couldn't stop laughing. :LOL:


Who is Charles Darwin? And how is this post connected to Muse? Please enlighten me...

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