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Super drone is cool, in fact I would change my username given the choice.


The super drone lyric didn't bother me at all, really I don't think any of the verse lyrics are as bad as alot of the stuff on the last two albums, for example brainwashing our children to be mean, when there are so many better alternatives to mean that I came up with instantly upon hearing it. The only real lyric I have problem with in this song is the "your ass belongs to me now"


If Muse is going to keep up this jokey song joke band trend then this album will probably be it for me. Fool me 3 times shame on me.


Muse weren't a joke self parody band pre TR and only had hints of it on Black Holes like Knights but at that point it was refreshing and ok because its 1 song on the album. 3 albums later its like for fucks sake can we have more than 1 or 2 serious songs on an album.

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When i am reading through the pages, i think you like this (some of you):


Muse have to sound like on the first two (or three) albums

Matt should stop writing lyrics

He's not allowed to improve singing (and getting older)






I mean, hello? Ok, you can have ur opinions and you don't have to like everything from Muse, but it sounds like Muse HAVE to sound like YOU want em to sound! :$


I don't yell at someone in particular as i don't know who said what...

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When i am reading through the oast pages, i think you like is (some of you):


Muse have to sound like on the first two (or three) albums

Matt should stop writing lyrics

He's not allowed to improve singing (and getting older)






I mean, hello? Ok, you can have ur opinions and you don't have to like everything from Muse, but it sounds like Muse HAVE to sound like YOU want em to sound! :$


I don't yell at someone in particular as i don't know who said what...


Its not that, its just that they sound embarrassing and not serious at all with all of the problems we're complaining about piled on top of each other.


I don't think its too much to want my favorite band to make songs that sound serious again and sound like they are trying to write great music not make people laugh. T2L only really had Animals and the middle section of Unsustainable (not even a full song lol) that I would put in Muse's top class with their pre 2009 stuff. I don't listen to OoS or Absolution to laugh. I can understand why fans who came in to The Resistance, probably most of Muse's fan base now adays, but for us who have been around for a while this is becoming too much.

Edited by Citizen_Eraser
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Its not that, its just that they sound embarrassing and not serious at all with all of the problems we're complaining about piled on top of each other.


I don't think its too much to want my favorite band to make songs that sound serious again and sound like they are trying to write great music not make people laugh. T2L only really had Animals and the middle section of Unsustainable (not even a full song lol) that I would put in Muse's top class with their pre 2009 stuff. I don't listen to OoS or Absolution to laugh. I can understand why fans who came in to The Resistance, probably most of Muse's fan base now adays, but for us who have been around for a while this is becoming too much.


Ok, sorry for that but...i don't like animals, i always have to skip it on CD :stunned: as well as Guiding light, i think this song is cheesy...thank god we all have different likes in music! Would be boring otherwise :LOL: (and i love Origin of symmetry and like Absolution).


I enjoy funny songs and silly songs (look at I'm going slightl mad by Queen..), they experimented a lot with their music, and this variety i love in music! I don't like to have 10 similar rock albums, i like diversity..i mean Freddie Mercury even did an opera-like-album! No, nothing for Matt :D

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Its not that, its just that they sound embarrassing and not serious at all with all of the problems we're complaining about piled on top of each other.


I don't think its too much to want my favorite band to make songs that sound serious again and sound like they are trying to write great music not make people laugh. T2L only really had Animals and the middle section of Unsustainable (not even a full song lol) that I would put in Muse's top class with their pre 2009 stuff. I don't listen to OoS or Absolution to laugh. I can understand why fans who came in to The Resistance, probably most of Muse's fan base now adays, but for us who have been around for a while this is becoming too much.


Why do a lot of pre 2009 fans think they're the spokesman of all of them? It's bloody annoying.

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I've seen so many people now quoting this bit from an interview with Dom in 2007


Not everyone gets the Monty Python aspect to our music but it’s there. There are some serious ideas, but a lot of the musical accompaniments and flourishes are done in a spirit of fun. We’re often laughing as we record.


as if this magically makes the song (or, rather, its theme) good because it's tongue-in-cheek.

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I've seen so many people now quoting this bit from an interview with Dom in 2007




as if this magically makes the song (or, rather, its theme) good because it's tongue-in-cheek.

That's silly. The song is good because of the music.
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I think they mean what they are singing, with this coming album. and on Drones. i read that some think it is a fun-song?! Justbecause some are not used to such offense from Muse maybe? i wouldn't like to be Matt being interviewed about that by silly journalists :mad:

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as if this magically makes the song (or, rather, its theme) good because it's tongue-in-cheek.


Seems to me that they're using it as a crutch. I just can't help thinking a lot of their recent output would've been better if they hadn't leant on the Monty Python aspect so much, and gone in with the level of commitment you see in Converge, Deftones and Gojira. I mean, I like Psycho, but I'd rather the tone of the song was meaner, nastier. It'd fit nicely in the general area of Nothing's Funny or Black Bubblegum by The Dillinger Escape Plan. As it is, they've been held back for a while by this "hey, we're just mucking around!" vibe. I think the best work they've done on the last two albums has often been the more sincere stuff (though that's been a mixed bag- you have Exogenesis and Save Me on one side, and then there's Guiding Light).

Edited by Alec.
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I've seen so many people now quoting this bit from an interview with Dom in 2007




as if this magically makes the song (or, rather, its theme) good because it's tongue-in-cheek.


Well thats a great excuse. When I hand a shit piece of work in at Uni I'm just going to tell my lecturers "It's okay because it was meant to be shit, you just don't get me. Anyone of you guys seen Monty python?"

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Tbh I can't make up my mind. I'm convinced that it's a concept album, and that it's definitely serious in that context, but then if the whole thing is like Matt's fascination with conspiracy theories in general (ie he kinda laughs at it and likes to try and see things from the perspective of those who actually believe it)...I dunno.


If he's seriously trying to send out a message, it's really tacky.


Also, the whole "it's not serious" is basically just the music version of this:





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Well thats a great excuse. When I hand a shit piece of work in at Uni I'm just going to tell my lecturers "It's okay because it was meant to be shit, you just don't get me. Anyone of you guys seen Monty python?"



Well, they don't have a professor or some commite (do you write it like this?) that are telling them to write it again or they fall through the exam!

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Seems to me that they're using it as a crutch. I just can't help thinking a lot of their recent output would've been better if they hadn't leant on the Monty Python aspect so much, and gone in with the level of commitment you see in Converge, Deftones and Gojira. I mean, I like Psycho, but I'd rather the tone of the song was meaner, nastier. It'd fit nicely in the general area of Nothing's Funny or Black Bubblegum by The Dillinger Escape Plan.

It's incredible how you manage to include Converge, Deftones and/or Gojira in 99% of your posts.

Tbh I can't make up my mind. I'm convinced that it's a concept album, and that it's definitely serious in that context, but then if the whole thing is like Matt's fascination with conspiracy theories in general (ie he kinda laughs at it and likes to try and see things from the perspective of those who actually believe it)...I dunno.


If he's seriously trying to send out a message, it's really tacky.


Also, the whole "it's not serious" is basically just the music version of this:






:LOL: pretty much.

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Well, they don't have a professor or some commite (do you write it like this?) that are telling them to write it again or they fall through the exam!


We'll in that particular analogy the lecturer would be the audience giving feedback and then Muse playing it off insisting it was meant to be tongue in cheek...

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Why do a lot of pre 2009 fans think they're the spokesman of all of them? It's bloody annoying.


We don't. Its just the style of Muse we loved and its clear for various reasons that were not getting it back. The post 2009 fans if they love that style of Muse then be happy that it looks like it's here to stay.

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But for example the dragging out of one-syllabe words has been there since at least Abso (SS, B&H, TaB).


And no, I don't remember anything as cheesy as "I'll turn you into a super drone" in the old albums.


"Stretch it like it's a birth squeeze" makes me cringe so bad that it hurts, but the song overall makes up for it.

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It's incredible how you manage to include Converge, Deftones and/or Gojira in 99% of your posts.


First examples that sprang to mind. I'll try and vary it- I feel I could swap in Neurosis, At the Drive-In (now there's a band who came up with sillier stuff than Muse and got away with it through sheer conviction), Tool, NIN or the old 'shug.


You get what I'm driving at here, though?

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We don't. Its just the style of Muse we loved and its clear for various reasons that were not getting it back. The post 2009 fans if they love that style of Muse then be happy that it looks like it's here to stay.

I see you didn't get the point.

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"Stretch it like it's a birth squeeze" makes me cringe so bad that it hurts, but the song overall makes up for it.


Everyone always brings up this line when talking about old bad lyrics and I never get why, it seems fine to me :chuckle: Is it because of the imagery?

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We don't. Its just the style of Muse we loved and its clear for various reasons that were not getting it back. The post 2009 fans if they love that style of Muse then be happy that it looks like it's here to stay.


I am so sorry, but again I have to mention a band of whom I know you don't like to talk about....Radiohead. :$


I used to be a fan of them, at the time of Bends and O.K.Computer. Those 2 albums are so great, but after that...no, thank you. The same with Smashing Pumpkins. I loved them during the time of Siamese dream and Mellon collie...but then again, I felt nothing for their music after that. Well, being already 39, when i listened to these album it was in my teens...this was my big time (Generation X if you like). Then my musical taste changed...i wish I could relive this time again, it was so great but hey, I live today and not yesterday, and I am happy that Muse is here to give me some dose of good rock music.

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