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It's because the band had this crazy idea that meant playing a piano would involve wheeling it out on stage so they decided to play New Born on top of a pillar which lowered down during the New Born intro so Matt would be on the ground once the riff kicks in.

Nowhere near as impressive as the build up of feedback as Matt switches between piano and guitar



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Oh... That'd be a new low.


We could, but we started about five petitions and none have changed anything, so...


Beermats work.


I wrote on a Beermat:


'Dear Mr Bellamy.


You recently wrote a really good song called MK Ultra but you never play it live. Instead you play Guiding Light, which is a bit rubbish. I am concerned'


This got thrown on stage at the O2 on the 13th November. On the 14th November, Muse played a gig in Antwerp, where they played MK Ultra and dropped Guiding Light :awesome:

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It's because the band had this crazy idea that meant playing a piano would involve wheeling it out on stage so they decided to play New Born on top of a pillar which lowered down during the New Born intro so Matt would be on the ground once the riff kicks in.


Nowhere near as impressive as the build up of feedback as Matt switches between piano and guitar


:( Awww.... im gonna miss the whole build up....

Why dont they just change the setlist :supersad::mad:....

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New Born leading in from The Resistance, and being the 3rd song in, they need to keep the momentum up but also the 'stature' of the show early in. So Morgan playing the intro, so fucking what? They can't fit a piano up there. LOGIC.

Muse are in their thirties now, they're older and more laid back. We will NEVER get 'crazy' Matt back, and I don't want him back. If they tried to be like that now, it would be untrue to us and untrue to themselves.


People do seem to miss the fact they've brought back Cave, and have MK Ultra in the set now. This is easily overseen.


Does anyone actually like Muse anymore on this board? Because I'm really thinking otherwise, the past six months.

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Beermats work.


I wrote on a Beermat:


'Dear Mr Bellamy.


You recently wrote a really good song called MK Ultra but you never play it live. Instead you play Guiding Light, which is a bit rubbish. I am concerned'


This got thrown on stage at the O2 on the 13th November. On the 14th November, Muse played a gig in Antwerp, where they played MK Ultra and dropped Guiding Light :awesome:


I like Guiding Light, but MK U worked awesome live.




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New Born leading in from The Resistance, and being the 3rd song in, they need to keep the momentum up but also the 'stature' of the show early in. So Morgan playing the intro, so fucking what? They can't fit a piano up there. LOGIC.

Muse are in their thirties now, they're older and more laid back. We will NEVER get 'crazy' Matt back, and I don't want him back. If they tried to be like that now, it would be untrue to us and untrue to themselves.


People do seem to miss the fact they've brought back Cave, and have MK Ultra in the set now. This is easily overseen.


Does anyone actually like Muse anymore on this board? Because I'm really thinking otherwise, the past six months.


Quoted for truth!

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Beermats work.


I wrote on a Beermat:


'Dear Mr Bellamy.


You recently wrote a really good song called MK Ultra but you never play it live. Instead you play Guiding Light, which is a bit rubbish. I am concerned'


This got thrown on stage at the O2 on the 13th November. On the 14th November, Muse played a gig in Antwerp, where they played MK Ultra and dropped Guiding Light :awesome:


The 14th they actually played in Rotterdam...

But yes they played MK Ultra!!! :D

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New Born leading in from The Resistance, and being the 3rd song in, they need to keep the momentum up but also the 'stature' of the show early in. So Morgan playing the intro, so fucking what? They can't fit a piano up there. LOGIC.

Muse are in their thirties now, they're older and more laid back. We will NEVER get 'crazy' Matt back, and I don't want him back. If they tried to be like that now, it would be untrue to us and untrue to themselves.


People do seem to miss the fact they've brought back Cave, and have MK Ultra in the set now. This is easily overseen.


Does anyone actually like Muse anymore on this board? Because I'm really thinking otherwise, the past six months.



Given that they knew they couldn't fit a piano up there: they didn't have to play New Born there though? The pillars could have come down at the end of Resistance and then they played New Born, or they could have played Map of the Problematique? Or the set they did in Teignmouth, where New Born was played after Hysteria.


People are feeling detactched towards Muse because it is just different things that take away from the aura of the gigs. For a lot of people that transition from piano to guitar is something Matt had done every time the song was performed and now it has gone.


As for Cave and MK Ultra........Cave was a nice suprise and I do appluad them for bringing it back. I will not however say I am ecstatic that they brought MK Ultra into the set half-way through a tour considering it is on the album they are meant to be promoting. The fact it was the best song they played that night just baffles me further why it took so long for them to play it.


But no, it seems if anyone even slightly criticises Muse's live performances should just shut up :rolleyes:

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New Born leading in from The Resistance, and being the 3rd song in, they need to keep the momentum up but also the 'stature' of the show early in. So Morgan playing the intro, so fucking what? They can't fit a piano up there. LOGIC.

Muse are in their thirties now, they're older and more laid back. We will NEVER get 'crazy' Matt back, and I don't want him back. If they tried to be like that now, it would be untrue to us and untrue to themselves.


People do seem to miss the fact they've brought back Cave, and have MK Ultra in the set now. This is easily overseen.


Does anyone actually like Muse anymore on this board? Because I'm really thinking otherwise, the past six months.


Maybe to you it's not important, but to many of us it's bloody iconic. To take that away, leaves the song lacking something, in my opinion. As for people not liking Muse; honestly, it's constructive criticisms; they are not perfect, and this tour/set list/album have been a bit shit, therefore it's understandable that people will voice their concerns. People only want the best from them, and at the minute they aren't demonstrating the epicness, we've all seen before. As a couple of others have said on this thread, it's too fucking rehearsed, and structured; someone used 'clinical' the other, which I think sums it up pretty well. The O2 show was great, don't get me wrong, but it didn't blow me away. Idk, it's all got a bit wrong with them lately.

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What song is DES? :$


Alternative title for Glorious.


From Muse wiki-

When played live, this song was referred to as DES due to a name printed on a set list. DES is the name of the keyboard technician - During the performance of Fillip for Bizarre 1999, there is a problem with the sound (a video of this can be downloaded here) and at the time, Matt made a beckoning gesture aimed backstage and he is heard saying "Des! Des!". It could also be a reference to DES, an American government cipher which would fit with the apparent cryptographic theme of the album. DES became a backronym for "Dead End Street" when some fans thought it was the title for the new song.

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Beermats work.


I wrote on a Beermat:


'Dear Mr Bellamy.


You recently wrote a really good song called MK Ultra but you never play it live. Instead you play Guiding Light, which is a bit rubbish. I am concerned'


This got thrown on stage at the O2 on the 13th November. On the 14th November, Muse played a gig in Antwerp, where they played MK Ultra and dropped Guiding Light :awesome:




That was Rotterdam!

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New Born leading in from The Resistance, and being the 3rd song in, they need to keep the momentum up but also the 'stature' of the show early in. So Morgan playing the intro, so fucking what? They can't fit a piano up there. LOGIC.


I had the same opinion during the Resistance tour, but at Oakland, Morgan played the intro whereas they perfomed in a normal scene, without pillars and fantasy.



Muse are in their thirties now, they're older and more laid back. We will NEVER get 'crazy' Matt back, and I don't want him back. If they tried to be like that now, it would be untrue to us and untrue to themselves.


People do seem to miss the fact they've brought back Cave, and have MK Ultra in the set now. This is easily overseen.


You're true. Playing New Born intro is soooooo difficult, especially when you're 30. It's even more difficult than Cave jazz version. I admit.


Does anyone actually like Muse anymore on this board? Because I'm really thinking otherwise, the past six months.


Of course. If not, why am I wasting my time posting messages here? Why do I want create a petition?

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Maybe to you it's not important, but to many of us it's bloody iconic. To take that away, leaves the song lacking something, in my opinion. As for people not liking Muse; honestly, it's constructive criticisms; they are not perfect, and this tour/set list/album have been a bit shit, therefore it's understandable that people will voice their concerns. People only want the best from them, and at the minute they aren't demonstrating the epicness, we've all seen before. As a couple of others have said on this thread, it's too fucking rehearsed, and structured; someone used 'clinical' the other, which I think sums it up pretty well. The O2 show was great, don't get me wrong, but it didn't blow me away. Idk, it's all got a bit wrong with them lately.


I agree, while seeing them at the O2 was great, not everything clicked. I think they've lost some of that energy which they had say... 5 years ago. TR also seemed like this, their previous albums are great because there is energy running through them and that's one of the things that attract people towards the band.

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