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Yeah, I think Hamilton's the only major city in NZ that's further away from the coast than that.
And let's face it, who wants to be insured in Hamilton?


I'm a good weaver, if you need one for the chain of power :happy: I have learnt crowd weaving skills that have come in handy so often since.


This will winnnn :yesey:

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That's pretty mean. You'd think that the companies would be leaping at the chance to get new people signed up to their insurance plans.

its not mean. it was only for 12 hours. its to stop people who are otherwise uninsured deciding "ooh a tsunami!" and trying to get insure just for that event (which is against the principle of insurance). people do it in other things as well, like the big storm in the north island last year, people call as their houses are flooding and decide now's the time get insurance!

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I'm sorry to take everyone off topic. But i'm just telling all NZ'ers out there who haven't got the resistance yet, that i'm selling a copy on trademe (cheaper than all the other copies on there) because i won 2 copies and i'm going to buy the one with the DVD. So here is the link



Once again - sorry for changin the topic

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I'm a good weaver, if you need one for the chain of power :happy: I have learnt crowd weaving skills that have come in handy so often since.



Ooooh yes! I am a wicked shimmier, though definitely better at shimmying through the crowds when I am drunk! :party: *note to self*


its not mean. it was only for 12 hours. its to stop people who are otherwise uninsured deciding "ooh a tsunami!" and trying to get insure just for that event (which is against the principle of insurance). people do it in other things as well, like the big storm in the north island last year, people call as their houses are flooding and decide now's the time get insurance!


:LOL: I can't believe people actually do this!!!!


I have to officially see an orthopaedic surgeon for my knee, bahh!


How's everyone's Thursday? I got to work thinking how much study I need to do and how little time I will have to finish it all, set my theatre up, checked the machine and stuff and then found out that they had decided not to used that theatre for the day. So I have study time instead :chuckle:


How stoked am I!

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Since when did they have a bias against Muse? Do you mean Time Out as in the place where you play games and get tickets to win lollies/soft toys?


I think the reason for my low marks or possible failure this semester will be Bejeweled Blitz. One of my friends got a cheat thing and he's always number one now :(

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My Thursday is going pretty good. Been to town and did some shopping. Got steak and drinks for a BBQ leaving shindig tonight :awesome:


Time Out's annoying bias against Muse continues..."Dizzee Rascal leads Big Day Out's British Invasion". :rolleyes: I didn't realise he was the headliner.



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No, it's the NZ Herald's entertainment section.


They said Muse didn't have a hope of impressing at the 2007 BDO and gave a pretty negative review to the album last week.


BOOOOOOOOOOOO, *runs to get my pitchfork*


My Thursday is going pretty good. Been to town and did some shopping. Got steak and drinks for a BBQ leaving shindig tonight :awesome:






Sounds fun! My good luck ran out and I had to go help with a spine.... evil evilness, but then we had a baby shower thing for my boss and I got to eat delicious quiche and cake, and watermelon, om nom nomnom!

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No, it's the NZ Herald's entertainment section.


They said Muse didn't have a hope of impressing at the 2007 BDO and gave a pretty negative review to the album last week.


Well if we get the whole theatrical and moving podiums set up they are talking about, hopefully that'll sort them out with a better review.


My friend told me our uni paper Chaff gave the album a good review :happy: I'm listening to it now before I go.

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The only time Craccum's mentioned Muse is when a Muse fan sent in a HAARP review that made it in. The rest of the time the editors prefer to write about really obscure stuff. Muse are far too mainstream for them.

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The news was so exhausting tonight. When the reporters send the stories through 5 minutes before they go to air, it doesn't give you much time to type them up.


Won't someone PLEASE think of the captioners?!

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its not mean. it was only for 12 hours. its to stop people who are otherwise uninsured deciding "ooh a tsunami!" and trying to get insure just for that event (which is against the principle of insurance). people do it in other things as well, like the big storm in the north island last year, people call as their houses are flooding and decide now's the time get insurance!


Oh okay I thought you meant they were going to insure anyone within 3 kms for like a while after the warning, like a few weeks. I didn't realise you meant like only on the day it happened.


Since when did they have a bias against Muse? Do you mean Time Out as in the place where you play games and get tickets to win lollies/soft toys?




Did an essay today. Worked on it today and yesterday in the library. I think that's the longest I've spent consecutive hours in the library over consecutive days :eek::LOL: Handed it in and everything- OH FUCK FORGOT TURNITIN.COM BRB

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Oh okay I thought you meant they were going to insure anyone within 3 kms for like a while after the warning, like a few weeks. I didn't realise you meant like only on the day it happened.






Did an essay today. Worked on it today and yesterday in the library. I think that's the longest I've spent consecutive hours in the library over consecutive days :eek::LOL: Handed it in and everything- OH FUCK FORGOT TURNITIN.COM BRB

most insurance companies actually have a clause in their policies that cover for natural disasters, storms, flooding etc don't come into effect until after 48 hours of the policy being taken out. but for some reason my insurance company doesn't so they just decline insurance for a period of time around those sort of events to those affected areas. we get heaps of requests for short term contents insurance around christmas, and people aren't even smart about it "so yeah i've got some expensive xmas presents under the tree, can i get insurance monthly?"


this insurance law stuff is hard even though i work with it everyday. :noey: having the museboard open doesn't help my studying either of course.

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Oh okay I thought you meant they were going to insure anyone within 3 kms for like a while after the warning, like a few weeks. I didn't realise you meant like only on the day it happened.






Did an essay today. Worked on it today and yesterday in the library. I think that's the longest I've spent consecutive hours in the library over consecutive days :eek::LOL: Handed it in and everything- OH FUCK FORGOT TURNITIN.COM BRB



OMG turnitin sucks a fat one. I submitted my assignment to it today, and it came back with 0% which I thought was impossible???

Especially since I have direct quotes from books, it reckoned there was nothing compatible that is could find, highly suspect I think!

Emailed my lecturer about it and she reckons it's a good thing.... um I am convinced it hasn't gone through....



What are Dom and Chris doing?




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OMG turnitin sucks a fat one. I submitted my assignment to it today, and it came back with 0% which I thought was impossible???

Especially since I have direct quotes from books, it reckoned there was nothing compatible that is could find, highly suspect I think!

Emailed my lecturer about it and she reckons it's a good thing.... um I am convinced it hasn't gone through....

That's very suspect.


It really seems pretty pointless to me. Lecturers have said that when plagiarism has taken place it stands out when they're reading an assignment, so I don't know why they bother going through all that hassle.

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That's very suspect.


It really seems pretty pointless to me. Lecturers have said that when plagiarism has taken place it stands out when they're reading an assignment, so I don't know why they bother going through all that hassle.


Yeah, and I remember mine telling us that it should always have some percentage because it will always be able to pick up sentances from a particular topic, and I've never had it happen!


I have kept her email assuring me it's fine, just incase they try and tell me I haven't submitted it or something. Oh AUT, how I hate you!

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Good thinking.


How's your day been, apart from that?


Pretty good! Got loads of study done so I am up to date again, and then got some stuff for my friend's hen party on Sat, and went for dinner and a big walk with my friend and her dogs.


Had a few wines as I am on a late shift, was nice!

How about you?

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What are Dom and Chris doing?


Having some sort of Jedi mind trick battle apparently.


I have kept her email assuring me it's fine, just incase they try and tell me I haven't submitted it or something. Oh AUT, how I hate you!


*cough* I think you mean, AUTU :LOL:


Speaking of Jedi mind tricks, me and some friends are considering going to Armageddon this year. And we're going to go dressed up :awesome:

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