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Quick question! Isn't there more than one entrance at the arena? How do I know where to wait in line at? I don't want to get lost or anything. :$


I'm kind of afraid to drink anything before the show because of the whole restroom situation! There is absolutely nothing in that part of town because it's all industrial. The only thing I can think of is the restroom in the BART station? It's probably nasty though...


For NSSN they had us line up on the South side entrance...near the rear. I came in through the main gate and just walked back there. There should be people there telling us all where to go.


I am pretty sure there were porta-potties in the parking lot as well....so as a last resort, you could always use that.


Yea, Oakland doesn't like to make it easy on us fans....in Portland you could go to tons of places within walking distance to get food, or whatever and you could park whenever you wanted. This is starting to get a lil frustrating. haha


But the show is AMAZING, so it will all be worth it.


Has anyone called Oracle Arena to ask them if they will let people line up early and all that stuff? If not, maybe I will try to call later today or tomorrow....if you can think of anything other than lining up and parking that you would want asked, let me know.

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Has anyone called Oracle Arena to ask them if they will let people line up early and all that stuff? If not, maybe I will try to call later today or tomorrow....if you can think of anything other than lining up and parking that you would want asked, let me know.


Nope, I've actually sent them an email (about 3 days ago) but they haven't replied at all.. so yeah, let us know what they say about lining up early etc... (I really wish they'd give out numbered bracelets so that we wouldn't have to stand in line for hours but oh well :rolleyes: it should be fan to stand in line with other musers :D)

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Has anyone called Oracle Arena to ask them if they will let people line up early and all that stuff? If not, maybe I will try to call later today or tomorrow....if you can think of anything other than lining up and parking that you would want asked, let me know.


For what it's worth, I found this info from their box office page:



2) Absolutely no camping out in the parking lot.

3) No one is allowed on the property prior to 7:00 AM. ...


Hopefully the website is up to date... It looks you can get in early through the BART bridge at least, but I don't know for sure, or where any other entrances might be...:confused:

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hey guys! can't wait for the forthcoming gig. im comin from the university of san francisco (any other students say wats up!) and will probly get there around 12. hopefully ill get to meet u guys before the gig!


anyone goin to coachella after this gig?

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hey guys! can't wait for the forthcoming gig. im comin from the university of san francisco (any other students say wats up!) and will probly get there around 12. hopefully ill get to meet u guys before the gig!


anyone goin to coachella after this gig?



Me!! Hope to see you at both!

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As a frequent user of BART, it depends what station you're getting off at. I've been to other concerts and games at Oracle and never felt like I was in any danger, usually because there's always a lot of people using BART to get back home too. Getting off at San Francisco is a whole other story. I don't know people are going to get off in SF, and I'm a bit worried about someone who isn't from around here walking around the city at night alone. Do you know how far your hotel is from the station? It's going to cost a lot of money to get a taxi to take you from Oakland to SF. Maybe you can get a taxi at the sf BART station?


I'm staying around Union Square area. I'm thinking about taking the BART on my way to the concert and then coming back I'm either going to take BART all the way to San Francisco and then take the cab from that station to my hotel. Or just get a cab from the Coliseum. Wait how far away is the Coliseum from the BART station? I thought it was blocks away.


I better figure this out soon!


p.s.-I don't want to pay a lot of money to take a cab back to my hotel if I don't have to.

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I have a call into them....still waiting to hear back about, when we can line up, how much the parking is for the night, when will they let us park for this show, and if people can bring in signs.

Let me know asap if there is any other info you want to know so I can be sure to ask when/if they call me back. =o)


YAY MUSE in 5 days!!! :musesign:

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JessicaSarahS's pikachu icon reminds me that I should take my DS to keep me entertained while I'm in line. I'm sooo addicted to pokemon soulsilver right now. :D


I'm staying around Union Square area. I'm thinking about taking the BART on my way to the concert and then coming back I'm either going to take BART all the way to San Francisco and then take the cab from that station to my hotel. Or just get a cab from the Coliseum. Wait how far away is the Coliseum from the BART station? I thought it was blocks away.


I better figure this out soon!


p.s.-I don't want to pay a lot of money to take a cab back to my hotel if I don't have to.


The BART station isn't far away from the Coliseum at all. There's an overpass from Coliseum that takes you directly into the station, so you don't even have to walk on the mean streets of Oakland to get there. Union Square is a tourists area so it's actually not super bad. I know there's police that patrol around the area because bars and strip clubs are still open at that time. But maybe taking a cab from the SF station might make you feel more secure.

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JessicaSarahS's pikachu icon reminds me that I should take my DS to keep me entertained while I'm in line. I'm sooo addicted to pokemon soulsilver right now. :D


I'll be playing HeartGold in line! :LOL:


Thanks for the link,enjoyed the podcast.On a different note,sucks that Live 105 isn't as great as it was before.


They play a lot of Muse, so I'm happy. :)

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Man, I've not been on here in a couple years.....I'm aiming for the barrier, I don't care how packed we are, Muse are amazing live!


This will be my 9th time seeing them, ONE time I spent part of a show seated because that is the ticket I bought (£70 last minute from a tout because I couldn't just leave after meeting a friend there after going the night before and being blown away), it was great to see it from a different angle but not as much of a rush, so I went down to see if they'd let me on the floor when someone who couldn't hack it left, and they did and it was so much better. Almost made it to the barrier too. I understand people who want to sit in seats, but at some point, you're going to have to go to the floor because it is completely different!!! :D


Last time I saw them in the Bay they were at The Concourse which was amazing because Matt was like 5 feet away....beyond excited to see them again....2 years is WAY too long!


laksjdf;aisjdf;ljkads;ofh;asofj; adsfj asdkfja;shdf;alskdjf asdlfkjads f!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDDD

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So i didnt win the contest to go home and see Muse....but My sister is going to the concert...IM SO EXCITED FOR HER! :awesome: :awesome: :awesome: :awesome:


I hope she sees MK ULTRA:):):):):):)


sorry for the emoticons, im a little buzzed. haha

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