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I thought they were 13 or 14. :p


And Back in Black?? Who's singing? :p if it's Matt, I GOTTA HEAR THIS. :LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL:


Ya, I'm assuming primary school gets out at 8th grade in Britain (correct me if I'm wrong), and the shirts mean....13/14 year old Muse off to high school? :D

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dunno if they are on tour...but doesn't nic have a house near matt's or something?
nic lives in como, so yeah, high chances they got him on stage too :awesome:


i LOVED BiB when they played it for BDO, so damn pleased we got it again at least once! :D

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You'd think he'd wanna do it in countries where people won't be able to tell as much if he's screwing up the French!
nah. if it was with my language (portuguese), i would be DYING to hear it if he sang something in portuguese here.
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