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Simple concept, what do you personally think are Muse's 'Best' in each of the following categories? I know there are tons of threads about what's your fave this or the best that, but this one kinda sums it all up in an award-ceremony stylie (lolwut).


You can picture red carpets, trophies, aliens, zetas and whathaveyou if you want... and the best part is, no matter what you've selected as the winner, Muse will always be the ones collecting the award! :D Yes, I have no life...


Best song:

Best song played live:

Best live performance:

Best live show/ gig:

Best studio album:

Best single:

Best dvd:

Best b-side:

Best cover:

Best jam/ riff (e.g. Osaka/ Maggies' Farm etc.):

Best collectible release (e.g. OoS promo with screwdriver/ Muse EP etc.):

Best video:

Best lyric:

Best song/album name:

Best opener:

Best closer:

Best setlist (name the gig):

Best riff:

Best drumming on a song:

Best bass-line:

Best drum kit:

Best guitar (instrument):

Best bass (instrument):

Funniest moment:

Best tour:

Best 'intimate' gig (smaller venue):

Best piano song:

Best album artwork:

Best single artwork:

Best Bellamy (Matt's hair/ clothes era):

Best-looking member:

Best dressed member:

Most talented member:



Bloody 'ell that's a lot of categories :LOL:. Add more if you can think of any, I've run outta ideas :rolleyes:. You can use the above as a template and paste your answers in. So, get voting! :happy:


PS - it might be fun to make a 'Worst' equivalent thread for all those categories, too... :p

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Alright, I'll give it a go


Best song: Megalomania

Best song played live: Citizen Erased

Best live performance: Glastonbury 2004

Best live show/ gig: Glasgow 9/11/09

Best studio album: Origin of Symmetry

Best single: Plug In Baby

Best dvd: Absolution Tour

Best b-side: Crying Shame

Best cover: Can't Take My Eyes Off You

Best jam/ riff (e.g. Osaka/ Maggies' Farm etc.): Osaka Jam

Best collectible release (e.g. OoS promo with screwdriver/ Muse EP etc.): I don't know

Best video: Uprising or Knights

Best lyric: Useless device, it won't suffice, I want a new game to play

Best song/album name: Butterflies and Hurricanes

Best opener: Hysteria

Best closer: Knights of Cydonia

Best setlist (name the gig): Glastonbury 04

Best riff: Futurism

Best drumming on a song: Assassin

Best bass-line: Futurism

Best drum kit: Clear

Best guitar (instrument): Any of the Ibanez

Best bass (instrument): Pedulla Custom

Funniest moment: Too many

Best tour: Absolution

Best 'intimate' gig (smaller venue): San Diego 04

Best piano song: Sunburn

Best album artwork: The Resistance

Best single artwork: Plug In Baby

Best Bellamy (Matt's hair/ clothes era): BH&R

Best-looking member: Matt

Best dressed member: Dom

Most talented member: Chris

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Best song: Megalomania

Best song played live: Knights of Cydonia

Best live performance: Wembley Stadium 2007

Best live show/ gig: Live at Teignmouth

Best studio album: Absolution

Best single: Hysteria/ Eternally Missed

Best dvd: Hullabaloo DVD

Best b-side: Glorious

Best cover: Can't Take My Eyes Off You

Best jam/ riff (e.g. Osaka/ Maggies' Farm etc.): Osaka

Best collectible release (e.g. OoS promo with screwdriver/ Muse EP etc.): Not sure..

Best video: Bliss

Best lyric: "You've got to change the world, and use this chance to be heard."

Best song/album name: Thoughts of a Dying Atheist

Best opener: Take a Bow

Best closer: Megalomania

Best setlist (name the gig): Berlin 21.10.03

Best riff: Plug In Baby

Best drumming on a song: United States of Eurasia

Best bass-line: Futurism

Best drum kit: Sparkles

Best guitar (instrument): Glitterati

Best bass (instrument): Pedulla Rapture RB5

Funniest moment: SIT THE F*** DOWN!

Best tour: Absolution Tour 2003/2004

Best 'intimate' gig (smaller venue): Not sure

Best piano song: Exogenesis / I Belong To You

Best album artwork: The Resistance

Best single artwork: Map of the Problematique

Best Bellamy (Matt's hair/ clothes era): Black Holes and Revelations Matt

Best-looking member: Matthew Bellamy

Best dressed member: Dominic Howard

Most talented member: Matthew Bellamy

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Best song: ...Hoodoo

Best song played live: Bliss

Best live performance: Glasto 2004

Best live show/ gig: Wembley 2007

Best studio album: Absolution

Best single: Bliss

Best dvd: HAARP

Best b-side: The Groove

Best cover: Can't Take My Eyes Off You

Best jam/ riff (e.g. Osaka/ Maggies' Farm etc.): That one after SS which Bellamy used to stand on the amp to play

Best collectible release (e.g. OoS promo with screwdriver/ Muse EP etc.): ???

Best video: TIRO

Best lyric: "I've had recurring nightmares, that I was loved for who I am, and missed the opportunity to be a better man"

Best song/album name: The Small Print

Best opener: Take a Bow

Best closer: Stockholm Syndrome

Best setlist (name the gig): Wembley Arena 2003

Best riff: Stockholm Syndrome

Best drumming on a song: Stockholm Syndrome

Best bass-line: HYSTERIA

Best drum kit: Clear

Best guitar (instrument): Glitterati

Best bass (instrument): Headless

Funniest moment: Bellamy collapsing over the amp at Pinkpop 2002

Best tour: Absolution

Best 'intimate' gig (smaller venue):...Shepherds Bush?

Best piano song: Ruled by Secrecy

Best album artwork: Absolution

Best single artwork: Uprising

Best Bellamy (Matt's hair/ clothes era): Fluffy haired towards the end of BH&R

Best-looking member: Bellamy

Best dressed member: Dom

Most talented member: Bellamy

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I'll try! haha

Best song: Map Of The Problematique

Best song played live: Plug In Baby

Best live performance: Wembley Stadium 2007

Best live show/ gig: Glasgow SECC 09/11/09 :D First Muse gig!

Best studio album: The Resistance

Best single: Stockholm Syndrome

Best dvd: HAARP

Best b-side: Eternally Missed

Best cover: Feeling Good

Best jam/ riff (e.g. Osaka/ Maggies' Farm etc.): Bagpipe Jam 09/11/09

Best collectible release (e.g. OoS promo with screwdriver/ Muse EP etc.): Muse EP

Best video: Resistance

Best lyric: And I've Had Recurring Nightmares that I was Loved For Who I Am And Missed The Opportunity To Be A Better Man

Best song/album name: United States of Eurasia/ Absolution

Best opener: Uprising

Best closer: Knights of Cydonia

Best setlist (name the gig): Wembley Stadium 2007

Best riff: Fury

Best drumming on a song: Assassin

Best bass-line: Hysteria

Best drum kit: Tama Clear

Best guitar (instrument): Glitterati Mason

Best bass (instrument): Any of the Manson ones..

Funniest moment: Has to be Matt whistling Antiques Roadshow on the Making of the Resistance

Best tour: The Resistance

Best 'intimate' gig (smaller venue): Shepherd's Bush Empire

Best piano song: Butterflies and Hurricanes

Best album artwork: The Resistance or Black Holes and Revelations

Best single artwork: Dead Star/In Your World

Best Bellamy (Matt's hair/ clothes era): The Resistance or Absolution

Best-looking member: Matt!!

Best dressed member: Chris or Dom.. :L

Most talented member: They're all talented in their own way :D

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Best Song: Hyper Chondriac Music

Best Song played live: Butterflies and Hurricanes OR Bliss

Best Live Performance: Stockholm Syndrome @ Glastonbury 2004

Best Live Show: Montreux Jazz Festival 2002

Best Studio Album: Origin of Symmetry

Best Single: Bliss

Best DVD: Hullabaloo

Best B-side: HCM <3333

Best Cover: Can't Take My Eyes Off You

Best Jam/Riff: Osaka Jam

Best Collectible Release: Sunburn 'porno' promo/Showbiz perspex promo (MUSE 4 with spanner)/all demos

Best Video: Bliss

Best Lyric: Soulless is everywhere OR Like a broken dam you're empty

Best Song Name: Darkshines

Best Album Name: Origin of Symmetry

Best Album Opener: Take A Bow

Best Album Closer: Exogenesis Symphony. Although Megalomania is amazingly close.

Best Live Opener: Take A Bow

Best Live Closer: Bliss (extended + balloooons!) OR SS+major outro riffages!

Best Setlist: Probably Montreux Jazz Fest again

Best Riff: New Born :\mm/:

Best Drumming: Stockholm

Best Bass-line: Hysteria

Best Drum Kit: Clear Tama (I want!)

Best Guitar: Bomber Manson

Best Bass: Fender Jazz Blue

Funniest Moment: Uprising on Italian show performance/Hey You Crazy Kids!

Best Tour: Absolution

Best Intimate Gig: RAH 2008

Best Piano Song: Ruled By Secrecy

Best Album Artwork: Abso (although I LOVE Origin, too!)

Best Single Artwork: B&H

Best Bellamy (Matt's hair/clothes era): RED MATTEH! But BH&R Matt was better dressed/looking.

Best Looking Member: Teh Wolstenholmer!

Best Dressed Member: Dom :LOL:. He got me into colourful trousers and Spidey suits :$.

Most Talented Member: I dunnoz... Probably Bellzy for his songwriting prowess, warbling female vocal chords and magic fingers on le piano/guitar! But they're all amazing musicians fo shiz.


Well that took a fucking long time to decide on! And an endless amount of changes! lulz

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Best song: Citizen Erased

Best song played live: New Born

Best live performance: Stockholm Syndrome - Glastonbury '04

Best live show/ gig: Earl's Court '04

Best studio album: OoS

Best single: Butterflies & Hurricanes

Best dvd: H.A.A.R.P.

Best b-side: Shrinking Universe

Best cover: Can't Take My Eyes Off You

Best jam/ riff (e.g. Osaka/ Maggies' Farm etc.): Pre-Sunburn Riff

Best collectible release (e.g. OoS promo with screwdriver/ Muse EP etc.): idk :$:LOL:

Best video: Knights of Cydonia

Best lyric: "Like a virgin blows" :LOL:

Best song/album name: Map of the Problematique

Best opener: Micro Cuts

Best closer: Stockholm Syndrome

Best setlist (name the gig): Earl's Court 2004

Best riff: Plug in Baby

Best drumming on a song: Assassin

Best bass-line: Futurism

Best drum kit: The gold shiny one

Best guitar (instrument): Seattle Manson

Best bass (instrument): Pedulla Rapture

Funniest moment: Wayyy to many.

Best tour: Absolution Tour

Best 'intimate' gig (smaller venue): Walter Kerr Theatre '09

Best piano song: Ruled by Secrecy

Best album artwork: The Resistance

Best single artwork: Hysteria

Best Bellamy (Matt's hair/ clothes era): Matt's red hair, 2001

Best-looking member: Matt

Best dressed member: Dom

Most talented member: Chris


:LOL: That was fun.

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My go:


Best song: CE

Best song played live: CE

Best live performance: SS @ Pinkpop '04

Best live show/ gig: Wembley '07 and Glasto '04... and Reading '06!

Best studio album: Origin of Symmetry

Best single: PiB

Best dvd: Hullabaloo

Best b-side: Fury

Best cover: CTMYOY

Best jam/ riff: Osaka Jam

Best collectible release (e.g. OoS promo with screwdriver/ Muse EP etc.): Unsure... Random 1-8?

Best video: KoC

Best lyric: See my signature

Best song/album name: TOADA -- best song name/Origin of Symmetry -- best album name

Best opener: KoC Best closer: TaB

Best setlist (name the gig): Pinkpop 2004

Best riff: PiB

Best drumming on a song: Resistance

Best bass-line: Hysteria

Best drum kit: Clear

Best guitar (instrument): E Manson (7 String)

Best bass (instrument): ???

Funniest moment: Pwopa fish

Best tour: Absolution

Best 'intimate' gig (smaller venue): Astoria 2000

Best piano song: There are too many

Best album artwork: The Resistance

Best single artwork: Uprising

Best Bellamy (Matt's hair/ clothes era): BHaR

Best-looking member: Unsure...

Best dressed member: Dom

Most talented member: Matt

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Best song: Dead Star

Best song played live: Knights Of Cydonia

Best live performance: Stockholm Syndrome from Glastonbury 2004

Best live show/ gig: Wembley 2007

Best studio album: Origin

Best single: Dead Star

Best dvd: Haarp

Best b-side: Fury

Best cover: Feeling Good

Best jam/ riff (e.g. Osaka/ Maggies' Farm etc.): Helsinki Jam

Best collectible release (e.g. OoS promo with screwdriver/ Muse EP etc.): Too tough

Best video: Knights of Cydonia

Best lyric: We're not droplets in the ocean

Best song/album name: Muscle Museum

Best opener: Dead Star

Best closer: Knights of Cydonia

Best setlist (name the gig): Earls Court (19th December 2004)

Best riff: Plug in Baby

Best drumming on a song: Map of the Problematique

Best bass-line: Hysteria

Best drum kit: ones used during Black holes and revalations tour

Best guitar (instrument): Gltterati

Best bass (instrument): Headless Base

Funniest moment: Hey you crazy kids!!

Best tour: Origin

Best 'intimate' gig (smaller venue): Teignmouth

Best piano song: Cross Pollination

Best album artwork: Resistance

Best single artwork: Uprising

Best Bellamy (Matt's hair/ clothes era): 2007

Best-looking member: Dom

Best dressed member: Matt

Most talented member: Matt

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I tried, but I had to delete a lot that I couldn't decide on.

Best song: Umm...Stockholm Syndrome, Micro Cuts, Blackout? Sorry, I can't limit to 3, let alone 1.

Best live performance: Dead Star live at V Festival probably.

Best studio album: Absolution

Best single: Stockholm Syndrome

Best dvd: H.A.A.R.P

Best b-side: Fury

Best cover: House of the Rising Sun

Best jam/ riff (e.g. Osaka/ Maggies' Farm etc.): Osaka

Best video: Knights of Cydonia

Best song/album name: Absolution?

Best opener: Take a Bow

Best closer: Megalomania or KoC

Best riff: Stockholm Syndrome

Best drumming on a song: Assassin

Best bass-line: Hysteria or Hyper Music

Best drum kit: BH&R clear one

Best guitar (instrument): No idea.

Best bass (instrument): No idea.

Funniest moment: The fourth recording video of the Resistance.

Best tour: Absolution or BH&R? Haven't seen them live, so don't know.

Best piano song: Hard...um, Sunburn, Cross Pollination, Redemption, Space Dementia.

Best album artwork: Absolution

Best single artwork: Invincible

Best Bellamy (Matt's hair/ clothes era): Spiky hair?

Best-looking member: I don't really care tbh.

Most talented member: Matt

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Best song: Dead Star

Best song played live: Bliss

Best live performance: Stockholm Syndrome, Glasto 04

Best live show/ gig: Glasto 04

Best studio album: Origin of Symmetry

Best single: Stockholm Syndrome

Best dvd: Hullabaloo

Best b-side: Eternally Missed

Best cover: Feeling Good

Best jam/ riff (e.g. Osaka/ Maggies' Farm etc.): Helsinki

Best collectible release (e.g. OoS promo with screwdriver/ Muse EP etc.): I'm American.. we don't get awesome things like this here. :(

Best video: Uprising. Teddy Bears of doom FTW!

Best lyric: "My mind refuses to let you go" from Easily.. it makes me think of those I lost and how I remember them years after they're gone

Best song/album name: Origin of Symmetry

Best opener: Dead Star

Best closer: Knights of Cydonia

Best setlist (name the gig): Earls Court 04

Best riff: Stockholm Syndrome

Best drumming on a song: Map Of the problematique

Best bass-line: Futurism

Best drum kit: clear kit... you can easily see Dom's bright trousers :LOL:

Best guitar (instrument): mirror manson

Best bass (instrument): status graphite s2 (headless one)

Funniest moment: SIT THE FUCK DOWN!!! :awesome:

Best tour: Absolution

Best 'intimate' gig (smaller venue): Disco Rodeo in Raleigh

Best piano song: sunburn

Best album artwork: resistance

Best single artwork: invincible

Best Bellamy (Matt's hair/ clothes era): Absolution

Best-looking member: Matt Bellamy

Best dressed member: Dom Howard

Most talented member: Matt Bellamy

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Best song: Butterflies & Hurricanes

Best song played live: Knights of Cydonia (+ Man with a Harmonica intro)

Best live performance: Glasto 2004

Best live show/ gig: I'm biased, Melbourne BDO 2010

Best studio album: The Resistance or Absolution

Best single: Butterflies &Hurricanes

Best b-side: Fury

Best cover: Back in Black or CTMEOY

Best video: Knights of Cydonia

Best lyric: 'And I've had recurring nightmares that I was loved for who I am, and lost the opportunity to be the better man'

Best song/album name: Thoughts of a Dying Atheist and Origin of Symmetry

Best opener: Take A Bow

Best riff: Plug in Baby

Best drumming on a song: Assassin

Best bass-line: Hysteria

Best drum kit: the clear one

Best guitar (instrument): Seattle Manson, or the chrome one

Best bass (instrument): Fender Jazz Basses

Best 'intimate' gig (smaller venue): Royal Albert Hall

Best piano song: Butterflies & Hurricanes

Best album artwork: Absolution

Best single artwork: Hysteria, Butterflies & Hurricanes or Knights of Cydonia

Best Bellamy (Matt's hair/ clothes era): Absolution era (white cloak)

Best-looking member: Matt

Best dressed member: Chris

Most talented member: Matt

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good idea, because I'm always mad when my favs are nominated a hundred times and didnt win anything! So now Muse is the winner in the following categories: :D


Best song: Knights of Cydonia

Best song played live: Plug in Baby

Best live performance: Wembley 07

Best live show/ gig: my first Zurich, Hallenstadion

Best studio album: BHaR together with The Resistance

Best single: Time is running out

Best dvd: H.A.A.R.P.

Best b-side: Crying Shame

Best cover: Feeling good

Best video: Undisclosed Desires

Best lyric: "How can we win, when fools can be kings? Don't waste your time or time will waste you"

Best song/album name: Screenager

Best riff: Unnatural Selection

Best drumming on a song: Assassin

Best bass-line: Hysteria

Best drum kit: the clear one

Best guitar (instrument): Glitterati

Best bass (instrument): headless one :D

Funniest moment: everytime Matt is laughing

Best piano song: Sunburn

Best album artwork: The Resistance

Best single artwork: MotP

Best Bellamy (Matt's hair/ clothes era): like the red hair and his new clothing style

Best dressed member: Dom

Most talented member: Matt

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Ok, Nice Idea. Here we Go.


Best song: Knights of Cydonia

Best song played live:United States of Eurasia

Best live performance:Glastonbury 2004

Best live show/ gig:Big Day Out 2010

Best studio album:Absolution

Best single:Knights of Cydonia

Best dvd:HAARP

Best b-side:Fury

Best cover:Back In Black Feat. Nic Cester

Best jam/ riff (e.g. Osaka/ Maggies' Farm etc.): Helsinki Jam

Best collectible release (e.g. OoS promo with screwdriver/ Muse EP etc.):None

Best video:Knights of Cydonia

Best lyric:Hoodoo - I have recurring nightmares, that I was loved for who I am, and missed the opportunity to be a better man

Best song/album name:Thoughts of A Dying Atheist

Best opener:Uprising

Best closer:Knights of Cydonia

Best setlist (name the gig): No Answer

Best riff:Knights of Cydonia

Best drumming on a song:Assassin

Best bass-line:Resistance

Best drum kit:No Answer

Best guitar (instrument): No Answer

Best bass (instrument): No Answer

Funniest moment:Matt putting his arse on the Co2 jets in Melbourne recently

Best tour:The Resistance Tour

Best 'intimate' gig (smaller venue):No Answer

Best piano song:Ruled By Secrecy

Best album artwork:The Resistance

Best single artwork:Plug In Baby

Best Bellamy (Matt's hair/ clothes era): No Answer

Best-looking member: Dom

Best dressed member: Chris

Most talented member: Matt

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Best song: Citizen Erased

Best song played live: Stockholm Syndrome

Best live performance: Glasto 04

Best live show/ gig: Wembley 07/ Lonon o2 09

Best studio album: Absolution/The Resistance

Best single:B&H

Best dvd: HAARP

Best b-side: Fury

Best cover: Feeling Good

Best jam/ riff (e.g. Osaka/ Maggies' Farm etc.): Maggies farm/Helsinki

Best collectible release (e.g. OoS promo with screwdriver/ Muse EP etc.):

Best video: Sunburn

Best lyric: "It's our last chance to forgive ourselves" and"Wash me away, clean your body of me..." and "Look to the stars, let hope burn in your eyes" There's so many :p

Best song/album name: Micro Cuts/Hate This & I'll Love You

Best opener: KoC

Best closer: TaB

Best setlist (name the gig): No answer

Best riff: SS

Best drumming on a song: SS

Best bass-line: Hysteria

Best drum kit: Tama Clear

Best guitar (instrument): Glitterati/Silver Bomber

Best bass (instrument): Any :LOL:

Funniest moment: Sit The Fuck Down/ Rage/ Hey You Crazy Kids

Best tour: The Resistance

Best 'intimate' gig (smaller venue): I'm not sure

Best piano song: Space Dementia

Best album artwork: The Resistnace

Best single artwork: Invincible

Best Bellamy (Matt's hair/ clothes era): Hair: OoS, Clothes: BH&R

Best-looking member: Matt

Best dressed member: Chris

Most talented member: All of them :happy:

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Best song: Muscle Museum

Best song played live: Space Dementia

Best live performance: Dead Star at... oh, shit, I can't remember...

Best live show/ gig: Haven't been to one yet, and out of the ones I've seen online/on DVD I can't decide.

Best studio album: Origin of Symmetry, Showbiz

Best single: TIRO

Best dvd: Hullabaloo or Abso

Best b-side: Eternally Missed, Coma, Crying Shame, The Groove, I'm just gonna stop before I name all of them.

Best cover: Feeling Good or Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You

Best jam/ riff (e.g. Osaka/ Maggies' Farm etc.): OSAKA!!!!!

Best video: Bliss

Best lyric: "Space Dementia in your eyes and peace will arise and tear us apart, and make us meaningless again."

Best song/album name: United States of Eurasia

Best riff: New Born

Best drumming on a song: Ummm... I actually like the drumming on Showbiz... I know it's not all that special, but still...

Best bass-line: Hysteria! :awesome: [and Osaka Jam]

Best drum kit: See through

Best guitar (instrument): Glitterati

Best bass (instrument): Headless bass

Funniest moment: SIT THE FUCK DOWNNN

Best piano song: Butterflies & Hurricanes, Exogenesis (all)

Best album artwork: Absolution, OoS

Best single artwork: ummmmmmmmmmm

Best Bellamy (Matt's hair/ clothes era): Blue

Best-looking member :Matt

Best dressed member: Dom

Most talented member: Chris

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Best song:Invincible*

Best song played live:Dead Star

Best live performance:Stockholm Syndrome live at rock AM ring

Best live show/ gig:WEMBLY FUCKING STADIUM!*

Best studio album:Aboslution*

Best single:Invincible

Best dvd:H.A.AR.P

Best b-side:The Groove

Best cover:Bck in Black

Best jam/ riff (e.g. Osaka/ Maggies' Farm etc.): Osaka jam/stockholm syndrome wembly riff

Best collectible release (e.g. OoS promo with screwdriver/ Muse EP etc.):Oos Promo****

Best video:Time is Running Out U.S version

Best lyric:"Don't close the door on what you adore" or "and tonight we can truley say together were invincible

Best song/album name:Endlessly

Best opener:Koc opener

Best closer:Micro Cuts ending

Best setlist (name the gig):Glastonbury

Best riff:Stockholm syndrome wembly riff

Best drumming on a song:Resistance

Best bass-line:Hysteria

Best drum kit::LOL: see through

Best guitar (instrument):M-1-D1 Manson *rest in peace*

Best bass (instrument):headless bass at tinmuff

Funniest moment:*WANKER* matteh to dommeh

Best tour:Abso tour

Best 'intimate' gig (smaller venue)::confused:

Best piano song:Exogenesis: part 3 redemption

Best album artwork:The resistance

Best single artwork:Invincible or KOC

Best Bellamy (Matt's hair/ clothes era):Black

Best-looking member:Maffoo :dance:

Best dressed member:DOMMEH!

Most talented member:Matteh


*not a permanant answer


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without much thought...


Best song: Citizen Erased

Best song played live: Bliss

Best live performance: Glasto 04

Best live show/ gig: Birmingham 09

Best studio album: Resistance

Best single: Uprising

Best dvd: Hullabaloo

Best b-side: Eternally Missed

Best cover: Popcorn

Best jam/ riff (e.g. Osaka/ Maggies' Farm etc.): Helsinki Jam

Best collectible release (e.g. OoS promo with screwdriver/ Muse EP etc.): N/A (so muse ep)

Best video: Starlight

Best lyric: Hoodoo

Best song/album name: Butterflies and Hurricanes

Best opener: Uprising

Best closer: Bliss

Best setlist (name the gig): Marlay Park

Best riff: Headup (newborn if it has to be a muse tune)

Best drumming on a song: knights of cydonia

Best bass-line: the groove

Best drum kit: the clear one

Best guitar (instrument): delorean

Best bass (instrument): one from KOC video.

Funniest moment: anyone coming to see us tomorrow?...just you then

Best tour: south america 08

Best 'intimate' gig (smaller venue): teignmouth

Best piano song: hoodoo

Best album artwork: the resistance

Best single artwork: butterlies and hurricanes...all of them.

Best Bellamy (Matt's hair/ clothes era): blue hair.

Best-looking member: dom

Best dressed member: chris

Most talented member: matt.

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Best song: Knights of Cydonia

Best song played live: New Born

Best live performance: Wembley 07

Best live show/ gig:my first gig, Lisbon November 2009

Best studio album: Absolution

Best single: Knights of Cydonia

Best dvd: H.A.A.R.P.

Best b-side: Spiral Static

Best cover: Feeling good

Best jam/ riff Osaka Jam

Best collectible release I don't know

Best video: Knights of Cydonia

Best lyric: " Don't waste your time or time will waste you"

Best song/album name: You Fucking Motherfucker

Best opener: Uprising

Best closer: Knights of Cydonia

Best setlist (name the gig): Wembley

Best riff: Plug In Baby

Best drumming on a song: Assassin

Best bass-line: Hysteria

Best drum kit: the clear drum kit

Best guitar (instrument): Bomber manson

Best bass (instrument): any

Funniest moment: Sit the Fuck Down

Best tour: the resistance europe tour

Best 'intimate' gig (smaller venue): teignmouth

Best piano song: Sunburn

Best album artwork: The Resistance

Best single artwork: Uprising

Best Bellamy (Matt's hair/ clothes era): the red hair and his new clothing style

Best-looking member Dom

Best dressed member: Dom

Most talented member: Matt

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Best song: Space Dementia

Best song played live: Knights Of Cydonia

Best live performance: Glasto 04

Best live show/ gig: Zürich 18.11.09

Best studio album: Origin of Symmetry

Best single: Knights Of Cydonia

Best dvd: Hullaballoo

Best b-side: Hyper Chondriac Music

Best cover: Back in Black :\mm/:

Best jam/ riff (e.g. Osaka/ Maggies' Farm etc.): Osaka Jam :awesome:

Best collectible release (e.g. OoS promo with screwdriver/ Muse EP etc.): Dunno.

Best video: Hysteria

Best lyric: Hoodoo

Best song/album name: Creep lolol


srsly now; Exogenesis

Best studio opener:TaB

Best live opener: Dead Star

Best studio closer: Ruled By Secrecy

Best live closer: Knights Of Cydonia

Best setlist (name the gig): Saturday 16th june, Wembley

Best riff: Unnatural Selection (Not because it's the best, it's just the most catchy one :awesome:)

Best drumming on a song: Assassin

Best bass-line: Osaka Jam

Best drum kit: Dunno

Best guitar (instrument): MB1- Black

Best bass (instrument): Dunno


Best tour: Dunno

Best 'intimate' gig (smaller venue): Admiralspalast

Best piano song: Space Dementia

Best album artwork: Origin of Symmetry

Best single artwork: New Born

Best Bellamy (Matt's hair/ clothes era): Red Matt

Best-looking member: Chris

Best dressed member: Chris

Most talented member: Matt

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Best song: Hyper Chondriac Music

Best song played live:Knights of Cydonia

Best live performance: Wembley 2007

Best live show/ gig: Teignmouth 2009

Best studio album: Origin of Symmetry

Best single:Hyseria/ Eternally Missed

Best dvd: HAARP

Best b-side: Hyper Chondriac Music/ Eternally Missed

Best cover: Can't Take My Eyes Off You/ Feeling Good

Best jam/ riff (e.g. Osaka/ Maggies' Farm etc.): [COLOR="Purple"]Osaka/ Stockholm sydrome riff[/color]

Best collectible release (e.g. OoS promo with screwdriver/ Muse EP etc.): hmm I wouldn't know

Best video: Sing for Absolution/ Knights of Cydonia

Best lyric: Trapped in God's program, I can't escape

Best song/album name: Hysteria/ Pink Ego Box

Best opener:Uprising

Best closer: Knights of Cydonia

Best setlist (name the gig): Glastonbury 04

Best riff:Plug in Baby

Best drumming on a song: Assassin

Best bass-line: T.I.R.O

Best drum kit: gold one/ clear one

Best guitar (instrument): Glitterati

Best bass (instrument): hmm headless

Funniest moment:sooo many. erm. wanker AGH!

Best tour: Absolution

Best 'intimate' gig (smaller venue): Teignmouth? does that count as small? or Eden Sessions.

Best piano song: Ruled By Secrecy

Best album artwork: Absolution

Best single artwork:Uprising Vinyl

Best Bellamy (Matt's hair/ clothes era): Bizarre Festival floppy blue hair

Best-looking member: Matteh:matt:

Best dressed member: Dommeh! the converse, the tartan waistcoat! the trousers! the joy!

Most talented member:Matt ( sorry Chris :supersad:)

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Best Song: Exogenesis Symphony

Best Song (Live): Stockholm Syndrome

Best Live Performance: Earls Court 2004 sounds epic from bootlegs I have.

Best Studio Album: Origin of Symmetry (Love the raw feel to it)

Best Single: Hysteria

Best DVD: Absolution Tour (Yes, Even without CE and SS)

Best B-side:Eternally Missed

Best Cover: House of the Rising Sun

Best Jam: Osaka Jam

Best Collectible Release: Muse EP

Best Music Video: Time is Running Out

Best Lyric: "Wash me away, clean your body of me"

Best Song Name: Thoughts of a Dying Atheist

Best Album Name: Origin of Symmetry

Best Album Opener: Sunburn

Best Album Closer: Ruled by Secercy

Best Live Opener: Take a Bow

Best Live Closer: Blackout

Best Setlist: NA

Best Riff: For an album version of a song? Plug in Baby

Best Drumming: Assassin

Best Bass-line: Hysteria

Best Drum kit: That see-through Tama one? Don't know the name

Best Guitar: Deleroen or Laser :D

Best Bass: Don't know the name again but the one used in KOC on HAARP (One example) is awesome :happy:

Funniest Moment: So Many! I'll just go with Slipknot Mask

Best Tour: Absolution Deffo...

Best Piano Song: Apoclyspe Please

Best Album Artwork: The Resistance

Best Single Artwork: Newborn

Best Bellamy Era: OoS for hair :p

Best-Looking Member: NA

Best Dressed Member: Chris? Dom? anyone but Matt :p

Most Talented Member: They all are but Matt shows it more.

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