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This has probably been posted before, but my son and some friends were watching a movie called High Tension last night in the front room, and they played Newborn for the chase scene and the closing credits.


OH MY GOD. I saw that movie on TV randomly a few years ago, freaked out over the use of Newborn, but I had never been able to find out what the movie was.



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YES! I was in the middle of saying tomato and the piano started! I froze, and just thought.. 'Exo?..... In subway?!':LOL:


Subway rules regarding radio are not very strict so if your are pro you can bring your own ipod and play whatever your like. For example I played he whole Exogenesis and Fury last time I was working.

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Heard it many many times on Dr who confidential (because I am just that cool) like '|Take a Bow' in Family of Blood, and also when Martha stopped being the Doctor's companion - I think it was 'invincible'.


Ooh and also 'Showbiz' in Being Human :D I recognised it in ONE NOTE IN, I was so proud of myself :D

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Heard it many many times on Dr who confidential (because I am just that cool) like '|Take a Bow' in Family of Blood, and also when Martha stopped being the Doctor's companion - I think it was 'invincible'.


Ooh and also 'Showbiz' in Being Human :D I recognised it in ONE NOTE IN, I was so proud of myself :D


They've also used Feeling Good, Starlight, and Hysteria among others. They haven't used it once so far in this series, but I'm waiting for it.

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They've also used Feeling Good, Starlight, and Hysteria among others. They haven't used it once so far in this series, but I'm waiting for it.


I hope they do, it was a pleasant surprise when I first saw it used on there (and Tennant always reminded me of Bellamy). What do you think of the new series so far?

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