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CHEDDAAAAAAAA i got it. Tis good. It seems to be misssing the soiled undies though :(


I was playing it and then my sister came over and heard it and now she likes it too. But I think your songwriter has an infatuation with penises. You should keep an eye on him :stunned:



And cunts. :D

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CHEDDAAAAAAAA i got it. Tis good. It seems to be misssing the soiled undies though :(


I was playing it and then my sister came over and heard it and now she likes it too. But I think your songwriter has an infatuation with penises. You should keep an eye on him :stunned:


Yes, I keep my jap's-eye on him.


Glad you like it!


I thought you said you didn't want the soiled undies? I would have tossed one off no problem! Sorry.

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Here's a cover of one of the Instrumental sections from the Dream Theater song Octavarium:




Just click Hi-Fi to play.


This features the Moog Modular V virtual synth on for the lead, and my Mesa Studio Pre for guitars. The drums and bass are courtesy of the Garageband instruments in logic, they aren't great but are all I could be bothered to do.


Don't give me credit for the Lead line on the Synth, I have a midi of it and used that into the Moog.

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if anyone is playing any gigs this summer (or really any time after about mid-december), and theyre in need of a support act, give my band some thought! well play for free (shit, id even buy you a few drinks for the opportunity), bring a heap of people along, AND provide some pretty good (imo :p) music and energy to get your show going. we just want to build on our gigging experience, and get our name out a bit.



and if anyone reads this and knows someone in a gigging band, feel free to tell them about us. were ready and willing :p

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Are these Industry CDs? Have I missed a post? Can I have one please?


yeh industry ones. we're doing a thing where we will send you a few if you think you know anyone who might be interested in the music. we send them for free, in return you help get the material out :)


pm your address and quantity of CD's if you're interested ;)

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Chris, are you only doing it that way? don't think it would be of much help if I did that since I'm 'over here'! wouldn't mind a copy for myself though.


Haze -


found the CD copy of those 3SC recordings which I thought I'd lost. on/off/on (think thats what its called) is a ch00n :happy:

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