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i official recind any horrible comments i have made about tom.

his unibrow is a unibrow of POWER!!!


he's a real nice dude.

i got to talk to him, and i got some photos of him for you all!





sorry guys, i need some small amount of anonyminity. lol


oh yes, clio, i told tom about you. :p

if you guys REALLY want to see me, i think i posted these photos unaltered on some of the other boards.

OMG, Squirrel, that's so sweet.


:LOL: He is pretty hairy though, look at that chest.


The truth is finally out - the Squirrel's a girl - official lol

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By now everyone knows I have terrible karma when it comes to posting image links (or I'm a computer idiot; prefer the karma angle) but here goes:


With Erin in Maryland:



And with the MuseMoms in Philly:




OMG IT WORKED! Think I'll go buy a lotto ticket....

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oh noes.



he was here.

he saw what we've been doing.

i think we're in trouble. lol


and here after i actually like him. :LOL:


to think i said all those awful things.

i feel really bad, actually.

okay. that's it.


tom goes on my "i'm-not-picking-on-them-any-longer" list.

but i will keep up this because it's amusing. lol


somethign tells me he might not be as nice to me next time he meets me. :stunned:

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okay, i'm going to try a little experiment, so all you bear with me. i want you all, if only for ONE DAY, ONE MINUTE EVEN- say at least one mnice thing about tom on here.


i don't think clio ever intended for this tom bashing board to spiral quite out of control like it has. lol

this is not supposed to be a tom bashing board.

so say somethign nice please.


i'll start:

he is a nice person, and an awesome photographer



(the unibrow is a unibrow of POWER dammit! :LOL: )


c'mon, give it a whirl. :D

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He is a lovely, lovely guy and really funny and charming and I mean that. He does also know that we don't really mean it when we take the michael out of him.


Ok, that's enough or he'll think I'm ill...all these compliments aimed in his general direction. :D

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yah toms a great guy cant say ive actually met him :rolleyes: well not in person but hes not to bad from my standards which r low in his case (im joking :D )and its lovely of u to be so nice as to make this thread for him GBS (and this is the only time ill ever call u that just so u no my friend lol)

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okay, i'm going to try a little experiment, so all you bear with me. i want you all, if only for ONE DAY, ONE MINUTE EVEN- say at least one mnice thing about tom on here.


I'd have to go with he's very charming and lovely (despite calling me easy) and unlike the rest of Muse :indiff: he bought me a drink, and tried to look after me when said drink ended up putting me on the floor.

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shave his back? naaaaaah


do you guys have some issue with hair? lol


just braid it and ignore it.

i bet he'd love to have some girl rummaging through that, um, man coat and stuff. :p


at least, guys i know like that stuff.

my one guy friend enjoys it when i play with his beard. :D

as long as i don't so it so it tickles.



next person to see tom gets to braid his chest hair!


(and yeah, pink, i thought about doing him too. lol)

I admit and am disturbed by myself.

i think i'm goign to go hide in shame now.


*hides under a great big ice cream cone in a dark corner of the room*

*peers suspiciously out, while ice cream drips down my face*

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shave his back? naaaaaah


do you guys have some issue with hair? lol


just braid it and ignore it.

i bet he'd love to have some girl rummaging through that, um, man coat and stuff. :p





Mmmmmm I love mens braided back hair, its such a turn on for me ;)

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Tom's an awesome guy. Talked to him for quite a while, and he hung around a lot after the show (in Buffalo). He actually seemed to enjoy talking to me (probably because I was the only guy there shorter than him :rolleyes: ) and let me and a bunch of other people into the aftershow party. Cheers, Tom! :D

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i bet he'd love to have some girl rummaging through that, um, man coat and stuff. :p


It is just me or is it getting hot in here?







*hides under a great big ice cream cone in a dark corner of the room*

*peers suspiciously out, while ice cream drips down my face*


Oi! give me me ice cream back! *yoink*

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it's just you. lol


mebbe it's getting hot in here.

too bad i needed to get home because i had work in the morning.

i would have liked to go party for a little while. :p


well, i sent tom a pm about the turn around this board seems to be making.

hell, that might be fun to talk about how "hot" he is.

but i think i'll leave that to you guys, cuz honestly i have no opinion on the subject. :)

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