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map of the problematique


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I need some good sites.


sorry the only good site i had has now disappeared off the face of the interweb. tell you what, ill send you loads of vst plugins in a zip file.. hows that?


add me on msn ... the _ man 361 at msn dot com without the spaces and with the grammatical fings!

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how is midi done especially on Logic express on Mac?


get a usb midi interface thing, hook the whammy up to the midi out, then set logic to send midi information to that and go into the sequencer, then edit the appropriate midi command for whatever you want to do and press play :)



i'm using cubase on a regular laptop and an emagic mt4, never tried it with logic, if you want to send me your mac i'd give it a go ;)

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get a usb midi interface thing, hook the whammy up to the midi out, then set logic to send midi information to that and go into the sequencer, then edit the appropriate midi command for whatever you want to do and press play :)



i'm using cubase on a regular laptop and an emagic mt4, never tried it with logic, if you want to send me your mac i'd give it a go ;)


my Korg K49 has a midi out and is connected by USB. could i use that as an interface?

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try plugging it in and seeing if you can set it as the capture device... you'll have to have it as the active device though i think.. else your pc will be looking in the wrong place.


haven't got a whammy yet. I'm seeing if it was easy to get midi controlling on logic. tempted to get a whamy this weekend (if i wanna get one.) I'm just looking into th options of filters and sequencing atm.

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  • 3 weeks later...

i saw a lot of things around here... but what is the most perfect effect?


a step flanger or just the thing with midi?


and how to setup the midi then?


just plug in your guitar into cubase (the pc with the software on it) and let it send back to the amp? and i saw many people use their whammy, must that also be in the guitae, cubase, amp chain?

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nope definately all 3, i always find i can here the -1 more predominantly.

im not that familiar with the sequence... cant seem to get it, which is unusual. woud you be able to just mash up something in paint showing the three levels using bars (like a bar chart with x axis being time) or something to show me how it goes? just thick blocks at either -1, 0 or +1 (y)


you know you want to ;)

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sadly i'm on a mac and don't have paint, haha and to be honest i don't think i'd stand too much chance and coming up with anything accurate for you.

damn, fair enough.. you know what i mean though, like a cubase midi automation sequence... if anyone else wouldnt mind showing me how it goes id appreciate it, cos for some reason i cant hear it this time.

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