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hat's my point. Why do people keep using the argument that muse are busy and that makes it okay with a crappy video? It wasn't like they needed to do that much for a live video. Why not just get a GOOD editor(or whatever it's called) and give it a little more time, and then maybe the video wouldn't look like something a 15-year old fan made in an hour.


Yeah the argument that Muse were busy is that it may be the reason for a live video, because obviously from their point of view it takes up next to nothing of their time.


The quality of the editing is down to opinion unless you're an expert. I thought that Uprising looked a bit like something a 15 year old could have made in an hour.:LOL: But this, I don't know, it seems adequate to me. I don't know whether they needed to add in more elements as the stage set was already pretty good and I'm pretty sure they didn't mean it to look totally realistic (otherwise they would be completely daft :LOL:) I think it's simply a representation. But saying that I'm not particularly clued up on editing.

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Yeah the argument that Muse were busy is that it may be the reason for a live video, because obviously from their point of view it takes up a next to nothing of their time.


The quality of the editing is down to opinion unless you're an expert. I thought that Uprising looked a bit like something a 15 year old could have made in an hour.:LOL: But this, I don't know, it seems adequate to me. I don't know whether they needed to add in more elements as the stage set was already pretty good and I'm pretty sure they didn't mean it to look totally realistic (otherwise they would be completely daft :LOL:) I think it's simply a representation. But saying that I'm not totally keyed up on editing.

Yes I know, but Johanna was responding to me, and I was talking about how bad the video was so...


Considering the fact that the people who did it couldn't decide if they wanted like a live playback-video of Resistance or just random clips showing Muse live it becomes something inbetween, they try to sync it with the music, but it still has all of these totally random clips from dirrefent songs and places that makes it look really...bad.

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The In Your World video..........that's how you do a performance based video. Also, In Your World as a song lends itself to a performance video a lot better too.


Oh well. Muse videos are rarely spectacular. That's what Foo Fighters are for.

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That's my point. Why do people keep using the argument that muse are busy and that makes it okay with a crappy video? It wasn't like they needed to do that much for a live video. Why not just get a GOOD editor(or whatever it's called) and give it a little more time, and then maybe the video wouldn't look like something a 15-year old fan made in an hour.


I agree on this part, but I was reasoning why we got a live footage video INSTEAD of a completely new video a la Uprising.

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Meh, it was ok for a rush job. I've long since expected any Muse MV masterpieces.


Like some others here, I expected a story based video. Infact if any of you saw EratoAmused's youtube video before it got taken down - it was a lot better!!


Similarly with UD, I quite liked that song and imagined women in flowing dresses and bare feet dancing classically and all we got was the chav in pumps going mental.

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Well I just watched it again and I think it's great. I've got over the need to hear the live version. I think the majority of the public won't be picking apart any editoral glitches, if indeed they are glitches, and will just be enjoying the energy of it.


I can actually feel that pre-concert anticipation and excitement myself watching it now which goes very well with the musical intro. :D


BTW Is Matt playing the correct notes on the piano for the Resistance intro? I just wondered as that would have been edited in if he is.

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What's up with the order of single releases in the US?


Yes, Uprising was first, and god is it still being played to death on the radio, but as far as I know Undisclosed Desires hasn't been played yet. However Resistance has been played on KROQ for over a month now (although it's not getting much airtime at all).



So is the US release order Uprising-->Resistance-->UD?


Or did UD just get skipped alltogether and KROQ is only playing Resistance because they absolutely love Muse (they really do)?

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Best part of the vid is watching the n00bs run for the barrier. Why? Because I'm a n00b that runs for the barrier too. :awesome:


:LOL::LOL: Me tooooo! Well no, I power walk coz of the scary 'DON'T RUN OR WE'LL THROW YOU OUT' security guards!:eek::LOL:


Marlay, I will NEVER forget the Marlay security during that run to the golden circle!:LOL::LOL::D

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Plus f000kin' one! :awesome:


:LOL::LOL: Me tooooo! Well no, I power walk coz of the scary 'DON'T RUN OR WE'LL THROW YOU OUT' security guards!:eek::LOL:


Marlay, I will NEVER forget the Marlay security during that run to the golden circle!:LOL::LOL::D




WALK, WALK, DO NOT RUN....walk everyone...WALK...


I usually powerwalk but we legged it on the first night in Teignmouth. I think Olly was the first on the barrier closely followed by the rest of us. People in the merch stands etc were cheering us on! :LOL:

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