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Cambridge, UK.

Just received the Twilight Soundtrack from Amazon.co.uk. Listening to SMBH- and I liked it! What's MUSE?? Next->>> Youtube. Happened to be "Plug in Baby" from Wembley, 2007. OMG!!!! The rest is history!!! At the first opportunity went to the local music shop and bought all five MUSE albums at once!!!! Followed by intense MUSE music history lesson- upon which I fell in love ....with MUSE..... :musesign:

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....Yesterday I was watching the U.S. Open Golf Championship - they did a segment of clips from previous tourneys, and MAP OF THE PROBLEMATIQUE was the music soundtrack for the video.


I was already totally stoked to be watching the golf tourney, and when I heard Muse come on, I nearly fainted. :D


* muse + golf = the best feeling evah *



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My boyfriend likes NASCAR and they had a promo during the race and they played New Born..and actually that wasn't the first time I also heard Time is Running Out during a NASCAR promo a while back. My boyfriend hates it... :LOL:


I came to post this! I'm lame, and I watch NASCAR...and went jumping around the room when I heard New Born playing the race broadcast. But, it was very much a :ohmy: moment because NASCAR and Muse do not really "mix"...

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I was strolling around Venice Beach (to outsiders, it's near Los Angeles in California), where they have a lot of mini store things and then this one store was playing the beginning of Resistance when I passed by. When the intro piano played I was like :O and told my cousin they were playing Muse. It was like fate...lol.

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This is a strange one. Just been reading BBC's coverage of tonights England game online and the main editor said this:



11:51 Commentary


"There's a bit of concern over the state of the pitch at the Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium in Port Elizabeth. Apparently it's a bit heavy following a lot of rain in the last week and Slovenia and England were unable to train at the ground on Tuesday. Still, at least the England players will be used to playing on a dodgy surface - and, on that note, the pitch consultants in charge of Wembley have announced they have resigned, and will stand down at the end of June... hope whoever replaces them gets things right for the big one - the Muse concert in September."

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