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How long are they on? They've still got to wedge in Mercy, Reapers, Uprising, Starlight, KOC and that harmonica solo that's as long as another song...


+ PIB and TIRO and you've got the entirety of the remaining set.

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yeah it's almost insulting


At this point, I'd say it is straight up dick-ish. I'd be seriously fucked off if I went to that Sweden gig.


Bliss and Resistance vs. Micro Cuts, CE, Apocalypse Please and Uno (so far)?


I don't wanna criticise them for bringing old songs back and playing sets like this but, shit, at least be a little bit consistent.

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At this point, I'd say it is straight up dick-ish. I'd be seriously fucked off if I went to that Sweden gig.


Bliss and Resistance vs. Micro Cuts, CE, Apocalypse Please and Uno (so far)?


I don't wanna criticise them for bringing old songs back and playing sets like this but, shit, at least be a little bit consistent.


it's staggering. The Pyscho tour (UK) was on the right lines, some consistent/sensible rotations etc but this is taking the piss :LOL: awesome fucking set but my god the injustice of being at earlier gigs

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