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Another question.

I am going with my mom (I'm 16 and she believes I need a chaperone) If she leaves me in line to wait and we switch on and off taking turns waiting while the other gets food, going to the bathroom, etc.. Is that considered line jumping and bad?

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Another question.

I am going with my mom (I'm 16 and she believes I need a chaperone) If she leaves me in line to wait and we switch on and off taking turns waiting while the other gets food, going to the bathroom, etc.. Is that considered line jumping and bad?

Nay! Taking turns is good.

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Another question.

I am going with my mom (I'm 16 and she believes I need a chaperone) If she leaves me in line to wait and we switch on and off taking turns waiting while the other gets food, going to the bathroom, etc.. Is that considered line jumping and bad?


People are going to see you, as long as you both spend some time together in line, people will know that you're with another person and they won't find it a problem.

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I'm afraid of Mexican moms more than anything. I would totally be afraid of you! :LOL:


I had to fend off two Mexican moms at my own house at 5am. They were two of my friends' moms. Not fun.


Yeeeah, I remember you telling me that. That was horrible. :(


Oh well. I won. :awesome:


I knooooow. :awesome:








I need to hear this story sometime! :LOL:

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Woo this thread is :awesome: Let's me know what to expect. :p I've been in the pit before but It was for some small bands and the crowds were never real big or agressive. I'm excited to finally get some action though. I do have some questions, It seems that most people recommend taking a spot near the barrier on Chris' side. Will we still get to see all the action from there? Will Matt take a visit over to our side a couple times? :LOL: And also, for the AZ gig, how bad are the lines for waiting? I would just LOVE to have a barrier spot but I'm not sure I'll be able to be there at 7 A.M :LOL: I would really like this question answered. Cause this seems to be the thing I'm most concerned about. :erm:

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I am interrupting my Muse obsession for a moment with my Mythbusters obsession:


I just tweeted a question to Tory from Mythbusters and he responded!!!




What movie would you have killed to work on? #torychat




@solorjones TORY: That's a good question. Goodfellas. #torychat




Sorry! He is so hot!!! :happy:

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So this thread has a lot of good things you SHOULD do, how about I list a couple things you SHOULDN'T.


1.If you are large like myself (6'4, very fat) and you would like to be in the pit during MUSE, don't try to bare through the entire opening act. Me and my friend attempted this. After 30 seconds to mars we were fine, AFI took a lot out of us, and by the time MUSE took the stage, I had to go back to our seats. It was kind of disappointing at first, but I ended up rocking out with a couple awesome DJ's and other radio winners. If you must be in the pit, well it all really depends on the type of gig. Festivals will take a lot out of you, but if there is one opening band, chances are the pit wont be so bad.


2.Don't eat the $12 nacho and pepsi special before going into the pit. This makes everything worse for you. To put it bluntly, it will fuck your shit up big time. You will feel like throwing up the entire time. It's not fun. This does not mean do not eat though. By all means you should get a good meal in you before the show (not too close to the show though. Eat a nice meal an hour or two before the show, also try to snatch up a water bottle and a couple cliff bars for in the pit. It will make everything so much better.)


3.Don't wear ripped pants in the pit. People will rip your pants to shreds with their feet, and you will likely trip and cause people to fall over. Make sure your pants are in good moshing condition (not ripped, proper length, etc). We don't want you tripping all over yourself.


4.Don't smoke cigarettes in the mosh pit. The smoke lingers and most people hate the smell and WILL get very pissed. If you can't wait two hours for a cigarette you are a jerk. If you absolutely HAVE to smoke that cig, do it before or after the show. Many people will be smoking cannabis at the show (if it's the US at least). The use of cannabis at concerts is widespread. It is also illegal. The people smoking the weed do not want to risk being caught by security so they will try to do it as discreetly as possible. Now if you see this and are offended by it, make it known to them (grunt and stare at them) and they will be on their merry way. If they are assholes who are practically blowing the smoke in your face, tell security. Punk ass bitches need to learn some respect one way or another. (this last one may be a little controversial. It's true though. LOADS of people will be smoking the cannabis in the pit. It's a held in a different light then cigarettes here in the US. Second hand tobacco smoke causes cancer and smells like ass, Second hand cannabis smoke just smells like a variation of a skunk.)


Everything else has basically been covered before in this thread.

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Stand all you want. I went to a smashing pumpkins concert and stood almost the whole time. At one point I needed to tie my shoe and sat down and about 300 people sat down behind me, when it was tied I stood back up and so did they. I'm sorry to say that I am 6''2, so if you see me at Portland up front I hope you can forgive my genetics and say hi, I often try and help others see around me and am big enough to help protect you smaller folks out there.


I also wear ER 20 hifi earplugs. They are worth every penny. I can't give them enough praise.


Really though, most everyone is nice and helpful, plus most the crap you deal with in a pit is just a side note. Normally your too excited to care. It can't be worse than NIN or Murder City Devils last year at Sasquatch. I waited for over 6 hours in a pit in over a 100 F before their set even started, by the end I was spent and couldn't stay for Jane's Addiction. I get migranes and needed out.


Does anyone know how early I should start waiting for the show in Portland?

I haven't waited for any shows there. I would like to be at least within 2 or 3 persons from the stage.

Edited by bugrat
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Ok, question - if I'm in the pit and want to be on the barrier, is there any chance at all of me getting merch? Is there usually stuff left after the show or will it be sold out or...?


When I went to the U2 show there wasn't much hassle before the gig, went as soon as the gates opened, but I was seated so I had plenty of time. There also seemed to be stuff left afterwards :shifty: shoud I expect the same for muse? I'd want to get a shirt and a program if they have one - and I figure the shirt I could get later online, but I don't think they've sold the programs online....



BTW I'm watching PoTC 3 and they're at the big battle at the end, the music is Man w/the Harmonica :awesome:

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Ok, question - if I'm in the pit and want to be on the barrier, is there any chance at all of me getting merch? Is there usually stuff left after the show or will it be sold out or...?


When I went to the U2 show there wasn't much hassle before the gig, went as soon as the gates opened, but I was seated so I had plenty of time. There also seemed to be stuff left afterwards :shifty: shoud I expect the same for muse? I'd want to get a shirt and a program if they have one - and I figure the shirt I could get later online, but I don't think they've sold the programs online....



BTW I'm watching PoTC 3 and they're at the big battle at the end, the music is Man w/the Harmonica :awesome:

depends on the gig, and depends on the item. for the Vegas gig, they had nearly all the shirts available, but they sold out on the tote bags.

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I like to think that I am open minded. I would think that the hangover the next morning would be enough punishment for my kid if he passed out from drinking too much! :LOL:

There ya go! :LOL: Boundaries, of course, but ya know.


Ok, question - if I'm in the pit and want to be on the barrier, is there any chance at all of me getting merch? Is there usually stuff left after the show or will it be sold out or...?


When I went to the U2 show there wasn't much hassle before the gig, went as soon as the gates opened, but I was seated so I had plenty of time. There also seemed to be stuff left afterwards :shifty: shoud I expect the same for muse? I'd want to get a shirt and a program if they have one - and I figure the shirt I could get later online, but I don't think they've sold the programs online....



BTW I'm watching PoTC 3 and they're at the big battle at the end, the music is Man w/the Harmonica :awesome:

There's always merch left, jes!

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depends on the gig, and depends on the item. for the Vegas gig, they had nearly all the shirts available, but they sold out on the tote bags.


There's always merch left, jes!


Thanks for the input, guys!


I remember hearing people complaining at the U2 gig in NY that they had a hard time getting merch, so I was nervous at my gig and got my stuff beforehand but turns out I don't think it would have been a problem after. Hopefully I'll be able to get what I want at the first gig and won't have to worry!

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Ok, question - if I'm in the pit and want to be on the barrier, is there any chance at all of me getting merch? Is there usually stuff left after the show or will it be sold out or...?


When I went to the U2 show there wasn't much hassle before the gig, went as soon as the gates opened, but I was seated so I had plenty of time. There also seemed to be stuff left afterwards :shifty: shoud I expect the same for muse? I'd want to get a shirt and a program if they have one - and I figure the shirt I could get later online, but I don't think they've sold the programs online....



BTW I'm watching PoTC 3 and they're at the big battle at the end, the music is Man w/the Harmonica :awesome:


heh i was totally just going to ask the same question :p

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this thread makes me feel like flipping my GA ticket.. Only reason I got it was because the two friends I'm going with "NEED" to be in the pit whereas I'd rather get away from all the abuse and intensity and just enjoy the show.


However if Pacific Coliseum has seats for GA I guess that would work or if the back is tame in the pit I wouldn't mind doing that..


Any idea how long it'll be before I get my tickets from Concert Maps? I'm probably gonna try and ask my friend from work to get me a seat with him.

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this thread makes me feel like flipping my GA ticket.. Only reason I got it was because the two friends I'm going with "NEED" to be in the pit whereas I'd rather get away from all the abuse and intensity and just enjoy the show.


Any idea how long it'll be before I get my tickets from Concert Maps? I'm probably gonna try and ask my friend from work to get me a seat with him.


If you feel like this now, I would definitely stay out of the pit! You will be absolutely miserable! Usually you get your tix within a few weeks, If I am not mistaken.

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heh i was totally just going to ask the same question :p

great minds ;)


Any idea how long it'll be before I get my tickets from Concert Maps? I'm probably gonna try and ask my friend from work to get me a seat with him.

I've been wondering the same thing about concertmaps. I hope I get my ticket soon, I'd like to have it in my possession :$


Ticketmaster emailed me today telling me my ticket had been printed and will be mailed soon and I got that one a day after the concertmaps presale :erm:

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That wasn't the one who did the flying tackle on me I take it, haha.


Now that was a sad combination: security guard douchebag!


Another question.

I am going with my mom (I'm 16 and she believes I need a chaperone) If she leaves me in line to wait and we switch on and off taking turns waiting while the other gets food, going to the bathroom, etc.. Is that considered line jumping and bad?


Not if you're just holding a place for one other person and take turns. It's still a nice courtesy to let the people behind you know that you are holding her spot. You will probably meet some nice people in line that way, and all look out for each other while queuing and in the venue.


So this thread has a lot of good things you SHOULD do, how about I list a couple things you SHOULDN'T.


1.If you are large like myself (6'4, very fat) and you would like to be in the pit during MUSE, don't try to bare through the entire opening act.


Holy crap, I read that as you being 6'4", very fat and naked!


Ok, question - if I'm in the pit and want to be on the barrier, is there any chance at all of me getting merch? Is there usually stuff left after the show or will it be sold out or...?


When I went to the U2 show there wasn't much hassle before the gig, went as soon as the gates opened, but I was seated so I had plenty of time. There also seemed to be stuff left afterwards :shifty: shoud I expect the same for muse? I'd want to get a shirt and a program if they have one - and I figure the shirt I could get later online, but I don't think they've sold the programs online....



BTW I'm watching PoTC 3 and they're at the big battle at the end, the music is Man w/the Harmonica :awesome:


Varies with the venue; in Vegas it was cool, they set up the Merch table outside the gig. Most places it's inside, so if you're on the barrier you have to wait until after. Usually lots of waiting, and picked over merch -- they run out of sizes and seems like it's the girl-cut tees that run out first. Haven't seen a program yet, but might have them for the big tour; they did in Europe, were about $20.




Thanks for the input, guys!


I remember hearing people complaining at the U2 gig in NY that they had a hard time getting merch, so I was nervous at my gig and got my stuff beforehand but turns out I don't think it would have been a problem after. Hopefully I'll be able to get what I want at the first gig and won't have to worry!


At the NJ U2 gig they only had 2 tees, one bag; very limited selection. It was ALL about U2...

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