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Hi, this is probably the wrong thread, but here it goes:

I'm looking for a good cover band to play at my party, in March '09; I'd love of course a few Muse covers, but not all of them. Crucially, it must be a band in the Leeds area..... and also I can't pay very much!! (please be kind, don't insult me :p).

Can you suggest anyone?



what chris said ;)

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i live in leeds, my band have been known to play muse covers from time to time... we have adam (from the board) playing drums... band link is in my sig


what chris said ;)


Hey! I spent some time on your page, this morning and..........YOU'RE REALLY REALLY GOOD!!!

In fact,.............I think you're too good for my party!:(

I mean, I don't think you're a 'party band', you sound like you should have your own albums out there!!

I need a band that can do lots of good covers, (for my own sanity!) as well as lots of 'trashy' one for the rest of the guests :LOL:

Anyway, I saw you're doing a couple of gigs in Leeds this month, so you just got yourselves another fan!:D

Of course, should you consider playing the sort of covers I'm after, then I'll be very happy to do business with you!:D

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Hey guys I joined a new band not long ago just wondering what ur opinions are? Now I do have a very musey style of playing guitar and did with my last band but i see this as a new challenge!





They played live at loch lomonds main stage not to long ago with sex pistols and pete docherty. Kind of pop, rock stuff.

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Hey guys I joined a new band not long ago just wondering what ur opinions are? Now I do have a very musey style of playing guitar and did with my last band but i see this as a new challenge!





They played live at loch lomonds main stage not to long ago with sex pistols and pete docherty. Kind of pop, rock stuff.


lol. i believe i just gave your band's 55,000th play lol.

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Are playing in Leicester this Sunday as part of the Glastonbudget Festival!


We need as many people as possible to come to be guaranteed a slot at next years Glastonbudget Festival.


If you live in, or know anyone else who lives in Leicester then PLEASE COME!


Theres about 5 or 6 bands all playing for a chance to play at the festival and we've been told that if we bring enough people then we're guaranteed a place!


Please help us out! Tell all your Leicester-based friends to check us out and come and support us!


Will be a lot of fun! And we guarantee free stuff!!


Sunday November 16th

The Shed




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I haven't posted on this board in a while, but a lot of you peeps still know me. Anyways recently I have been working on ridiculous, epic emo music with a friend. Our whole goal is to be as generic as possible, but by trying to do so we ended up becoming somewhat original. Anyways a rough mix of our MOST EPIC song is up at:




Be prepared to shit your pants at 5:19. It is fucking epic.

...and ridiculous.


Tell me what you guys think. Thanks.

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I haven't posted on this board in a while, but a lot of you peeps still know me. Anyways recently I have been working on ridiculous, epic emo music with a friend. Our whole goal is to be as generic as possible, but by trying to do so we ended up becoming somewhat original. Anyways a rough mix of our MOST EPIC song is up at:




Be prepared to shit your pants at 5:19. It is fucking epic.

...and ridiculous.


Tell me what you guys think. Thanks.


assuming its vaguely tongue-in-cheek (with the band bio on the space), thats actually pretty good :p

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Hi I havent been on here for donkeys years, I was wondering if anyone would check out my band and let me know what they think..we're called Lucid Dreams.


if you would check us out its http://www.myspace.com/luciddreamsband2008


if anyone likes the stuff we have a CD which I would quite happily send to people..


apologies for shameless promotion Im just trying to guage a response to our band..the recordings on myspace arent great due to the techies we were paired with at college not being too brilliant..but we are having the songs rerecorded professionally.


sorry for rambling, thanks for reading

Emm x

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