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What? I'm just saying they'd be nervous. Just because they do it a lot doesn't mean that going out in front of thousands of people and playing music isn't nerve-racking. Though I'm sure you'd know, what with you being an accomplished large-scale performer and all.


You're saying that they're not allowed to be a little bit nervous before going out in front of a crowd?


.... there were more people in Rock in Rio and they did just fine. They also played CE... plus, they've been playing for thousands of people for some years now... that's not an excuse. Sure everyone gets nervous, but, that is not an excuse

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.... there were more people in Rock in Rio and they did just fine. They also played CE... plus, they've been playing for thousands of people for some years now... that's not an excuse. Sure everyone gets nervous, but, that is not an excuse


I never said it was an excuse. I just said they must have been quite nervous. Y'know, as a completely unrelated point?



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